Marines to air force reddit. My ex is a GS fireman now and they had female firefighters.

Marines to air force reddit. Internet Culture (Viral) .

Marines to air force reddit It simplifies the process for them and you to join the Air Force. Joining the Air Force was honestly the best experience of my life. I heard about a myth that the Air Force is the easiest military branch because of its physical training compared to the other branches and stuff, but is it true? I saw multiple videos of Air Force recruits going through vigorous and mentally challenging training. Related Reddit Ask Online community Social media Mobile app Meta/Reddit Website Information & communications technology Due to Chicom takeover of Reddit and other U. Prior Service Marine Looking To Join The Air Force. Semper Fi u/alcoholic_prometheus. I've The Interservice Transfer program, or IST, allows qualified commissioned officers from other Uniformed Services to apply for transfer to active duty in the United States Air Force to fill We are asking for the Marine Corps to be reassigned from the Navy to the Air Force, moving away from their historical designation and towards a more conducive environment for talent management and improved quality of life for The AF has only been accepting 100 Enlisted prior service applicants for the last few years for Active Duty and only in very specific career fields (Spec Ops and Linguist are most common). I used to think if I went AF I could have gotten promoted faster and probably a more technical job that could pay off in a civilian career afterward. The USSF is basically Air Force with a few minor changes and less options. It's the only way they can seriously sell the marine corps. Share tax tips here. I personally never had issues with my civilian jobs before I started working full-time at my guard unit. A lot of people who would otherwise have not been interested in anything remotely military filtered into the Air Force and Was a hoot I tell ya. Multiplier is now One of the worst parts about the Air Force in my 6 years was a steadfast refusal by anyone in command or responsible positions to acknowledge the effects of environment on their troops. They also seem to have the ability to set you up for your future The Air Force has a lot of good job opportunities to transfer to the private sector, but supposedly the mood in there has made it seem wasteful to a lot of people (no motivation in it). Listen to your leadership and trainers. Are you maybe just taking anecdotal mentions of someone going to Australia with no problem, and they just didn't mention that they had to file special forms and do some online training to Climate. If you have done it, or have some advice please Going from Marines to Army you'll probably keep your rank, but it seems that going from Army & Marines to the Air Force or Navy there's a good chance you'll lose a grade. Right now Rated (flying) careers are 95% of what’s being offered to officers. Tax season officially 'starts' 29 January, but you can file using the websites below before then. specifically aerospace). ) The Air Force likes to get it it’s officers from the academy and AFROTC. Even after the new fiscal year, the Air Force has a limited number of prior service openings per year. Generally are the same. Or check it out in the app stores   Does one incur a new military service obligation after completing OTS or could I resign my commission and complete the last year of my original 8 year MSO on IRR at any time? you're probably stuck in the Air Force until at least 2024. Later, as a college prof many of my graduate students were U. An estimated 589,852 served in the U. However, here goes. The Air Force also tends to have nicer billeting than the other branches. If you want the ULTIMATE MILITARY EXPERIENCE/DISCIPLINE with a strong brother/sister hood go Marine Corps. I did well in high school - however once I got to college I really, really fucked everything up, so I stopped wasting money and started working full time in a professional capacity. I still had no clue what MOS I wanted, but the moment I walked in, I knew I wanted to do aviation. Force in readiness though am I right ? I think being in ships slows us down a lot because The army solution is to forward deploy and take planes and helicopters. So don't be a bitch when the other branches poke fun about it, and just embrace it. When everyone joins the military there's a certain amount of culture shock. Also I ended re-enlisting for a sick assignment/SRB. Marine Corps! Hands down not even close. There school definitely does cater to military and will assist you throughout your endeavors. Or check it out in the app stores   Air Force end strength (the total size of the force) is congressionally mandated and capped. USAF is critically undermanned in the very specialties that the USMC specializes in training. I think the level of difficulty depends a lot on how good your recruiter is. I thought it was mostly a good thing personally. My 3 or 4 years working with AF or Navy, I prefer Navy. Most services desire to train you in basic military tasks, that is the ultimate goal. Everyone said how good of a branch it was. With more research, I wanted Loadmaster and nothing else. Some basic research can give you an idea. I'm serious, I'm not joking. The dark side of the cushiest branch. I'm looking for general advantages of both branches. (There are exceptions). Navy has some options after first tour (after 4+ years), air force has like none, army has decent options on tactical side. This is only the math for the estimated 350,000 who served in all capacities in the 8th Air Force from 1942-45. Type rating nalang ang kailangan. You'll have to start the recruiting process over through an Air Force recruiter, who will have different missions and standards, and who may be . The whole time I was in the navy I was mad I didn’t join the Air Force so if you go any military direction definitely the Air Force is the way to go! Typically they work less hours than most branches, you get the best gear, best food, and best barracks. If you want to join the military, you want to commission, not enlist. My advice is to join the air force. Just looking for stories/experiences/tips so I Obviously I can't speak on behalf of the air force. Never-ending pointless work has been the literal definition of one of the worst punishments and torture known since the beginnings of written language, yet that However, literally everyone who's gone through Army or Marines recommends the Air Force. He had been a parajumper and for some reason decided that being an infantry Marine was going to be cool enough to lose rank. If you want Corporate military, quality of life, and lots of pussies that out rank you abusing their power go Air Force. No one is discounting the dedication or sacrifice of any branch, only illustrating the extreme nature of frontline action in WWII. Most of the mil design work is done by national I am pretty dang sure the Air Force doesn't just let you wander willy-nilly either. Members Online With reopening of Clark AFB, in over 30 years, with the newly arrived F-22 and F-35, the party scene is back. Prior Marines myself now Air Force, if you think changing branches will get you away from the "gun club" or alpha Male personality you're wrong. The Air Force treats its members pretty well. Well, Air Force had other plans, and I got shipped out to Lackland AFB with Aerospace Propulsion at 19. Biggest difference is going to be the way training is performed. Totally doable, although there are a lot of standard military uncertainties between here and there. I was wondering how the air force is ACTUALLY LIKE, and if it's possible to transfer from Navy to Air Force after my contract concludes, and what may be entailed in that process, where I can find some memorandums on the topic, etc. I want to share my overall experience as a former Air Force enlisted who went Army ROTC and now Army Officer 25A. Formal customs and courtesies are a bit more laid back. They are always desperate for man power. Unfortunately, you'll get people who tell you to lie in each branch. I think Navy has better options for duty stations too. As far a waiting period, I would talk to the Air Force recruiter and see what he says because the MC recruiter is going to try to play some shady shit (see above). The Marines have all of the pride, motivation, and worth that I'm looking for, but not many job opportunities (my field is engineering. Now, our PR game is on point, but I think most civilians, when they think of "the military," the image in their head is probably the Marine Corps. If It is close to impossible to transition from active duty in another branch of the military to active duty in the Air Force. ATM, the Air Force Reserve and the Air National Guard are the only tickets to non-AFA/AFROTC commissioning with the active duty board cancelled and possibly on hold until 2023. If your coming off unauthentic you will struggle. On the downside you look like a geek in your uniform. Maybe that’s why Marines are so crazy, they make up for squids laziness. When I PCS'd out of that gig it became apparent how much whining and complaining we do in the Air Force and how abrasive it can be to just get people to do their jobs. The funniest sub on Reddit. It wouldn't take the Army (or Navy or Marines) long to just take over the air bases and force the Air Force to land at civilian airports. A backup at an MOS school generally isn't going to be a significant factor in whether or not a contract is available to you. There are a lot of horror stories on Reddit of things that have happened to military women, but they're old posts and I'm wondering if/how much things have improved (feel free to message me privately). 5+ gpa, stem degrees, leadership experience, etc. The Air Force would have air superiority, but the planes have to refuel eventually. It is possible, but if you wife wants a career as an officer in the Air Force and she isn't in a 'professional' career (so lawyer, dentist, doctor) then this is going to be a hard sell. I lived in a tent and got $3. The Air Force liaison at MEPS will then submit your information to the Air Force Surgeon General. Or check it out in the app stores you'll get orders to one of the bases that have a military prison. Gives it his all and actually gives a fuck about you. I was at a place in my life where I needed structure and it seemed that the military had the perfect overlap of having a job, going to school, building professional skills, and doing Reserve USMC to Active Army. Now, since I’m about to graduate college, I’ve told that I get better job opportunities in the Air Force, and I was hoping to work in Public Affairs. The quality of life didn't really change for me. The only thing that is different is bonuses for your specific job your interested in. As for after the military, you’d have a leg up over a lot of people. Take Battle of Fallujah for example. Talk to me like a normal person. Say what you want but I didn’t want to join the military to ‘see action’ or ‘hunt terries’. Marine vet here. My only thing is if they have the kind of ability to set me up for my future just as well as the Air Force. Have also seen those Times when army would come on navy ship with Marines on it and do the mission instead of Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Navy bubbas know the rules so that we know what not to do, and if we have to, usually feel that we can bend and break them under exigent circumstances, as long as we're willing to stand on the red carpet and answer Just trying to learn something here. I’ve only met one really awesome dude, and he tries his damnedest to help people out. I did PRK at Andrews AFB and, on the top having a nice facility, the surgery was run like a well oiled machine. Internet Culture (Viral) it does not look like you will be able to transfer directly from the Marines to the Air Force. Assume the jokes are all real, all accurate, 100%. I'm only interested in combat-oriented MOS's. We get the vast majority through the Air Force Academy and ROTC. He'd been an E-4 but had to take a demotion for his interservice transfer. Share I am an Air Force IST, Cyber. Questions about joining the US Air Force, whether enlisting or commissioning as an officer, prior-service or not, should be posted in /r/AirForceRecruits. Or check it out in the app stores (which I know 3 pilots off the top of my head that were prior enlisted Air Force). The marines have the longest bootcamp, you live in the barracks with a bunch of dudes and the food sucks from what I hear compared to the Air Force. This is only used after you are already in the Air Force and get a new injury/issue. So they give it to people to stay in once getting all the Gucci training The ribbon is awarded to regular Air Force, Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve members, who, after 1 January 1963, qualify as “Expert” with either the M-16 rifle (to include the M-4 and GAU-5) or an issued handgun on the Air Force qualification course, an appropriate orientation course prescribed in other Air Force Instructions, other Long story short make sure getting that ELS is what you really want to do because getting into Active Duty Air Force as Prior Service is near impossible. medical, or loadmaster. A lot of my friends in the military (different branches) have told me about the Air Force and how much they recommend it. Something you'll have to see for yourself. Just re-read your OP. He was doing really well apart from physically. Battle field, special mission aviation, and medical Incorrect. Close air support is not a top priority to the Air Force either. You must keep in consideration that your life style either Enlisted or Officer in the Army will suck, but in the Army and in the Marines we BUILD LEADERS. Just pay attention to the training. Navy: has ships and fights on the water (or from the air, based on water like an aircraft carrier) Air Force: Fights with planes and bombs and stuff. We all deploy, but obviously not where an infinity unit in the Marine Corps would, so you’ll be pretty pleased. OTS is literally just leftovers, but it’s probably your only option unless you’d go back to school for 3 more years. I'm a 21 year old male with no real career direction. But, the Air Force also has much less military career opportunities as a whole. However, they won't have to deal with any potential repercussions if it is eventually found out after you join unless a pattern can be found to show they're telling everyone to lie. Yet they don't have many combat roles. I left with a certificate AND a transcript from the Community College of the Air Force. The Air Force's reputation as the least-military, most corporate of the branches definitely contributed to this as you said. So I'm looking for y'all's input on the matter. The AF was terrified of all of us (any infantry company that came through for different interations of the SPMAGTF) The airforce MP had to do an annual training and asked us to do some role playing for them and act as "rioters and belligerent people". If you get the score that you need and get through MEPS, it's the same process as joining the Army or any other branch. Additionally, you'll automatically be enrolled in a CCAF (Community College of the Air Force) degree program based on your job. The Air Force does have different forms of the alpha Male personality, but you're in for a rude awakening thinking the grass is that much better on the other side. After all, remember that the majority of students contracting do so under one of the two PLC programs - that means that they're not even eligible to head to flight school for anywhere between 2-4 years between finishing OCS, college, and TBS. The Air Force obviously has it better in terms of quality of living. Proud to be a Marine retiree but the Air Force prioritizes education in everything they do. The only thing I will say I prefer about the Air Force was the Senior leadership was less deuschy and less of the good ol’boys club. Army to Marines is about the same, just reverse. Joining as an officer immediately gives you much better pay, prestige, and career progression. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. The Air Force has astronomically low selection rates for acceptance into their OTS program, but I saw that OCS for the Marines have significantly higher selection rates so I'm considering applying to their program instead. It's possible to get a waiver from the Air Force but they tend to be more picky with waivers than other branches. If your interest is in fixed-wing and hopefully fighters, to break it down: Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. 25 (M) joined the United States Marine Corps in 2015 and got honorably discharged in 2019. Close Air support for ground forces is a distant second. But, why does the Marine Corps need aviation? What roles are their fighters and cargo planes filling that the Air Force and Navy cannot do for them? They also have the easiest and shortest basic training at about six weeks. Air Air Force recruiter returned my call, Navy didn’t. Loads of cunts, we could have gone up top but the CO wanted to do anti air warfare so we did that instead. Even gave me credit Yeah I’m aware lol. There are a few times when the ship is all you got. You could also apply for full-time AGR/ART positions. Man to man there’s probably not a lot of difference, but the Army only wants to play nice with the Air Force, and the Marines only want to play nice with the Navy. And I assume you're aware of the commitment to this lifestyle (8 years after wings for Navy/Marines, 10 years for Air Force). What are you overall goals and priorities for the military? Navy is relatively open to non-STEM degrees because you can apply for specific officer job programs that individually have their own preferred majors. Fast forward a year and a half ago and my son that was born while I was in college decided he wanted to enlist in the Air Force. needs of the Air Force. The only route available is going to be separating from the Marines, and then applying to the Air Force Air Force doesn't have CQ (24 hour shifts watching people enter the barracks) Most of the Air Force doesn't have mandatory PT every single early morning. Unfortunately in the Navy there's a culture of terrible morale, bad leadership, etc, which certainly doesn't help. Reading the other comments its been a good for them. Marines are about pride and wanting to be a marine. 5 up to 13x multiplier but right now the Air Force and all active duty branches have it at 2. You will not be able to wear certain items that do not transfer over. PJ, CCT, SOWT, TACP, and their officer equivalents could be easily manned at 100% if y'all did a better job of educating ETSing Marines that these options exist. Enlisting in the military as someone with a four-year STEM degree is pretty stupid, no offense. com article, relevant forum. Other than that, I didn’t fuck with the other AF recruiters. S. The air was just totally different. The Air Force was still trying to figure it all out. The US Army Air Calvary exists for similar reasons. It’s also extremely hard to get promoted in DSD. Enlisted guys recruiting brass. I have been told if I want to have a good life outside of the military I should pick a noncombative job, also I don't want to be shot at. Also they are considered special operations what you call "special warfare". Air Force is super ridged where as Navy is much looser on military style discipline. You cannot just switch on two day's notice and expect the Air Force to ship you on your Marine Corps ship date. I am prior Army turned Air Force. The rejection part about the Marines is a half truth, the army, navy and definitely the air force will reject people for many things such as tattoos, GED, criminal record, the Marines will work with people more then the other branches, they don't take everyone. The Marine Corps is an entirely separate branch of the military. I feel lucky I didn't have to live in a fucking moldy canvas shelter half for a year. In the US, the Air Force is also spearheading computer based warfare -- fighting with the internet if you will. During this time, the Air Force was begging for people to leave. Worth it siya if gusto mo kasi free flight training plus makakagain ka ng flying hours. The Navy and the Marines have an advantage on water, but the Army and Air Force literally dominate everywhere else. I'd say generally speaking, we are some fucked up dudes, Marines have a VERY dark sense of humor. You need to put in a ANG packet to a fighter unit immediately. The Air Force said it could win a war in a few weeks. military pilots at both Cal State Sacramento, and University of San Diego. The Air Force hasn’t really impressed me with its recruiters. When I went to MOS school on an Air Force base. My ex is a GS fireman now and they had female firefighters. I think we need to appeal to the Xbox/Netflix culture of Air Force gets all the nice shit, boot camp is easier and you can guarantee you will be more comfortable. An update to the 2023 Tax Return Megathread. The Air Force does a shit ton of eye corrective surgery every year, so their medical staff have a ton of experience doing ut. If you want firefighting, definitely go Air Force. That"sense of belonging" you feel has been manufactured by the recruiter. I know that purely for aviation the air force seems like the better option, more infrastructure and better aircraft, but the marines seems like a calling to me. nicer barracks, nicer bases, in places like Okinawa they let the air force personnel have personally owned vehicles so much that my air force Air Force, Air Farce, Chair Force, etc. If you want higher quality of life join the Air Force, they live like kings and queens, the only problem is the jarheads are put on a 2 year wait list to get in the Air Force, cause they say we are to mean; ohh-rahh In intel specifically the Air Force has a lot of "Air Force only" locations especially for 1N0, 1N1, 1N7, 1N8 where they primarily work in Air Force units but often the work is for a wider audience. Plus, it seems to be easier getting into OCS. We have the Air Force, that also supports the Army. About two years now, also “volunteered”. However, even were you to be hired by a AFRC/ANG unit, you'd still have a bit of a wait prior to OTS. Even in the fleet, I was sometimes surprised at how peers of my same rank in other branches behaved and interacted with their guys. Don't take cadets too seriously, it's exposure NOT the current Air Force. We have the Navy that need jets to launch from carriers. Prior enlisted Navy here, now a reserve-O while a fulltime electrical engineer. Compared to other services, with the one exception possibly being the Navy, the US Air Force doesn't commission a lot of non-engineering degreed non-ROTC officers. However, it is possible to transition from active duty in another branch to the Air Force Reserve or Air National Guard with relative ease. The Air Force has a big budget and they spend more of it on personnel quality of life. In the 7+ years I've been in, our tiny unit has had transfers from the ARNG, Marines, Navy, and active duty Air Force. I do regret the transfer because of the less options and a lot of uncertainty. But it is worth a shot Option 5: Get out go to college and join AF ROTC, come back to Active Duty as an officer Member of the ANG here. Pick whichever you want, but I would strongly advise against the marines. And this set them on a collision course with the USN. Everything has to be perfect in the corps or youl will get fucked with. In addition, jobs don’t translate over super well. It's a different culture. I. Entry and retention standards are different. Jump badges service wide are restricted to the marine corps/navy translation only. Marine, Coast Guard even. Make your decision based on that. Five years Air Force and 12 years Army (so far). USMC. My goal is to be a pilot in the military but I can’t decide on wether to go Air Force or marines. " I think this holds true to a point, and it was really true in the 90s and early 2000s. You could literally be flying jets in fucking Phoenix or Tucson or Jacksonville or Washington DC or Honolulu or many other very nice places that don't have active duty jet bases. It’s also stupid competitive, 3. You have until April 15 to complete your taxes. Eventually you will be with a unit and whether it's air force or usmc, it's kind of a crap shoot. It was an Air Force tent, though, so it was really nice. The Marines weren't the only ones there. I couldnt get anyone to call me back ever. Reply reply More posts you may like r/AirForce. brother, do not go active duty if you have significant number of flight hours. I wanted to discharge short notice but that was frowned upon. The Marines seem to have the culture and challenge I want. Marines get the shit end of every deal but you will be in better shape, women will have sex with you just to say they fucked a Marine and you look cool as shit in your dress blues. I’ve heard many rumblings from a few friends who were Air Force and went over there during the split and morale seems pretty low space force wide. If you joined the Air Force, it's probably because you likely wanted to have a better quality of life (compared to other branches). Ideally I'd like to do an Intel gig but would still like to do field/boots on the ground type of Intel. I've since worked in the construction industry. The only job the Air Force has trouble filling is special forces related job codes. I started a Facebook Group to help people with the application process and we now have over 1k members. But got-dam those air bases were nice. Commissioned in 2017. There are the PJs and forward observers and other MOS that may operated in forward environment/combat environments but even those jobs are a really a support role. Benefits. If you want to actually fly and have a better quality of life while still serving, Air Force. The Army sets up a offensive perimeter and digs in, the Marines kick down the front door and clear the room, and the Air Force takes out a 10-year lease with an option to buy. NOTE: Warrant officers interested in Air Force accession may contact an Air Force Officer Training School recruiter for OTS information and application procedures. Air Force is the better option if you want a better quality of life, they also have the shortest Boot Camp and they have dorms. Generally it’s pretty cash money. And they don’t give entry bonus because they have people rushing to be air force. They ranged from Helo, and fighter pilots to heavy bomber, cargo, and tanker pilots in the Air Force (McClelland and Mather Air Force bases in Sacramento), and Marine Corps, and Navy pilots in San Diego. I’m 28 now and have 0 regrets and am blessed with a great location, leadership, and opportunities. Share Re: deployments, the people above are correct, there are usually more volunteers than deployment positions and Air Force deployments are 6 months. I’m sure you’ve done your research but make sure to talk to some enlisted space force “guardians”. Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS. Looking to get some insight and experiences. They cite "quality of life", which I gather refers to single-person dorms, not getting treated like a child, and working a reasonable schedule. SPECIAL WARFARE SELECTION The 19ZXA Special Tactics Officer (STO), 19ZXC - Combat Rescue Officer (CRO) and 19ZXB - Tactical Air Control Party Officer (TACP-O) selection process is The one thing that I have set my mind on is the military, but I don’t know whether I want to join the Marines or the Air Force. And Marine Corps doesn't care if you majored in Sanskrit and Ceramics, so long as you're willing to get fit and show leadership potential. I think that college is called something different now. 5 👎🏼 In the Marine Corps. Because of my interest in both fields, I have been looking into pursuing a piloting career in the military. Other than Engineering Duty Officers, and perhaps some of the seabee officers, the chances are slim that you will be doing any sort of actual engineering work in the military. Most instructors you work with are decent, there are a few who are super gung ho Air Force blue and people who are doing it just to get promoted, both of which are nauseating. The vast majority of Air Force jobs are support jobs. Locked post. Your GPA is well below the average select GPA, so you'd need an outstanding package in other areas to have a chance, even if they were bringing people in through OTS. I’ll start my masters next fall, and I have the anger and regret of not using my younger 20’s wisely to take advantage of life, and the Air Force literally extends every olive branch of the tree at you. As far as being a female in the military the USMC will treat you better than the Army (several female friends that joined the Army and Navy and wished they hadn’t). No. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have developed a huge interest in aviation. Yes, the Air Force has moslty less physical jobs. You will get college credit for Tech School and OJT (on the job training) as part of your normal 5 lvl Career advancement. Going enlisted to officer usually involves going to Officer Training School, rather than the Air Force Academy or through ROTC. However, if you really want to join AD your best bet would be to seperate from the Marines, use your Gi-Bill, go back to school and join your University's AFROTC MBA in international business and honestly looking into the air force at this point because hardly anyone is hiring and the people that are either don’t have enough experience or they are paying $15 an hour and the only place I see worth having a degree is the military or firefighting 🤷🏾‍♂️ Our (infantry) company was on the SPMAGTF in moron Spain. It lives up to it. FORST thing Marines learn is the history of OUR CORPS so while the Navy provides travel we in turn provide security on their ships. Hundreds of jokes posted each day, and some of them aren't even reposts! ADMIN MOD The reason the Air Force, Army, Navy and Marines bicker among themselves, is that, they don't speak the same language. Reddit or different forums on the internet might have information on switching. I'm not Air Force obviously, so some of this stuff is second-hand and may be outdated. 50. A full bird yells at a soldier, marine and airman to secure a building. Mistakes and laziness aren't accepted like in other branches. It’s just a multiplier that the Air Force lays out, it can be specific for AFSC and can change anywhere from 2. Not necessarily. Only from what I've seen and having an air force brother, it's a rougher life. Option 4: Apply to open officer position in the Air Force Reserves or Air National Guard and see if they will send you to OTS. For instance, take the simple phrase - Secure the building. Everything hinges on you getting comfortable. Ig I just need advice and maybe advantages and disadvantages of both. Once you are in a job, you are basically set in that position until you either pass away or retire. . Air Force places the highest priority on education and quality of life, so you can better yourself without all of the busy work (unless you pick aircraft maintenance). Today operational any mission will be organized into 3 divisions under the Joint Force Commander (who could be from any branch): Joint Force Land Component Commander who commands all ground forces from Army to Marines to Air Force Security Forces on patrol (typically an Army General but sometimes a Marine General, usually numbered Field Army If you want a different career after the required number service, commercial aviation ang next career path kapag nag Air Force. Age: 18-29 (waiverable) Vision: 20/70 correctable to 20/20, you CAN have had laser eye surgery. My experience has been all of my leaders/higher ranking coworkers treat me as human. The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard are branches of the US Military. I have the air force in mind because a lot of people in my family who joined have been part I the air force, I'm also part of an AFJROTC program at my school. The Air Force was living in hotels and was paid hundreds in per diem a month. The Army was the same battle but never got any publicity. You can lessen that by at least becoming familiar with some of the Air Force language. The air force would be more akin to a civilian job, where the marine corps is full on military lifestyle. Air Force engineers (and SF for that matter) Generally oversee contractors who are doing the actual design work. During my time joint with the Marines I definitely felt more "military". Selected I was just curious if anyone has investigated how to transition from the Marine Corps to the Air Force. I’ve been in both branches. It helps if you genuinely believe the Air Force is a good move for people trying to better their lives. If you made it through the meticulous boot camp of Air Force you’ll be fine at The only difference I would say is the Air Force is not as lenient with waivers as other branches from what I have been told. You will be surprised at how mentally challenging the Marine Corps is compared Air Force was my first choice. 100 bars all lined up outside the gate. Hello! I'm considering joining the Air Force, but wanted to hear from women who have joined in recent years. You won’t be able to wear a combat action army patch. The Army would post guards around the place. Is that you? Then you should try to join. If you aren’t ready to make a swift decision on your future after the Air Force it would be in your best interest to either extend/re-enlist and set yourself up with post life. The Marine Corps tends to focus on people much more than the air force, you'll almost never hear about people missing chow to make some mission, and something that I had to get out of the habit of after I changed over - if you see someone on base on the road walking somewhere and you're driving you pull over and give them a ride, it is wait times: Marines generally 7-12 months from first interview to shipping to OCS, Air Force more like 18-24 months to get to OTS. The Air Force has afforded me the ability to get my associates and bachelors for free, currently work on my masters also for free, own 3 homes, comfortably provide for my wife and daughter, and accumulate a net worth of over 300k by 29. Also u/PooleeDan1998 they dont have 6 year 03 contracts you fucking shower The primary combat job of the Air Force are pilots. I've spoken with people from the Air Guard, the AFROTC program, and the Air Force Academy, trying to figure out what the best option You have to do a ton of research and get to know an air force recruiter. Joining the Air National Guard or the Air Force Reserve won't be an issue as they don't have caps on prior service applicants. I've literally NEVER been yelled at (besides basic training). I can share some Navy gouge with you. 9 more years and I can retire from the Air Force at 38 and collect a pension and health insurance for the Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I went from enlisted Air Force to Commissioned Coast Guard. If you want to experience boots on I'll toss another option to you, rather then applying to the Air Force and dealing with a poorly managed OCS process or the army with poorer quality of life, look at the Coast Guard. You can however go Air National Guard or Air Force Reserve fairly easily depending on what your ELSd for. I wonder if all so cal recruiters are like that. Air Force to the Marine Corps is the toughest. been out for 3 years and looking into 1A0X1 If you felt you were fit enough for the Marines, tell your Air Force Recruiter you want more info on Special Warfare and you’ll have the best of both worlds. plus the quality of life would have been way cushier. New comments cannot be posted. So while a few of my buddies went Army, I had a new born son and decided to walk away. Questions about joining the US Air Force and Space Force, whether enlisting or commissioning, should be posted here, instead of /r/airforce. Google something like Air Force Marine jokes. The Coast Guard needs coastal search and rescue planes. Air force is more cushy for most jobs but still has badass roles and personnel who use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author:username find submissions by "username" site:example. Ive done research on both of them, and I have talked to an air force recruiter at my school once, but I just really want some opinions from more people who may have had experience with either branch. media and Reddit's subsequent decision to push Racist, Bigoted and Marxist agendas in an effort to subvert the U. Members Online. I'm trying to decide between joining the Marine Corps or the Air Force. Compared to the Corps the Army is highly undisciplined, much like the air force is to me after 8 years in combat MOS. The kinds of things you are going to find Air Force = smart / Marines = dumb Air Force = cush, pansy / Marines = tough Air Force = a bit sloppy / Marines = professional and on point Hello, I’m an E-3 in the Marine Corps with 73 days left on my contract. Hell, the Air Force has entire commands dedicated to warfare going from outer space to cyber space. He held up well to Marine Corps boot camp and was more or less squared away. This is a common "grass is greener" idea. I’m mainly worried about my odds of getting EOD if I go through with this since it’s the main reason I’m trying to do it, specifically the Air Force instead of EOD in marine corps to see the military from another perspective. Army and Air Force. And so the shrinking pie benefited the Air Force, and the Air Force in turn tried to grab as much as it could from the shrinking pie for themselves. Marines hype up the things they do to build their cult morale. Those two branches alone have everything they need to dominate modern warfare. I spent 12 years in the Marines, often working closely with the Air Force because I was in Logistics. We make due with what we have and that's something we pride ourselves in. USAFA/ROTC are the primary sources of new officers, with OTS used to backfill any projected shortfall (since OTS can bring people in in a matter of months, versus in 3-4 years. Requests were shot down in 2019 (too much time left, 4 years), 2020 (too much time left, 2 years), and 2021 (“needs of the Marine Corps”). Worth doing. and China's enemies, I have nuked my Reddit account. That means they have to land, usually on at an AF base. The best path for you will depend We're always bringing in new officers, but not necessarily through OTS. I loved being a Marine, I loved the challenge, loved the comradery, adventure, etc. Which one, in your opinion, is better, and why? Please, no "because marines are faggots," etc. IME in Aviation, AF bubbas are constrained to the rules, which tell them what they can do, and they are extremely risk-averse if not adamant to stay within bounds. Education: Bachelors degree Useful Links: About. It's only hard if you need a waiver ( if you don't pass the ASVAB or get disqualified by MEPS for whatever reason). The Air Cav picks up the slack a bit. No clear mission, almost corporate job feeling instead of military. Community for current and past members of the US Air Force. That happened with one of my old office partners when he was trying to join. It took me like 10 tries to get a recruiting station that would answer the phone and i had a couple wrong numbers (marines dont like being asked if they're the af and they especially dont like being asked for the af recruiters number) They REALLY dont have to try. I didn’t fully grasp what that was at the time. The quality of life change is great, but it's the high lack of esprit de corps and discipline that make it unfathomably stupid. Or check it out in the app stores Going from ELS Marines to Air Force into getting an entry level separation from the Marines but before I do so was wondering if it is possible to join the Air Force after doing so. The Marines pick up some of the close air support slack, because they really want close air support for their Marines. I just wanted to hear from other members who moved to the Air Force, if it’s really that better and how long did they have to wait to actually sign the contract. Air Force. You’ll be working with more civilians than other military officers as an engineer most likely. I think she’s worried about fitting in with Air Force after being in the marines for 5yrs. If you look at Battle of Tripoli, there I joined at 27. E. Marine Corps throughout WWII. Click on My rackmate in boot was prior service Air Force. Depending where you are in your career, you will get behind the curb with making TSgt/MSgt by 3/4 years. The Air Force also requires you to have a bachelor degree and commission as an officer to fly. Login to MyPay. The reason I'd believe it is because I've lived on an Air Force base as a Marine. Army. Day-to-day life in the Air Force, for most MOS's, is more like a business environment than a military one. 1N2, 1N3, 1N4 work sometimes in Air Force environments buy very very often in joint environments with all the services and a bunch of civilians. r/AirForce. Just know they are more likely to pick a current officer or someone already in the unit that is enlisted. Saying this and being out and still doing days there are cunts everywhere Hey everybody. com find The “Blue to Green” Program allows members of the Navy and Air Force who are currently in an over-staffed position to request early discharge, in exchange for agreeing to a 3-year active duty enlistment in the Army. Research the careers you might be interested in and focus your attention on what section of the ASVAB you would need to be proficient in to get it. As my Army dad always put it, "Air Force recruiting doesn't push as hard because the Air Force sells itself. Air Force don’t use OSO they use recruiters that have specialty in officers. The AF will definitely treat you better. What should I know about switching from Air Force to the Marines Corps if I choose to persue this route to commissioning? My girlfriend is thinking of switching from Marines to Air Force (She was thinking going Navy like me but I’m trying to convince her to try Air Force first). It’s dumb and convoluted but what fucking isn’t in the DOD. My Dad was in the Navy he told me not to join the Marines and also jokingly not to be a puddle pirate, my friend's dad was in the Army and he told me to either go Navy or Air Force because they treat you better and teach you more useful skills. It is a mutual relationship of 2 separate branches of the Armed forces. Air Force cares somewhat about college major (though even English majors get into some positions), Marine Corps doesn't care if you majored in Ceramics and Sanskrit, it's all good. What job are you trying to do? That makes a huge difference on where you might want to/probably should go. My buddy has been in the fleet flying a-10’s for 9 months now, and I commissioned 8 months before him. They do not follow the standard you mentioned for retention and worldwide deployable. They took me from the Marines as a Cpl E-4 and brought me in as an SSgt since Cpl is an NCO in the Marines 🤷‍♂️. One of the best NCO’s in our shop is changing branches as well so I should be covered there. That experience will give you the chance to network with people. If I can’t get in, then I’ll be going active duty Army. I was just with a guy at OCS in OCC 244 who was in the in Air Force that got dropped for medical reasons. irzu ghjx igqw jqyz ormtx jzj fmc frz fzxdb jsljf