New nice guidelines 2023 This guideline includes new and updated recommendations on: intensity of stroke rehabilitation; assessment for fatigue and for vision problems; screening for hearing problems Health Innovation Yorkshire and Humber have developed an interactive version of NHSE’s summary of national guidance for lipid management for primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. The guideline will be developed using the methods and processes outlined in developing NICE guidelines: the manual. This guideline includes new and updated recommendations on: initial lipid measurement and referral for 2023 Edition, 04 April 2023 4 Whats new in the 2023 edition _____ Out of 538 recommendations in this guideline, almost 300 have been updated, added or endorsed since Surveillance decision . Note this guidance updates and replaces NICE Clinical Guideline CG102, endorsed by the DoH in May 2011. This shows there would be a reduction of 483 follow-up clinic appointments across melanoma stages I-III. [new 2023] In 2023 this quality standard was updated, and statements prioritised in 2011 and 2016 ‘Note this guidance updates and replaces NICE Clinical Guideline CG177, which was endorsed by the DoH in April 2014. It also aims to reduce variation in aspects of care NG240 - Meningitis (bacterial) and meningococcal disease: recognition, diagnosis and management. 1 Multisite peripheral joint pain 6 Draft for consultation, September 2023 7 This guideline covers the initial assessment and management of suspected acute respiratory infection in over 16s. New and updated recommendations In December 2023, we reviewed the evidence and made a new recommendation on the target lipid level for secondary prevention of CVD for adults on lipid-lowering treatment. The Cardiovascular see ensuring that published guidelines are current and accurate in developing NICE guidelines: the manual. In addition, NICE guideline. The guideline helps women to make informed choices about where to have their baby and about their care in labour. 2 from NICE guideline CG191 (published December Intrapartum care: NICE guideline DRAFT (April 2023) 2 of 179 Information about how the guideline was developed is on the guideline’s webpage. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have published new or updated guidance for the month of November 2023. NICE has updated its 2011 quality standard supporting the implementation of its guidelines on type 1 and type 2 diabetes in adults, 1, 2 splitting the single standard into separate standards for type 1 diabetes This article focuses on the work of NICE and the guideline’s GDC on identifying and overcoming barriers to the uptake of recommendations around the use of statins in the recently updated NICE Guideline (NG) ### Offer children monitoring devices, says NICE Children with type 2 diabetes should be offered real time continuous glucose monitoring if they have a disability that means they find finger prick testing difficult, says new guidance from the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. The Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependence guideline has been updated. Find guidance we've produced around treating and managing specific conditions 16 January 2023 Disabled children and young people up to 25 with severe complex needs: integrated service delivery and organisation across health, social care and education NG213 consultation dates are 8 November to 23 November 2023. Seqirus Data on File, August 2023. The guidance is for healthcare professionals and adults who are at risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) or who have existing CVD. • Examining related NICE guidance and quality standards. 14 which states: Before 28 weeks, start talking with the woman about her birth preferences and the implications, benefits and risks of different options (see 16 May 2023: 14 December 2023: Middle meningeal artery embolisation for chronic subdural haematomas: IPG779: 14 December 2023: 14 December 2023: Cardiovascular disease: risk assessment and reduction, including lipid modification: NG238: 14 December 2023: 14 December 2023: Transition from children's to adults' services: QS140: 21 December 2016: People have the right to be involved in discussions and make informed decisions about their care, as described in NICE's information on making decisions about your care. This guideline updates and replaces NICE What are the key recommendation changes? In reviewing the guideline, NICE has evaluated the evidence on: The effects of HRT on overall health outcomes for women, trans men and non-binary people registered Evidence reviews - May 2023. 30 November 2023: 30 November 2023: Tisagenlecleucel for treating relapsed or refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma after 2 or more systemic therapies People have the right to be involved in discussions and make informed decisions about their care, as described in NICE's information on making decisions about your care. Published guidance, NICE advice and quality standards; Title Reference number Published Last updated; Vamorolone for treating Duchenne muscular dystrophy in people 4 years and over: TA1031: 16 May 2023: 14 January 2025: Overweight and obesity management: NG246: 14 January 2025: [new 2023] Statement 6 Adults with type 2 diabetes have 9 key care processes completed every 12 months. This guideline updates and replaces NICE guideline CG190. When exercising their judgement, health professionals are expected to take this guidance fully into account, alongside the individual needs, preferences and values of their patients. the clinical and cost effectiveness of intensive rehabilitation because the evidence for this was reviewed for the 2023 version of the guideline. 1 The new guidance has Surveillance decision. We will update the sections on diagnosing endometriosis, surgical management and surgical management if fertility is a priority in NICE's guideline on endometriosis. It focuses on women who give birth between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy (‘term’). This guideline includes recommendations on: organising and delivering services; information and Osteoarthritis is a common condition that causes joint pain and stiffness and often has a negative impact on a person’s quality of life. Minor changes since publication. May 2023 — minor update. We will update the recommendations on choosing planned place of birth in NICE's guideline on intrapartum care for healthy women and babies. [new 2023] if the statement covers a new area for quality improvement [2011, updated 2023] or [2016, updated 2023] Changes have been made to align this quality standard with the updated NICE guideline on cardiovascular disease. December 2022: We updated the links in recommendations 1. The following documents contain the evidence that was used to develop the May 2023 recommendations: Tranexamic acid; Transport to a distant specialist neuroscience centre; Direct access from the community to imaging; Clinical decision rules selecting people with head injury for imaging December 2023: We amended recommendations on valproate in line with Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) We updated the advice on choice of psychological intervention for bipolar depression, to link to the information in the new NICE guideline on depression in adults: treatment and management. Menopause: NICE guideline DRAFT (November 2023) 1 of 99 1 NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH AND CARE 2 EXCELLENCE 3 Guideline 4 Menopause (update) 5 Draft for consultation, November 2023 15 • perimenopause, if they have new onset vasomotor symptoms and any 16 changes in their menstrual cycle 17 • menopause, Guidance programme Clinical guidelines (28) Diagnostics guidance (7) Health technology evaluations (16) Highly specialised technologies guidance (10) Interventional procedures guidance (18) Medical technologies guidance (12) NICE guidelines (31) Public health guidelines (1) Technology appraisal guidance (298) This asthma pathway signposts recommendations and resources from the British Thoracic Society (BTS), National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) on diagnosing, monitoring and managing asthma in adults, young people and children, so you can see what guidance is available all in one place. Endorsed by the BIHS Guidelines Standing Committee and Executive Committee. Disclaimer. Obesity: Identification, assessment and management. Sepsis: evidence review for the update of sections 1. Table 1 gives the cost implications of these changes. This guideline updates and replaces NICE guideline CG75 (November 2008). These resources have not been produced by NICE and are not maintained by NICE. NICE guideline update: cardiovascular disease final scope 3 of 3 . If you have new information, intelligence or evidence relevant to any of the key topic areas listed above, please contact Browse the complete list of all our published health and social care guidance, including guidelines, NICE advice and quality standards. Adobe PDF (311 KB) NG211 - Rehabilitation after traumatic injury Adobe PDF (308 KB) The guidelines include a new discussion aid to support shared decision making. Documents. Final guidance is expected to publish in December 2023. 2 from NICE guideline CG191 New NICE menopause guidelines: what you need to know Health watchdog publishes update on 2015 guideline, clarifying controversial point on CBT Hormone replacement therapy (HRT ) – not cognitive behavioural in developing NICE guidelines: the manual. NICE’s guideline on antenatal care currently has recommendation 1. Recommendations to offer faecal immunochemical testing (FIT) for adults with confirmed iron deficiency anaemia, and to refer people using a suspected cancer pathway for colorectal cancer if they have a FIT result of 10 micrograms of haemoglobin per gram of faces or more have been added to this topic in line with NICE guidance Quantitative faecal Out of 538 recommendations in this guideline, almost 300 have been updated, added or endorsed since the 2016 edition. 54 related to isotope bone scans in NICE's guideline on prostate cancer. Bhowmik, Suchandrima. SREF–17994. and updates recommendations 1. December 2022: We added links to new MHRA safety advice on risks associated with valproate for the under 55s. We may remove or move content from these guidelines. Stakeholders highlighted to us the ongoing SCOT-HEART 2 This guideline covers the recognition, diagnosis and early management of suspected sepsis. NICE NICE guidance about the experience of people using NHS and December 2023. Quality standard (QS100) [updated May 2023]. 17 and 1. 6 and 1. For more information, see the surveillance decision. NICE's surveillance team checked whether recommendations in the following guidelines remain up-to-date: A search for new or updated Cochrane reviews, national policy and NIHR signals. July 2022 — minor update. Of concern, adrenal insufficiency-related hospital admissions and adrenal crises (with their associated morbidity and mortality) Vitamin B12 deficiency: NICE guideline DRAFT ([July 2023]) 4 of 41 1 Recommendations People have the right to be involved in discussions and make informed decisions about their care, as described in NICE's information on making decisions about your care. Following feedback from topic experts, patient groups and a NICE clinical adviser, we searched for new evidence in the following areas: • Anti-CCP serological testing The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have published new or updated guidance for the month of February 2023. NICE guideline's section on choice of physiological track and December 2023: We added a new appendix P on updating guideline recommendations, which includes information on types of update, identification of topics, full updates and routine editorial maintenance. [2016] This guideline is not intended to overrule regulations or standards June 2023 — minor update. December 2023: This guideline updates and replaces NICE guideline CG181 (July 2014). This guideline includes new and updated recommendations on: initial lipid measurement and referral for 13 To find NICE guidance on related topics, including guidance in development, 14 see the NICE topic page on eczema. The 2022 NICE guidelines for the diagnosis and management Surveillance decision . • Considering the evidence used to develop the NICE guidelines on psychosis and schizophrenia in children, young people and adults. 3. 5% or lower. You are invited to comment on these new recommendations only. This guideline includes recommendations on: individualised care, and providing information and support; identifying perimenopause and menopause; discussing management options with people aged 40 or over GP with an interest in women’s health Dr Toni Hazell outlines the key updates to NICE menopause guidance and advises on how to interpret and implement the recommendations. Added new NICE guideline reference in the advice relating to COVID-19. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have published new or updated guidance for the month of December 2023. 5. This guideline covers the care of women and their babies during labour and immediately after birth. Reference to Marie Curie in this topic has been updated to reflect a change in the charity's name. Making decisions using NICE guidelines explains how we use words to show the 8th Apr 2021. ’ October 2022 Cardiovascular disease: NICE guideline DRAFT (September 2023) 1 of 18 1 NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH AND CARE 2 EXCELLENCE 3 Guideline 4 Cardiovascular disease: risk assessment and 5 reduction, including lipid modification 6 Draft for consultation, September 2023 This guideline update introduces a new target for lipid levels for secondary In December 2023, we reviewed the evidence and made a new recommendation on the target lipid level for secondary prevention of CVD for adults on lipid-lowering treatment. 1. 1 and 1. For more details, see the update information. Topic advisor for the NICE menopause guideline update Received 12 February 2023; Accepted 16 July 2023 KEYWORDS NICE guidelines; Melanoma; SLNB; Imaging; Follow-up Summary Aims: In July 2022, NICE updated the guidelines on the management of melanoma by lowering the number of follow-up appointments and sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) but increasing the number of scans. November 2023: We added a new appendix O on interim principles for monitoring approaches of guideline recommendations through surveillance. Over time, NICE guidance on CVD prevention and lipid modification has undergone many updates as new evidence has emerged. ISBN: 978-1-4731-4513-9 • Assessing the impact of evidence identified by previous surveillance reviews of NICE guidelines about schizophrenia, psychosis and bipolar disorder. It covers lifestyle changes and lipid-lowering treatment (including statins) for primary and secondary prevention of CVD, and includes guidance for people who also have diabetes or chronic kidney disease New NICE quality standard identifies improvements in urinary (UTI) if they have two or more key urinary symptoms. Sinusitis . To follow the progress of the update, see the guideline in development The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have published new or updated guidance for the month of October 2023. Recommendations. whereas in the case of NICE's guideline on type 1 diabetes, the BP targets do differ for <80 and 80+ years age groups (see table 1, columns 2 and 3 for details). BTS, NICE and SIGN have developed an asthma pathway, which brings together recommendations on diagnosing Note this guidance updates and replaces NICE Clinical Guideline CG190, endorsed by the DoH in January 2015. • Falls: assessment and prevention in older people and people 50 and over at higher risk (update). This includes the evidence reviews, the scope, details of the committee and any declarations of interest. The first in a new class of treatment to be recommended by NICE for treating acute migraine will soon be available on the NHS to around 13,000 people. Organisation of stroke services Hyperacute, acute and The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has updated its guidance for self-harm with the publication of the new 2022 Self-Harm: Assessment, Management and Preventing Recurrence (NG225) Clinical guideline [CG189] Published: 27 November 2014 Last updated: 26 July 2023 Guidance This guideline has been updated and replaced by NICE guideline NG246 . Authors Manu P Bilsen 1 , Merel Lambregts 1 , Simon Conroy 2 Affiliations 1 Department of Infectious Diseases, Leiden We know that sepsis can be difficult to diagnose so it is vital there is clear guidance on the updated NEWS2 so it can be used to identify illness, ensure people receive the right treatment in the right clinical setting and save Last reviewed: 6 September 2023. It includes new recommendations on pain relief, regional analgesia, prelabour rupture of membranes, care in all stages of labour and postpartum Pneumonia: NICE guideline FINAL (November 2023, updated June 2024) 8 of 12 − physiotherapy − palliative care 4 Managing complications. NICE’s guideline on epilepsies in children, young people and adults is currently being reviewed in light of the national patient safety alert, and this quality standard will be reviewed The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have published new or updated guidance for the month of January 2023. NG238 - Cardiovascular disease: risk assessment and reduction, including lipid modification. It includes new recommendations on pain relief, regional analgesia, prelabour rupture of membranes, care in all stages of labour and postpartum This asthma pathway signposts recommendations and resources from the British Thoracic Society (BTS), National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) on diagnosing, monitoring and managing asthma in adults, young people and children, so you can see what guidance is available all in one place. 4 to 1. 1, 1. 5 Related NICE guidance and quality standards 2 • Inclisiran for treating primary hypercholesterolaemia or mixed dyslipidaemia 3 (2021) NICE technology appraisal guidance TA733 4 • Bempedoic acid with ezetimibe for treating primary hypercholesterolaemia or NICE guideline NG51 November 2023 Consultation . 9 Suspect neutropenic sepsis in patients who Arm and shoulder mobility: NICE guideline DRAFT (February 2023) New and updated recommendations We have reviewed the evidence on the use of arm and shoulder mobility. February 2024 NG238 - Cardiovascular disease: risk assessment and reduction, The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have published new or updated guidance for the month of November 2023. This month there are three guidelines, two technology evaluations and two technology A guide for GPs on diagnosing, managing, and referring patients with osteoarthritis based on new NICE guidance. 5 million people have osteoarthritis in the UK. We reviewed the evidence and made a new recommendation on the target lipid level for secondary prevention of CVD for adults on lipid-lowering treatment. There would be an increase of 34 extra CT . We also added a link to the MHRA safety Menopause: NICE guideline DRAFT (November 2023) 1 of 99 1 NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH AND CARE 2 EXCELLENCE 3 Guideline 4 Menopause (update) 5 Draft for consultation, November 2023 15 • perimenopause, if they have new onset vasomotor symptoms and any 16 changes in their menstrual cycle 17 • menopause, This guideline covers identifying and assessing risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in adults without established CVD. fatigue. This month there are four guidelines and one technology appraisal that impact upon December 2023: We updated information about the November 2023 MHRA safety advice on valproate to clarify that the relevant recommendations in this guideline are being reviewed. In December 2023, NICE updated its guidance on lipid targets and lipid-lowering treatments for the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. [2023] For a short explanation of why the committee made these recommendations and how they might affect practice or services, see the rationale and impact section on transport to hospital . Adjuvanted Trivalent Influenza Vaccine (surface This guideline covers care and management for adults (aged 18 and over) with type 2 diabetes. 1 These guidelines update the previously published guidelines on management The following NICE Clinical Guidelines were endorsed by DoH during 2023-2024 Documents NG238 5 24 - Cardiovascular disease risk assessment and reduction, including lipid modification (updates and replaces CG181) Adobe PDF (191 KB) On Thursday 18th May the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) released the updated head injury guidelines: assessment and early management Surveillance decision. This guideline includes recommendations on: information and advice; recognition and assessment; reassessment; management of hearing loss Surveillance decision. This month there are three guidelines, two technology evaluations and two technology Note this guidance updates and replaces NICE Clinical Guideline CG190, endorsed by the DoH in January 2015. News 14 September 2023 NICE has today (14 September 2023) Published guidance, NICE advice and quality standards; Title Reference number Published Last updated; Urinary tract infection (recurrent): antimicrobial prescribing: NG112: 31 October 2018: 12 December 2024: Toripalimab with chemotherapy for untreated advanced oesophageal squamous cell cancer (terminated appraisal) It should be noted that the NICE guidance of 2018 on Transcutaneous neuromuscular electrical stimulation for oropharyngeal dysphagia in adults states “For adults with dysphagia after a stroke, the New NICE guidelines around early management of head injury should reduce misdiagnosis 02/06/2023 Previous NICE guidelines relating to head injury management were published as far back as 2014, so updated The evidence and committee discussion supporting the source guidelines gives more information about this process and about the reasoning behind each recommendation. It aims to support rapid diagnosis and effective treatment for people who develop deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or In 2014, NICE published its clinical guideline, ‘Cardiovascular disease: risk assessment and reduction, including lipid modification (CG181)’, which were subsequently updated in 2016 and 2023 (1). 9 Suspect neutropenic sepsis in patients having anticancer treatment who become unwell. 16 Update information 17 March 2023: This guideline is an update of NICE guideline CG57 (published 18 December 2007) and will replace it. NICE has today (18 May 2023) issued final draft guidance which recommends dapagliflozin (also called Forxiga and made by AstraZeneca) as NICE guideline update: cardiovascular disease final scope 3 of 3 . 75 This guideline update is needed to take account of new research on how to target and conduct risk assessment. Making decisions using NICE guidelines explains how we use words to show the strength (or certainty) of our recommendations, and has information about prescribing medicines (including off-label Published guidance, NICE advice and quality standards; Title Reference number Published Last updated; YOURmeds for medication support in long-term conditions: MIB289: 15 March 2022: 9 June 2023: FibroScan for assessing liver fibrosis and cirrhosis outside secondary and specialist care: DG48: 7 June 2023: 7 June 2023: Atopic eczema in NICE guideline [NG236] Published: 18 October 2023. Publication expected January 2023. The NICE guideline on dementia (NG97) currently excludes MCI in the scope. 1 Children who would otherwise have to test their blood manually at least new and updated guidance on type 2 diabetes in adults. It includes new recommendations on pain relief, regional analgesia, prelabour rupture of membranes, care in all stages of labour and postpartum Draft updated guidance from NICE published today (12 January 2023) recommends that the risk threshold at which statins should be offered to prevent cardiovascular events such as heart disease and strokes remains In November 2023, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency safety alert asked organisations to prepare for new regulatory measures for valproate-containing medicines. doi: 10. Replaced a link to the updated Prognostic Indicator Guidance. ’ Adobe PDF (175 KB) NG239 - Vitamin B12 deficiency in over 16s: diagnosis and management Adobe PDF (167 KB) Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease worldwide, affecting an estimated 10% of men and 18% of women aged over 60 years, 1 and is a common presentation in general practice. However, the scope does include people with MCI if they are suspected of or have a confirmed diagnosis of NICE guideline update: Suspected sepsis: recognition, diagnosis, and early management (update) draft scope 1 of 9 1 NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH AND CARE 2 EXCELLENCE 3 Scope for guideline update (starting 2023) 4 Suspected sepsis: recognition, diagnosis and early 5 management – source control, rapid antigen tests for 6 sepsis, Last reviewed: 29 September 2023. Evidence considered in surveillance Search and selection strategy We searched for new evidence related to specific parts of the guideline. March 2022 — minor update. Here are highlights of some of the changes, together with the change to the geographical remit of the guideline, which now covers the four nations of the United Kingdom, and the Republic of Ireland. August 2023: We amended recommendation 1. FINAL 2Venous thromboembolic diseases: Supporting document for the refresh of the recommendation 1. (2023, March 13). This ensures there are no conflicts of interest. This guideline will update recommendations 1. 1 . 15 For details of the guideline committee see the committee member list. Last updated date between: 1/12/2023 and 31/12/2023 Remove Last updated date between: 1/12/2023 and 31/12/2023 filter; Published guidance, NICE advice and quality standards; Title Reference number Published Last updated; Bipolar disorder: assessment and management: CG185: 24 September 2014: This guideline relates to those aspects of clinical management that are specific to stroke; it does not seek to address areas of routine clinical practice and good governance such as courtesy and respect for the individual, shared decision making and supporting patient choice, accurate record keeping etc. 6 on how to use antipsychotic medication in NICE's guideline on psychosis and schizophrenia in adults: prevention and management to Figure 3 shows differences in anticipated clinic appointments, CT, and ultrasound scans over a 5-year follow-up period based on previous and new NICE guidelines. Clinical guideline [CG189] Published: 27 November 2014 Last updated: 26 July 2023 Guidance This guideline has been updated and replaced by NICE guideline NG246 . Related NICE guidance Published We will add links between the new guideline and the following guidelines as necessary. Some may find this version more user friendly. In December 2023, we reviewed the evidence and made a new recommendation on the target lipid level for secondary prevention of CVD for adults on lipid-lowering treatment. [new 2023] Statement 7 Adults with type 2 diabetes admitted to hospital have an assessment of their risk of developing a diabetic foot problem. NG197 - Shared decision making - Note this guidance partially updates and replaces NICE The following NICE clinical guidelines have been endorsed during 2022/23. Published 26 July 20231 Previous 2014 Guidelines2 Previous 2014 Guidelines2 New 2023 Guidelines1 New 2023 Guidelines1 Offer adults a referral for a comprehensive assessment by specialist weight management services providing September 2023 — minor update. hearing. March 2021 — reviewed. This article answers common questions from GPs. Note this guidance updates and replaces NICE Clinical Guideline CG181, endorsed by the DoH in September 2014. 5 to refer to the NICE guideline on fetal monitoring in labour. 23) at this time but will reconsider the evidence base once the POOL study has published (expected 2024). It covers support to stop smoking for everyone aged This article summarises updated recommendations published in July 2023, referring to the updated NICE guidance on weight management. Obesity prevention (CG43, 2006) Year of evidence review Source guideline recommendation number Recommendation number in updated guideline, or reason for deletion/amendment 5 NICE guidance and quality standards that may be affected by this guideline update • COVID-19 rapid guideline: managing COVID-19 (2021) NICE guideline NG191 • Venous thromboembolism in over 16s: reducing the risk of hospital-acquired deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism (2018) NICE guideline NG89 Surveillance proposals. NICE recently published new guidance – DG56 1 – on the use of the faecal immunochemical test (FIT) to help guide referral for suspected colorectal cancer (CRC). The new recommendations include: • Treatment targets: LDL ≤2. Clinical Guidelines Fully Endorsed February 2023. 1 Purpose of the guideline whereas in the case of NICE's guideline on type 1 diabetes, the BP targets do differ for <80 and 80+ years age groups (see table 1, columns 2 and 3 for details). Published guidance on this topic (90) New guidance in the last 6 months (21) Updated guidance in the last 6 months (1) In development guidance (18) NICE advice. Guidance; Tools and resources We have reviewed the evidence and made new recommendations on: telerehabilitation. Advice, Information added to acute exacerbation scenario to bring topic in line with NICE guideline Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (acute exacerbation): antimicrobial prescribing. 13. Update information. Last reviewed: 29 September 2023. 2023 Mar 1;52(3):afad013. 17 and recommendation 1. Guideline development process. [This recommendation is from NICE's guideline on neutropenic sepsis. The Quality and Outcomes Framework (QoF) indicators have been updated in line with the Quality and Outcomes Framework guidance for 2023/24. NICE guideline on acutely ill adults in hospital: recognising and responding to deterioration. This guideline will also be used to update the NICE quality standard for fertility problems. 10 In May 2023—following a review of the evidence and stakeholder This guideline will update and replace the NICE guideline on fertility problems: assessment and treatment (CG156). This quality standard sets out useful and usable guidance for health The following NICE Clinical Guidelines were endorsed by DoH during 2022-2023. This guideline covers assessment and early management of head injury in babies, children, young people and adults. summary . Stakeholders highlighted to us the ongoing SCOT-HEART 2 HEART UK welcomes the publication of the updated NICE Guidance on cardiovascular disease: risk assessment and reduction, including lipid modification on 14th December 2023. This month there are three Guidelines that impact upon primary care. It aims to ensure that people have the right care for the severity of their head injury, including direct referral to specialist care if needed 2023 guideline Proposed recommendation in 2023 guideline 1. In November 2023, we amended our guidance to clarify that the threshold for treatment or referral for further assessment may be lower for people with an acute respiratory infection who are more likely to have a poor outcome. The NICE Quality standards have also been updated in line with Cardiovascular risk assessment and lipid modification. We will not update the recommendations for water birth (recommendations 1. It focuses on patient education, dietary advice, managing cardiovascular risk, managing blood glucose levels, and identifying and managing long-term complications Last reviewed: 29 September 2023. Next review: This guidance will be reviewed if there is new evidence that is likely to change the recommendations. Scarlet fever (GAS) Last updated: June: 2023 Status: Under review . 1093/ageing/afad013. The guideline update is expected to be published in 2024. Daxas (roflumilast) 250 micrograms tablets, new strength of tablet (previously only 500mg available). Next review: This guideline/guidance will be reviewed if there is new evidence that is likely to change the recommendations. After consulting with stakeholders, we will update the NICE guideline on cardiovascular disease: risk assessment and reduction, including lipid modification to add a do not routinely offer recommendation about the use of aspirin for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Similarly, there is a difference in the approach to setting BP targets for people age 80+ and NICE has also produced a guideline on the diagnosis and initial management of stroke transient ischaemic attack in over 16s. Adult Child . For management guidance please refer to NICE/Clinical Knowledge Summaries: Scarlet Fever. ] updated Clarifying populations at risk of neutropenic sepsis 1. Critical assessment of evidence to help you make decisions. How we develop NICE guidelines. This month there are two Guidelines that impact upon primary care. 10-1. October 2023: We added definitions of closed head injury and penetrating head injury to clarify that this guideline covers both types of head injury. In 2013, an estimated 8. 2. NG197 - Shared decision making - Note this guidance partially updates and replaces NICE Clinical Guideline CG138, which was endorsed by the DoH in July 2012. Evidence-based recommendations for the health and social care sector, developed by independent committees, including professionals and lay members, and consulted on by stakeholders. New product availability. 16, 1. May 2018 — minor update. Overview of 2023 surveillance methods. More than 8. The recommendations in this guidance represent the view of NICE, arrived at after careful consideration of the evidence available. The mainstay of NICE guidelines is based on estimation of 10-year cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk to guide decision-making regarding the use of Guideline commentary on updated NICE guidelines for urinary tract infections. This guideline includes new and updated recommendations on: initial lipid measurement and referral for It updates and replaces NICE guideline 80 (published November 2017) and parts of BTS/SIGN British 131 and 138, and NICE diagnostics guidance 12. 13 (November 2023) Page 2 of 139 Disclaimer 24 October 2015 was used to find new evidence published since NG51 was 25 developed (see C for the search strategies). We will not update recommendations 1. Similarly, there is a difference in the approach to setting BP targets for people age 80+ and NICE draft guidance recommends new treatment for chronic heart failure. The British Pain Society has issued a statement regarding the publication of new NICE guidelines published on 7 April 2021 for Chronic pain (primary and secondary) in over 16s: assessment of all chronic pain and All the services provided are confidential and provided independently of NICE’s guidance producing programmes. The risks and benefits of HRT continue to NICE guidelines recommend people should aim for an HbA1c level of 6. 6 mmol/L [Section: Summary of antimicrobial prescribing guidance – managing common infections (Jan 2024) 3 . Guideline recommendations are developed using the methods and processes in developing NICE guidelines: the manual and the interim principles for methods and processes for supporting digital living guideline recommendations. February 2024. It includes recommendations on recognition and early assessment, initial treatment, escalating care, finding and controlling the source of infection, early monitoring, information and support, and training and education. 2 and section 1. This month there are eight guidelines and two technology appraisals that impact upon The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have published new or updated guidance for the month of December 2023. Published guidance, NICE advice and quality standards; Title Reference number Published Last updated; Vamorolone for treating Duchenne muscular dystrophy in people 4 years and over: TA1031: 16 May 2023: 14 January 2025: Overweight and obesity management: NG246: 14 January 2025: For guidance on antimicrobial prescribing for acute otitis media (ear infection) in children and young people, see the NICE guideline on otitis media (acute): antimicrobial prescribing. 8. Making decisions using NICE guidelines explains how we use words to show the strength (or certainty) of our recommendations, and has information about prescribing medicines (including off-label This guideline covers diagnosing and managing venous thromboembolic diseases in adults. Information considered when developing the guideline . 14 For guidance on the care of people with major trauma, see NICE's guideline on major trauma: service delivery. 0 mmol/L or non-HDL ≤2. 5 NICE guideline Venous thromboembolic diseases: diagnosis, NICE guideline NG158 August 2023 Guideline version FINAL . This month there are four guidelines and one technology appraisal that impact upon The following NICE Clinical Guidelines were endorsed by DoH during 2022-2023. 16 FINAL (August 2023) Disclaimer The recommendations in this guideline represent the view of NICE, arrived at after NICE clinical guidelines are recommendations on the appropriate treatment and care of people with specific diseases and conditions within the NHS in England and Wales. 32 to make it clear that women should have a discussion about methods of induction covering matters relevant to all possible options. Martha Hickey, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Melbourne and Head of Menopause Services at the Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne, Australia. 12 to make it clear that the 4-hour timeframe for observation is from the time of injury. . It includes new recommendations on pain relief, regional analgesia, prelabour rupture of membranes, care in all stages of labour and postpartum NICE Guideline Update on Obesity Surgical Interventions. 2. It forms part of a suite of work on virtual wards being undertaken by NICE. Associated guidance and resources Final draft guidance on hybrid closed loop 2023 exceptional surveillance of Stroke and transient ischaemic attack in over 16s: diagnosis and initial management (NICE guideline 128) Closed for comments This consultation ended on 11 April 2023 at 17:00 Request commenting lead permission It updates and replaces NICE guideline 80 (published November 2017) and parts of BTS/SIGN British Next review: This guidance will be reviewed if there is new evidence that is likely to change the recommendations. 3 and 1. 5 Related NICE guidance and quality standards 2 • Inclisiran for treating primary hypercholesterolaemia or mixed dyslipidaemia 3 (2021) NICE technology appraisal guidance TA733 4 • Bempedoic acid with ezetimibe for treating primary hypercholesterolaemia or May 2023: We have found no new evidence that affects the recommendations. Following the launch of NICE Advice in 2023, we received an 81% uplift in Please use one of the following formats to cite this article in your essay, paper or report: APA. We plan to update recommendation 1. Type 2 diabetes in adults: management (Medicines update): NICE guideline FINAL scope (February 2023) 6 of 8 NICE guidance that will be updated by this guideline • Type 2 diabetes in adults: management (2022) NICE guideline NG28 NICE guidance about the experience of people using NHS services The diagnosis and management of adrenal insufficiency presents major clinical challenges. BTS, NICE and SIGN have developed an asthma pathway, which brings together Gastroenterologists Dr Michael Colwill and Dr Andy Poullis answer questions about new NICE guidance for colorectal cancer referral . They are based on the best available evidence and aim to 1. Infection Key points Medicine Doses Length Visual . NG230 - Thyroid cancer: assessment and management. May 2023: Following stakeholder feedback, we amended recommendations 1. ’ NG225 - Self-harm: assessment, management and preventing recurrence ‘Note this guidance updates and replaces NICE Clinical Guidelines CG16 and 133, which were endorsed by the DoH in January 2012. 1 2 Recommendations People have the right to be involved in discussions and make informed AIM The “2023 ACC/AHA/ACCP/HRS Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of Atrial Fibrillation” provides recommendations to guide clinicians in the treatment of The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines on preventing cardiovascular disease have recently been updated, with significant changes to recommendations on lipid management. News 15 February 2023. These are marked as [2023]. vlzodmcegvkfdizgubqvzgxbjmwncoazffhaspysfbdrkhmqjmm