Jg diff meaning So if someone on the winning team says “DPS diff”, they’re implying that the losing team’s DPS players were bad compared to theirs and the reason that their team won. Also when they get tilted and think they are all clever and crafty with stealing your jg camps, go to their lane and collect 1-2 waves. Lane diff is pretty simple. And that's also where team diff comes in where Quinn can just bully Renekton but not overstay or overextend to get ganked. You lost lane, went negative, and just in general got crapped on by the enemy laner. 99/Month. Noun version, JG abbreviation for Jewgen aka Jew. Dec 21, 2023 · Diff definition by Slang. Quer dizer que você foi superior ao seu oponente de posição (bot, mid, top, jg) As 'ruas' (lanes) do #LeagueOfLegends Bot = parte de baixo do mapa Mid = o meio do mapa Top = Topo JG = Jungle / Selva The changes that need to happen are not about levelling or camp's gold. These golden lines are to be found in-game and on several subreddits. Meanwhile you were playing amumu, got counter jungled by the enemy early game champ on second buff because ofc your team didn't ward so you have safe vision of your buff and so you had to recall and are struggling to get farm money and levels to keep up. You would see a pretty significant drop ‘jg diff’ comments because ganks would be more survivable thus punishing the team for failed ganks. Unfortunately, it is not always true. zZz 😴 Saying 'Saying " JG Diff " is way too toxic' is toxic itself. When i get flamed in my master games and someone says im diffed it usually boils down to me not doing the best potential play, while we have informations on the 🔵 Season 12 jungle guide: A total jungle carry gameplay guide to show you how to win and climb while getting MVP/S+ every game on EVERY class of jungler! 🔵 For example: "jungler please come to this dragon, their jungler is dead/away" is a lot different than someone saying "our jungler got us zero drags this game, jg diff". Thing is: Sett's Haymaker is the exception even - most other true damage abilities are aa applied (yi, fiora, vayne, camille) or ults with huge damage potential and mostly executes on top for the additional fuck you (Pyke, garen, darius - the dude at least has to stack it, cho'gath Dec 7, 2008 · The verb of Jew. Otherwise, you're now shit outta luck and worthless for the rest of the game. It's true meaning is when your jungler out-jungles the enemy jungler, like tyler1, the inventor of the word and the best jungler in the world. Mid diff: Relatively close match, combatants are fairly even: Batman vs Captain America. pro/lgDiscover the wo Diff là gì trong game - Trọn bộ thuật ngữ Liên Minh. Jg diff cause he got objectives and helped backdoor despite doing 8k damage. Player Diff. I mean, I'm not bothered by some random player saying "[lane] diff" and such even if they went 0/5 or something, but I also just don't get it lmao. It's really an acknowledgement that Rengar and I were the only two people really playing the game. Like. why? Especially when there was zero all-chat usage for the entire game, just seems weird to me. JG is probably the most shat upon position in game I mean I main wukong, monkey clones and all and I can't cover all angles at once (I wish) It's enough to gank/support top/bot lane and jungle clear while needing to time iteams and back to dragon/herald while the rest are micro playing their lane at this stage People expect you to tower dive then type “jungle diff” when they get continuously ganked because they’re pushed up to the enemy tower and overextended. If aurelion sol goes even with fizz until mid game, thats a mid diff in sol's favor. Don't waste your time with trash :p Reply reply Smells like gg jg diff It would be nice if they mean people screaming 'jg diff' and the like because they can't hold it down in your lane, but I assume what they are saying here is they have a plethora of 'griefing' jg players they are looking to do something about. If you see they get ganked try to go in for a counter gank, but honestly if they have priority, maybe try roaming into enemy jg and catching them out and maybe your pushed laners will follow, forcing the enemy laners to miss farm if they rotate to help jungler or they stay to get farm and the enemy jg is outnumbered. Reply reply 570K subscribers in the LeagueOfMemes community. Reply reply The meaning of pings from a jg Educational When I ping "On My Way", that means, I'm on the way to gank ur lane so try to play defensive and safe to bait him into a compromised position, ITS DOES NOT MEAN Go engage and die while I'm still on the way. like when our jungler or mid is a shit player would would either say mid diff. or jg diff. Just because the enemy jungler is not getting as many kills as your team's jungler, does not necessarily mean jungle diff. If the jg is hard camping me top side I expect my jg to at least counter jg if not gank bot into drake, but the majority of the time the jg sits on my top laner or me and our jg doesn't want to leave their camps. U just gank when bot isnt there kill jinx botlane has a wave or two at best and the jinx returns still with a lead and that is massive jg diff Better thinking: Look if any lane has prio and don't blame them for not helping if 2 waves of stacked minions are under their turret. Let's say bot is pushing, no objective on the map. Simply saying that the enemy JG was doing a better job ganking and setting up for the objective capture, while his JG was farming wolves. Below are different types of Diff slangs used in League of Legends. I literally had to do the jg's job going bot, mid, top, mid, drag, mid, herald, repeat bc he did nothing but int and the other laners weren't doing any better. Here's how you deal with itC Imagine having a j4 jg doing nothing rather than farming, dying when ganks cause he misses everything and blames u and counter jungling while your team's lanes have no pressure and dies in the process cause their lanes followed, while their Lee sin constantly ganks bot mid top, counter ganks, invades when his lanes have pressure and takes objectives. It does not have to be right for every game to be a valid concept. e. Top Diff. ONLY FUNNY MEMES ABOUT LEAGUE UNFUNNY MEMES WILL BE JUDGED BY THE COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION. Nov 6, 2021 · Their Lee Sin will chase you into your nightmares. You can't do the 2nd most damage in game and 1st on team as JG who doesn't lane trade and be just last hitting for kills. man it actually pains me that jg dif is so widely, un ironically, used. You call diff when someone on your team is so far above the enemy playing their respective role that it isn’t even close, if both mid laners are carrying their team then it isn’t a diff, if your support has successfully ganked more times then the enemy jungle has in 15 minutes, taken 2 objectives with the help of what does top is jg difference mean? I dont get the meme af all, difference means the skill gap obviously but what does top have to do with the jg skill gap? Archived post. Oct 4, 2024 · Learn what is “Jungle Gap” or “Jungle Diff” in League of Legends, understanding its implications on gameplay and the importance of teamwork over blame. JPDIFF Personally I'd take it away from sett as well, sure it's fairer, but I just hate the damage type with a passion. Then it is jgl diff by definition. i was wondering what you guys say Aug 21, 2021 · Is every game a jungle diff? If you are feeling like every League of legends game is a jungle diff, check out these 5 reasons! This video is meant to explain Our jg ganked bot 3 times, he got 2/0/1, became cocky and decided to W into Samira when she was under her tower then died. Click Here to Improve! https://gopg. Open comment sort options It is short for jungle difference, meaning that one jungler was clearly better than the other Reply reply I mean i say "jg diff" after every game i do better than the enemy jungle and i havent been banned yet. Diff is short for difference. But I am sure there have been faster. This page explains what the slang term "JG" means. However, if the enemy team initiates a JG Obj capture and JG is farming wolves, than it's definitely a GG JG diff. my mid goes 0/7 at 9 mins. Being a good JG has to do with capturing JG objectives and priming the lanes to help with that. You don't know whether someone creates bad situations for their lanes. This role is not only broken but also extremely easy. Jungle is like a chess board, and the laners are just pieces on that chess board. Totally agree on this. Good jungler. Lane gold and exp>jg camps It is a slang originated from League of Legends where you say "x diff" to denote that the reason why you are losing/lost or won/winning is "x" (usually it is a role, but can be made into a joke by using other terms, like saying "lag diff" because you died due to a lag spike). This can be done for any lane. Junglers can influence every lane, and a losing jungler basically means you will lose map control. I mean, that sub is a joke so it's honestly a good thing for you. I finally got them back in the game after ending each lane's life 2+ times each but bot and jg decided to start running it down to pyke so we lost. When lane volatility is low it's all about the jg diff baby. Learn more about the GPI! Int Posted by u/piroman68 - 524 votes and 24 comments People dont get that certain junglers arent fighters or assassins and can also be tanks or supports and with that comes a supportlike score the term negative diff refers to when a character/verse can beat another character/verse so easily/badly, it would be harder for them to keep said other character/verse alive. This page explains what the abbreviation "Diff" means. Diff is simply used to acknowledge the difference between two similar aspects of the game in different teams (champion, lane, roles etc). I mean, i don’t call things like this jg diff, bc the enemy jgler had nothing to do with your call. lmao that's how I felt yesterday as mid. In short it also means that whatever they're saying isn't worth listening to since they're probably just being toxic. Seems kind of idiotic to me. From detailed in-depth player analysis to match review insights to pregame scouting on teammates and opponents, we are determined to give Junglers all the information they need to achieve a JG Diff in It has always been "jg diff meta" at least in the eyes of players. He facechecked a bush and died to Khaxiz "sup diff, no ward" Aug 13, 2023 · It is a term often misused by many in LoL, confusing it with top diff. Also: If you rely on scuttle you can chose your jungle pattern in loading screen regarding to enemy jungler, his jungle path and which of your lanes should have prio in the first 5 minutes of the game. Welcome to r/KaynMains! This subreddit is dedicated to the one and only, the Edge Lord himself, Kayn, the Shadow Reaper and his not-so-trusty companion, Rhaast, The Darkin Scythe. High diff: A match that's more one-sided than equal: Batman vs Spider-Man. They get blamed a lot when shit goes wrong because they're the easiest to blame, and it's widely known that jungle is the highest impact role in the game right now, so even if a laner makes a mistake, it's easy for them to offload blame to the jungler. No ally mid. Low diff: Winning side won't have too much trouble: Batman vs Black Widow. Bot is pushed in meaning enemy is close to fight. Then, don't understand why people call JG diff, after the enemy JG has been rotating to the lanes all game ganking and taking all drake's and herald. You're topside and your bot hardshoves and gets ganked screaming no counter gank ez jung diff. Enric's early early early game is so clean, but we're still forgetting some important principles in the jungle. guys i found the forbidden knowledge on how to out lvl your solo lanes and the enemy jg, just have ~10cs/min 19kp and take all the jg objectives! it's that simple and u will be 1 lvl ahead! All automated. – The point is to not feel bad when someone says jg diff. I have watched people with good kda abso lose the game for their team. So i dont think you can get banned unless you say worse stuff. Too much is emphasized on optimized jg clears and counter jungling. Nov 4, 2024 · About. Jun 10, 2020 · It's true meaning is when your jungler out-jungles the enemy jungler, like tyler1, the inventor of the word and the best jungler in the world. It means that the enemy in the role is making a difference in that game. doesnt mean he is going to carry the game by default. Jungle Diff – Being a Jungler in League of Legends is a hard life. 🟢Become a better jungle with the Ultimate Tips To Climb League of Legends in Season 14! 🟢 Reach your DREAM Rank In Season 14 & Climb FASTER 👉 https://virk YIMO is the abbreviation for Yi Mains Only. Does this stat not mean what I think it means? Hold'em Manager said this hand was -$0. You can only make jg diff become a smaller issue if knowledge about jungle pathing and ganks become less important than it currently is. 87 EV $ Diff ***** Hand History for Game 65874974496 ***** (Poker Stars) In most cases you just won't. Let's say you are playing Mid and you are doing poirly while the enemy is doing better, in that case someone might say "omg mid gap" or "ong mid diff" as in the skill difference between midlaners. I can just see the game when enemy jg ganks lane he leaves the kills to botlane. And no if "jg diff" got people banned, half the players wouldn't be here right now. You will usually see one team at the end of the game typing this in all chat when they lose. Jungler is the most important role, and if it is losing, then you're losing on the most important role. Learn from Doublelift, Sneaky, CoreJJ with Masterclass Courses & Exclusive Content for $9. If I'm always a step late then that's tempo, and if I'm down farm and levels that's efficiency. Good dup target for questions where the problem is not realizing that numbers with their high bit set are negative for jl / jg and compare less than any number without that bit set. Big shock. The League of Legends community uses the term “diff” while talking to the opponent to stress the fact that their teammate is miles better than their role opponent. You’ll also see GGWP for “good game well played”. It's about knowing what is his exact path. i put my best foot forward for these teams and every little thing that happens is my fault. But your call was a mistake. May 29, 2021 · today we're going to be taking an in-depth look into what it truly means to "jungle diff" an enemy in league of legends. You have to know the lane match-ups of your team, the lane states, optimal jg pathing, the enemy jungle path, ganking/counter-ganking and much more. used to shit-talk the other team and absolutely flex your skill on the same opposing hero. When the 0/12 jungler gets hard carried and wins, he says “jg diff” or “better jungle wins” to tilt the enemy some more. This is the most toxic fucking trend to plague this game ever. Prob isnt taking kills, it's taking kills AND minions (not just helping to push, i mean really take care of last hitting every single creep) But still, for the effort, you won a rare nice midlaner taking prio for objectives. And if you can't help it, just mute all. ), is used to convey that the player on the trash talker's team is performing worse than the player in the same role on the opposing team. Streamer Tyler “Tyler1” Steinkamp made it popular with his “Jungle Diff” phrase. JG = Jungle Diff = Difference Can be replaced with any lane position (ADC Attack Damage Carry, TOP, SUP Support, or MID). game sold before we The best time to say JG Diff is as the 3/8/4 Jungler whose mid laner went 17/1/10 Being a little mean to each other generates motivation i love it . diff, means there was a difference in skill, but it's a stupid thing to say because every game will be a diff since theyre always a winner and loser Reply reply KittensDaddyBear "Diff" basically means difference between your team's jungle and their team's jungle. Es bastante útil porque si sabes que está a —130 no hay necesidad de arriesgar con un disparo a la cabeza para matarlo porque fácilmente puedes disparar al cuerpo que tiene un hitbox más grande y menos probable que falles una bala. As a carry jungler ur job is to make the enemy miserable while putting ur team at a strategic Advantage thru ganks, objectives, and map control. Jungle Diff Definition "Jungle Gap" or "Jungle Diff" is a term used in the LoL community to describe the difference in skill or impact between the two junglers in a match. them making a massive mistake. JG diff: definition, what does it mean? It is a term often misused by many in LoL, confusing it with top diff. This is a team game and while you can win individual lanes the jungle is the place where the "team" part manifests the most. It is a term often misused by many in LoL, confusing it with top diff. . It's true meaning is when your jungler out-jungles the enemy jungler, like tyler1, the inventor of the word and the best jungler in the world. Jan 5, 2023 · New skins have been revealed on League of Legends social media. It is a community consisting of many Yi mains across the globe and we all enjoy playing Master Yi and discussing about him. " while the jgl helpd bot 2 times, fot drake and counterganked for me in midlane. Jun 2, 2020 · You screwed up your lane and you need a really good excuse or someone to blame it on “Jg no dragon”, “useless jg”, “jg diff” We ace them at Elder, get Baron, and win the game Enemy team keeps flaming Panth while dead It’s a “jg diff” Bruh we got carried by Kennen and I barely did anything what do you mean jg diff Moral of the story: it’s always jg’s fault Jun 2, 2020 · You screwed up your lane and you need a really good excuse or someone to blame it on Anyways, after that game I just accepted that junglers are going to get hit with jg diff in 90% of games, and so I thought, why not preemptively say it myself and mock these lane monkeys? And the results were that people keep their fingers on QWER, and feed significantly less, and so I will continue to mock my teams by hitting them with “jg Lane Role + Diff Meaning: Mid Different Ex: Mid Diff From my experience, this is to put flame on your mid laner and state that your kid laner is way worse than their mid laner. This video highlights the big diff between Ch So J write in lobby “Careful guys, the enemy jungler is an early game bully, and I’m more a scaling jg, hence I won’t have as much impact early on so please respect that” The adc answer : “Muted” The same adc dies 3 times in 6 minutes from repetitive ganks of the Lee Sin and keep pushing without any map awareness, he blames support "Tank Diff" would mean they think their tank sucks, and the enemy tank is much better. just played a game against kayn jg as khazix. net. This can be done multiple ways, but the most important thing many jg fail to remember is that camps are relatively static while lanes are dynamic. Ur jg says Mar 8, 2012 · test with 2 different registers then jg is very weird. It's the same with saying role gap If you see something like “jg diff” it means there was a massive skill gap between one jungler and the other. We are constantly updating our database with new slang terms, acronyms, and abbreviations. kayn is now 5/0 and neeko is 2/0. Edit: I see I've upset some people who likely go out of their way to do that very thing and belittle their teammates. Meaning it's inconsistent, 1 game lane volatility is very low and the next game it's very high or 1 day all your games feel like low lane volatility and the next day all your games are high lane volatility. Feb 9, 2023 · We've all been there, your laners are dying to every gank and you're getting frusturated that they're blaming it on jungle diff. Ok so support is killing the jungler. Meaning 2: used when a player is underperforming in a role in comparison to the enemy in the same role Jan 3, 2014 · Assembly Language: difference between ja and jg? has an 8-bit example pointing out that 0x80 is 128 as unsigned, and -128 as signed. Posted by u/Conor19921 - No votes and 8 comments Fuck off with this. I assume this only exists in a made up example to get you to break down the flag-setting and flag-reading without any of the normal semantic meaning to help you figure out what it does. Jg diff Share Sort by: Best. There is absolutelly no other way around that, even though it sounds harsh. That was the first "sup diff" in the chat of that match, till now i still don't understand what i did wrong. Jungle diff occurs when one Jungler outperforms the other. Details Content Description: a question mark with the words ja kdyz jungle diff written below it File Size: 6347KB Duration: 3. Asol prio mid. Sep 27, 2021 · Can sometimes be used ironically to mean “it’s over” when things are going poorly. You proved your own hypocrisy only two sentences later with 'People who get carried and type " JG DIFF " after are scum. That's not to say any other laner wouldn't either but jg is the most important role to not fall behind on because they are the usually the supporting pillar to every objective play and need to be at the right location at the right time. If lee rotated the trade is won. Reply reply useyourbrainplease1 • Just remember: Riot is a big Can someone explain the EV $ Diff section of Hold'em Manager to me? I thought this hand would be +EV because I was a favorite throughout the hand. I mean, I definitely would say JG if the Jax got ganked and his JG was positioned and made a play at Dragon. A lot of things can happen I appreciate the no-tilt mindset, but if you think this is "jg diff," you haven't seen Silver. I mean, if the JG isn't getting Drake, they should be capturing herald and quickly translating it into a turret capture. The former actually has to do with the game state and strategy, the latter is just looking at a stat with no context so they have an excuse to blame you (often if a jungler gets They think full clearing JG while ignoring the rest of the map, including actively avoiding JG objectives, is an acceptable way to play JG. 갭이라는 표현 자체가 NA와 EU의 격차가 줄고 있다는 것을 "the gap is closing" 이라고 표현했던 것에서 나온 것이기도 하다. a word commonly expressed usually at the end of a round or match (prominently in Overwatch) that implies a skill differential between one hero and the opposing same hero. ' Typical double standard, one for others and one for yourself. Neg diff: One-sided fight, bit of a mismatch: Batman vs Contessa Mar 12, 2023 · Diff is probably a term that originated in League of Legends and has found its way into other Riot games like Valorant. The GPI is one of the core features of Mobalytics. Diff is an abbreviated slang form of the word "difference" that has been used in the gaming communities for trash-talking purposes. So yes, for some people there is jgl diff cause they died in a 1v1. It’s used to suggest that the skill level of the targeted player(s) is significantly different to their counterpart(s) on the other team. It's actually kind of funny because it kinda leads mid elo players into developing some bad habits. oh i was asking what slang u guys use. net team. If I afk farm while the other team gets a massive lead then that's jg diff via ganking impact. It’s like a game of chess where you are queen but all your other pieces are moving randomly and you have to constantly adapt your strategy to ensure that you won’t lose. There are a lot of JGs that get great KDA and are terrible JGs and still lose the game. Yeah probably until high diamond hardly any JG knows they can help laners more than with only ganks, such us helping pushing the lane in the required situations, freezing for the laner, helping break a freeze, etc. The earliest I have seen jg diff called personally was about 2:10 when a top laner died to lvl 2 cheese, tp'd back and died again. com If I get counter ganked or killed and counter jungled then that's jg diff from jungle tracking. I think jg easiest role in the game ( support is easier to do nothing but harder to solo carry). It suggests that one jungler is significantly outperforming the other, contributing more to their team's success by killing more drakes , taking the baron , or taking Things to say instead of "Jungle diff," and how to understand your jungler - a comprehensive league of legends guide. Jg diff is defined on who does their job better as a jungler. Since at least Season 3 people have used the jungler as the blame for any misplay or loss. See full list on slangsolver. ¿Qué significa 130 en Valorant? Eso significa la cantidad de daño que hizo esa persona a ese personaje. Silver jungle diff is the enemy jg snowballing that successful level 2 gank into ganks and/or invades from 3 - 6 (team doesn't ward, adapt, or collapse) dragon gank mid / bot with supp/mid roam However, if you don't trade you lose way more in cs. your jg ganking you or 2. Nov 29, 2022 · Jungle Diff. No point in hovering mid. OFC: Of fucking course Good shit: A complement You possibly might come across people who use cuss words that are meant to be high praise. Jung diff as a term doesnt mean "fck i died because of the enemy jungler while my own isnt ganking me" it means that there is a skill diff. GPI. People who say shit like "JG diff, ADC diff" are fucking assholes of the lowest order. The classic mid VS JG! In this video I go over mid Lee Sin's deaths in lane phase to see if it really was a JG Gap as he claims, or a mid diff. The definition, example, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the Slang. Yet again all this could have been avoided if sup didnt go counter jgl lol Bot, the moment one of them dies it’s my adc or my support is incompetent, ARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGG STOOOOOOOOP FEEEEEEDING, INT REPORTED, GARBAGE SUPPORT, GARBAGE ADC, JG NO GANK FF, JG DIFF, WHY DIDN’T YOU PING ENEMY MID WAS COMMING, NO WARD DODO HEAD SUPP, WHY IS THERE FIVE BOT, JG NO DRAG, STOP TAKING KILL CS!!!!! There are a lot of reasons why jungling sucks in terms of the social dynamics in League. So jg must impact their LANES to help their team win. You have the right to say diff when your teams Nami 1v1’s the enemy Kat. Embed. I see far more gloating ever since diff became a common phrase. Possibly hit masters first time playing jg role first year. To be cheap. Objectives and macro. Used: tank diff Meaning: one tank has a large skill gap difference to the other tank. #leagueoflegends #leaguetok #gaming”. Posted by u/voldemort-from-wish - 455 votes and 56 comments That's where jg diff comes in and the other jger either counterganks, counterinvade, or takes objectives in the map or other lanes. The word, paired with an indication of a players role (such as "tank diff" "dps diff," "jungle diff" etc. The only thing thats changed is people have found an easier way to express that with 6 simple characters - "jg diff" Feb 21, 2021 · "JG diff" 😂💜🤣 Para quem não joga LOL 'diff' significa "diferença". Failed ganks can be punished by the other jg securing neutrals, invading for vision and counter jging, or ganking another lane. i have eyes on kayn and i’m tracking him all game. ㅈㄱㅊㅇ > 정글차이 > jg dif 이니시 (걸다) > 이니시 is the romanization of "initi-" in "initiate". 200 sec Well, for some people it is. Jg that only farms until late game (assuming 0kp) runs the risk of other lanes collapsing because 4v5 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Overall game diff – a more general term to describe the total difference in performance across all game aspects. Though adcs tend to misuse that word a lot. I die way more at objs smurfing in silver/low gold than I do on my main in high plat/low emerald - simply because mid elo players just don't move ever and silver laners will drop everything to go to a obj w/o prio because they don't know what prio is. Unless the jgler dies 1v1 without any lane interference from both sides. Dec 21, 2023 · JG definition by Slang. ' Discover the importance of cannon minions and the never-ending quest for a successful gank. Dec 10, 2024 · 참고로 영어로도 top gap, mid gap 또는 jg diff, mid diff라고 쓴다. While the above The only way they are getting my buff is if they steal it away from me. Jungler difference is a statistical reality. please join me on this spectacular j Jungle diff – differences in success or effectiveness between the two teams’ junglers. When used in conjuction with some form of 걸다 (typically 걸어/걸어줘), it basically means "Someone initiate (a teamfight)!" Play around a winning lane. Nếu bạn muốn hòa nhập với bạn bè của mình trong Liên Minh Huyền Thoại , giao tiếp hiệu quả trong trò chơi hoặc theo dõi chặt chẽ bối cảnh cạnh tranh, bạn cần phải cập nhật các thuật ngữ liên minh mới nhất. Unless you're smurfing on yi in low elo, jg isn't going to 1v9 the game. Mid Diff. It refers to the skill gap between the enemy and the ally. JG diff is less letters than all other lanes (bot, top, mid, sup all 3 letters). Share URL. jungle diff is a lot more defined though. Jungle Diff is a site that specifically aims to help Junglers, arguably the most impactful role in League of Legends, perform at a higher level. If they don't get help, they lose and tilt and that's when they type "gg, jg diff" Jun 4, 2022 · Jg Diff. I generally dodge when I have an autofill jg, bc it's so hard to overcome your jg first timing a champ, not ganking any lane, losing their whole jg, feeding, and then ignoring/failing to smite objectives i. Please people learn to freeze the lane or let the enemy push it, it allows your Jungler to gank and help you. enemy has 3 dragons by 20 minutes. “Jng diff”, “better jungler always wins”, “Jungle is OP, they always carry”. Its the snowball effect and that's why some people say jg diff, they can't stop their enemy alone and, since they see that the enemy wants to trade constantly, they ask for help. It does happen. Watch the Wild Rift Horizon Cup live in this c My invades usually just mean my top dies sooner because of uhh— “jg diff” of course. Jul 19, 2024 · League of Legends is no stranger to drama, especially when it comes to jungle diff. Refers to the Gamer Performance Index, the core measurement of performance for a League of Legends player. only funny memes about league unfunny memes will be judged by the court of public opinion. Imagine playing a fucking norm and telling your opponent "lulz I am better than you me so good your JG bad me is cool hurrr durrrr ezpz gurrrrr gurrrrrrrrrr" This is just every lane. Ranged top isn't complained about because they're super duper busted and unbeatable, but that they rely on either 1. Like, you won, you're not gonna see us ever again (probably) so. Recently, a heated discussion erupted on a Reddit post regarding a jungler’s performance and whether they griefed their teammate. Top diff – the skill or achievement gap of top lane players. Don't let the opinion of your chess pieces hurt your feelings. Support as well yes but they take different paths (help mid clear wave, make sure river vision is there, defend/invade jg depending on comp difference, secure advantage for mid/dragon lane early game). Support Diff. Saying diff about yourself when ahead and winning is such an insecure thing, because apparently being ahead and winning isn't enough for you, that you have to go out of your way to make the losing player feel worse, just so you can feel better. Representing CN in the Wild Rift Horizon Cup: Da Kun Gaming. Etc. better XX wins라고도 한다. Reply reply jmargar • The definition of a jungler. Mar 30, 2023 · 187. If bot is missing, youre to assume that they are rotating over. New Masque of the Black Rose skins! Prestige Katarina, Ezreal, Samira, Renata, Elise, Valdimir New Exalted skin: Radiant Serpent Sett! jg diff, game ended at lvl 11 (mid game), you played scaling jg vs early jg and outpreformed/matched early. Jungle diff is a lot more complicated than that. 4K Likes, 849 Comments. Now you are free to go into the enemy bot side jg to ward the bushes and the entrance of the jg, if you find him, that's good, you can fight him if you want, or you can retreat and oing your bot lane that he's there, and get ready for his gank. TikTok video from MarcusLegacy (@marcuslegacy): “Join the League of Legends community as we dive into the jungler's perspective and the concept of 'jg diff. So yes, at this point the enemy JG was performing a lot better and this is a JG diff. For anyone who Well considering you're basing your JG performance by your KDA says a lot. And a cookie, because cookies are good. They get halfed gold and exp from jg camps while you get more from their waves. Anytime one jg is autofilled tho it's a huge amount more obvious than any other role being autofilled. I'm sure many of you reading this are lovely people, and even those who flame relentlessly every game League of Legends are probably far nicer in real life and would never say those things to real people. I mean my friemd complains about our jgl when he get towerdived from his enemy, cause "He push always ans my jgl dont help me, gg game over. It also makes it easier to figure out who on either team has the least amount of intelligence since they have to try and bring someone else down to prop up their own terrible playing, and make themselves feel better. Reply reply Diff is short for difference. They're saying that the difference between the skill level of the junglers is what decided, or is deciding, the outcome of the whole match for the whole team. What's annoying is that lane volatility is in and of itself volatile. Usually people blame others for their loss and sometimes justifiably say insert a struggling role diff. It’s short for “difference”. Mid diff – the discrepancy in performance between the mid lane champions. But since test/and always clears OF, it's like jns but also jumps on ZF=0. Bot Diff. The claim “jng diff” has now become the most misused and misunderstood sentence in the history of league. Kill farming and being a good JG are completely different things.
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