How to call function in stored procedure in sql server . CREATE FUNCTION dbo. my function: ALTER I have been given the task to move reports from SSRS to our internal ASP. In my case, I use a table that has columns, username, and password. If you still need the SP for other areas, you could just name the function something else, and have the SP call the function to save maintaining two scripts. If you're trying to reuse code in SQL Server from one query to the next, you have more flexibility with Table Functions. Cursors are not always evil, sometimes required, sometimes much faster, and sometimes cleaner than trying to tune a You can use the system views contained in information_schema to search in tables, views and (unencrypted) stored procedures with one script. Stored Procedure: ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo]. Just wondering if its possible to call a URL from a stored procedure (eventually adding that procedure to a sql job) As the webpage refreshes my database, it would be excellent if I could automate this process. sql_expression_dependencies should give you what you want if you don't want to search through the definition of every single object (especially when references may or may not have schema prefixes). 2096. It shows up under [DB]\Programmability\Functions\Scalar-valued I would like to execute a stored procedure within a stored procedure, e. NameKey, @outNickname = @theNickname OUTPUT I can't add any stored procedures or functions to the database because this query is being executed from a C# application on the fly. 14. Calling a Stored Procedure from inside a function a using it. Nov 22, 2024 · This article describes how to execute a stored procedure in SQL Server by using SQL Server Management Studio or Transact-SQL. For example, modify your stored procedure: ALTER PROC DisplayDate ( @DateVar DATETIME = NULL ) AS BEGIN set @DateVar=ISNULL(@DateVar,GETDATE()) --the SP stuff here SELECT @DateVar END GO And then try: I already have a function in SQL Server 2005 as: ALTER function [dbo]. – Aaron Bertrand. Share. The PARAMETERS information schema view displays a list of parameters for user-defined functions and stored procedures in the current or SQL Server Agent is a component of SQL Server - not available in the Express editions, however - which allows you to automate certain tasks, like database maintenance etc. Starting with SQL server 2005, user defined functions are how you encapsulate If you can persist this code in a permanent stored procedure or function and eliminate the recompile delays, SQL Server can build a single execution plan for the code once and then reuse that plan very quickly. Also I have a stored procedure in SQL Server called sp_CopyData which I need to call from my VBA code. The short answer is that you cannot directly JOIN a Stored Procedure in SQL, unless you create another stored procedure or function using the stored procedure's output into a temporary table and JOINing the temporary table. function PassStoredProcedureName(spName as string) as string. Server; Database; Schema; Individual entities (e. [uspGetGroupProfileService] @id int AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @otherId int; SET @otherId = dbo. Yes. For every call, the SQL Management Studio results window is showing a result. In the sys. Then I have stored procedures with same parameters (server name and date). sql_modules I can extract the whole SQL text of a procedure. – marc_s. dbo. I think you can get what you want with the following query: SELECT o. Typically, you use stored functions to encapsulate common formulas or business rules, making them reusable across SQL Cannot call a stored procedure from a function. From the Standard toolbar, select New Query. Let us create a stored procedure that we will use to insert a new row into the Login table. Call one Stored Procedure inside other Stored Procedure on different servers. I tried to call this SP in Management Studio with following script: DECLARE @return_value int EXEC @return_value = [prc_Foo_Delete] @fooIds = 3 , @ Using CLR UDTs as SQL Server stored procedure parameters. This SQL tutorial will focus on stored procedures, views, and functions in Microsoft SQL Server with the Transact-SQL (T-SQL) programming language. Sp_remove_pass @card_id INT AS BEGIN DECLARE @Handle INT SELECT @Handle = dbo. Jun 29, 2020 · Here, we will show how we can call a function with the help of a stored procedure in SQL Server with the help of a simple example. [SP_All] AS BEGIN exec Make another stored procedure to wrap your original procedure. CREATE PROCEDURE GetImmediateManager @employeeID INT, @managerID INT OUTPUT AS BEGIN SELECT Invoking a stored procedure vs invoking a function Using variables in a stored procedure vs a function Reusability Invoking functions/procedures inside functions/procedures Getting started 1. Any ideas? EDIT 2. You can do this with a bit of a hack involving openrowset but it's not recommended as it will open a new connection. Did you try it? What about SQL Server Profiler? There's also Creating Log file for Stored Procedure Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company FN = Scalar function. com Similar methods in ADO that do not use Parameter objects give no built in protection against SQL injection meaning you must sanitize any user input yourself - this is their main advantage. I hope there is some place from which I can extract It does works well if i remove convert function. Command call you can encapsulate the connection/declaration in a single function and call that. ' How much control do you have on the design? You could alter Authenticate to be a table valued function, then you could use IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM Authenticate (@UserName, @Password). A stored procedure can use all DML statements within its body. We will use a table named Login. For this article, we are going to use MSSQL as our database server. V = View. Commented Mar 7, 2016 at 17:44. In code create a function that returns a string. It has NO FORMATTING applied to it - NONE. Is the concept of optional input parameters possible here? I suppose I could always pass in NULL for parameters I don't want to use, check the value in the stored procedure, and then take things from there, but I was interested if the concept is available here. I call a function fXample from spXample. sp_MS_MarkSystemObject, then it can be invoked like this: Exec somedb. You can try this query to get stored procedures and functions: SELECT name, type FROM dbo. Here, I have written a scalar function named MultiplyofTwoNumber that accepts two parameters and returns one parameter. Employee_ID,S. Unable to get convert() function to provide correct parameter to a stored procedure CASTing and converting functions in SQL Server. For more information about stored procedure refer to the SQL Server Stored Procedure Tutorial. The stored procedure cannot have OUT parameters. The script below first lists the tables/views containing the column name you're searching for, and then the stored You can use RETURN to stop execution of a stored procedure immediately. Temporary tables cannot be used within a function. We can call a function inside a stored procedure in SQL Server. Dec 28, 2022 · In this article, we will see how to call a function from a stored procedure in SQL Server. Views are all right if you don't need to pass parameters or use any kind of flow control logic. You need to create a user-defined table type in SQL Server that matches the structure of your DataTable: CREATE TYPE dbo. stackoverflow. In sys. (10) + 'END', @privateMethodSig = '@param1 NVARCHAR(255)' -- call privateMethod EXEC sp_executesql @privateMethod, @privateMethodSig, @param1 = @ Creating a User Defined function in Stored Procedure in SQL 2005. one is by using a client called SSMS and other way is by using T-SQL statements + SSMS in In addition to the answers below, I would consider if you really want to generate the csv file from the procedure or not. Jan 9, 2025 · A stored function is a specialized type of stored program designed to return a single value. Only the system administrator (sa) can mark a procedure to execute automatically. we can call a function using a select command or by using it in a stored procedure. SelectedOptionID. ) I took a look at these sites for help: www. Edit: I want to be able to request a The JasperReports Ultimate Guide contains this information about using store procedure: Certain conditions must be met to put stored procedure calls in the SQL query string of a report template: The stored procedure must return a java. In a few words: stored procedure might be called several (3) times in order to figure out the structure of the resultset, then the actual data. Test; Exec anotherdb. return spName. a proc, a function, a view) You can also use a query to generate a script for many procs. Can call a function from a stored procedure. Usually what I do in SQL server management studio is: New Query (CTRL +N), then type : exec STORED_PROCEDURE_NAME. LEFT JOIN vs. Begin. On 2005 we don't have table valued parameters, so I pack my list of IDs in a binary BLOB and submit it to SQL Server, as described here: Arrays and Lists in SQL Server 2005 I have a stored procedure that should be able to be executed on any table of any database on my MS Sql Server. Atahan Ceylan Atahan Ceylan. CASTING to INT Problem in SQL Server stored procedure. I have a very simple stored procedure in sql server that returns an integer value. A stored function cannot call a stored procedure. It requires SQL Server to compose the business rationale with the different tables with information manipulation. If you just need a view you have to create a view which is totally different from a Function or a StoredProcedure – You just need to call the function once before your update statement - something like: CREATE PROCEDURE dbo. sql. That's not possible in SQL standards but if you really need that kind of SQL flow you can just create stored function inside a stored procedure then after the stored procedure executes , drop the created function. NET in a SQL Server 2005 database. Function vs. I wish to return a table set of data; the last line of the stored procedure is a regular select statement from a table. To use the TRY CATCH construct, you first place a group of Transact-SQL statements that could cause an exception in I'm writing some stored procedures in SQL Server 2008. NET, if I call this proc, I can use a SqlDataReader to move between the two result sets, so I My plan is call a table-valued function from my C# code but I don't find clean to simple create a new SqlCommand with the SELECT * FROM SearchBookFromId(" + bookId + ")" So I created a stored procedure that call this table-valued function. end function. 13. Pass the DataTable to the stored procedure from . CREATE PROCEDURE SP1 AS BEGIN EXECUTE SP2 END In sys. 2netave. What is a Stored Procedure?A stored procedure is a pre-written SQL query that can be called multiple times and will run as the same. As a SQL Server developer, it is the most important concept for you to understand. Commented Jan 1, 2012 at 18:05. [out_GetNextID] @NextSumID integer AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. Within a stored procedure, another stored procedure is being called within a cursor. When creating an application for a SQL database Nov 22, 2024 · Set a procedure to execute automatically at startup. – GarethD. DateTime in SQL Server is not stored in any STRING FORMAT - it's a DateTime and it's stored as 8 binary bytes. You also need to know how to create and execute a stored procedure. When you run the procedure you are going to get the error: 'Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'x' to data type int. RETURN is immediate and complete and can be used at any point to exit from a procedure, batch, or statement block. sysobjects WHERE type IN ( 'P', -- stored procedures 'FN', -- scalar functions By using SAVE TRANSACTION you are only reverting back to the state just prior this Stored Procedure being called, leaving the existing process as otherwise valid. CREATE PROCEDURE SP1 AS BEGIN EXECUTE SP2 END Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the SQL Server TRY CATCH construct to handle exceptions in stored procedures. I moved the query into a proc and am trying to use the proc in the sp_send_dbmail prcedure like so: EXEC msdb. Project_Title in select column lists. dm_sql_referenced_entities If a stored procedure is the specified referencing entity, this function returns all user-defined entities that are referenced in the stored procedure such as tables, views, user-defined types (UDTs), or other stored procedures As we need to trace only a specific procedure call and do not need any additional information, we are interested only in gathering the information about our stored procedure call. Each call to the function must have the same number of parameters specified. – CREATE PROCEDURE DateAddsp(@GivenDate DATE, @DaysToAdd int) AS BEGIN RETURN DATEADD(DW, @DaysToAdd, @GivenDate); END You cannot use dateadd as the name for the stored proc, as it is a reserved word in SQL Server - it is the name of the function which I just utilized above. Quote taken from Books Online:. NET. You can also pass parameters to a stored procedure, so that the stored procedure can act based on the Oct 18, 2022 · Solution. The following example shows how to create a function that receives the amount of money in USD and receives the exchange rate and calculates the equivalent in euros. Essential standard conventions of comparing a procedure with functions are listed below: 1. But what about when the datetime is stored in the column as '2012-01-01 08:09:00. Let’s create a simple “Hello world” in a stored procedure and a function to Then I just want to be able to call the function from a stored procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE dbo. You can apply VIEW DEFINITION at different scopes:. There is also an "OUT" version of the stored procedure if that would be more useful, it would be executed as such: EXEC sp_GetNicknameOut @nameKey = n. Actually, we can catch information about a stored procedure call using almost any template I first tried to create another, temporary SP, from within an existing SP - which didn't work, but after experimenting a bit I think you could go with something like this (if you don't mind dynamic SQL): The logging procedure must be executed outside of any transaction. Create Function getCalcvalue (@Param1 as integer, @Param2 as integer ) returns integer. Can i do this? I am sure that for achieving After recently switching from Oracle to SQL Server (employer preference), I notice cursor support in SQL Server is lagging. 1456. com www. In SSMS, connect to the Database Engine. Enter the following sp_procoption commands to set a stored procedure to automatically execute at SQL Server startup. Given a stored procedure in SQL Server which has multiple select statements, is there a way to work with those results separately while calling the procedure? For example: alter procedure dbo. ufTest. Check if table exists in SQL Server. GetHandle() UPDATE dbo. [dimMeasure] RETURNS TABLE AS ( SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI', 'Server=localhost; Trusted_Connection=yes;', 'exec ceaw. answered Jun 29, 2017 at 11:12. g. 0. Here the code of the stored procedure. Try converting your procedure in to an Inline Function which returns a table as follows: CREATE FUNCTION MyProc() RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN (SELECT * FROM MyTable) And then you can call it as . 0. MyTableType AS TABLE ( Name NVARCHAR(50), Age INT ); Note the READONLY keyword, which is required for table-valued parameters. GetSomething as begin select * from dbo. What query can return the names of all the stored procedures in a SQL Server database If the query could exclude system stored procedures, that would be even more helpful. The below is what I have used i the past to accomplish the need for a Scalar UDF in MS SQL: IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb. Order By not working. Oct 11, 2023 · Step 1. These may be used like tables in any other function, procedure, view or t-sql statement. I am having difficulty executing a MS SQL Server stored procedure from Java/jsp. tbl_list_delete SET deletehandle - @Handle WHERE card_id - @card_id, deletehandle = 0 --soft delete END I need help in converting stored procedure to function CREATE procedure [dbo]. Only table variables can be used. sp_dimMeasure2') ) RETURN GO Inside stored procedure we need to set: set Can I call a dll from a stored procedure using the open connection? I have a dll that gets data from SQL Server and I don't want to open a new connection when I call it from the stored procedure. So if you have an SQL query that you write over and over again, save it as a stored procedure, and then just call it to execute it. Exits unconditionally from a query or procedure. Thus, at this step, the question is which template we need to choose. Can I throw an exception in function and catch it in stored procedure's Catch block and rethrow to Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I have created a Scalar Functions, it was created successfully, but when I call the function using select statement, it says Invalid object name 'dbo. Essential standard conventions of comparing a function with Nov 4, 2016 · sys. If the procedure name starts with "sp_", is in the master db and marked with sys. Here's a link for an introduction to Making a CLR stored procedure using Visual Studio Using the result of an expression (e. Cast in SQL Server query. Car; end; In . 169 3 3 silver You can use the return statement inside a stored procedure to return an integer status code (and only of integer type). name AS ReferencingObject, sd. What i want to do is that after Execution of all stored procedures SQL Server also gives in output window the execution time for each Stored Procedures. How do I retrieve the corresponding fields from inserted and how do i call I have stored procedure in SQL Server 2012 say spXample and a scaler-valued function say fXample. But then I was able to call stored procedure in a view (SQL Server 2005). The function would return a value as a result, therefore we need a parameter in the stored A stored procedure is a prepared SQL code that you can save, so the code can be reused over and over again. Put the stored procedure name in a varchar field in your client table; Retrieve the SP name and assign it to a parameter ( spName) when the client is chosen. LEFT OUTER JOIN in SQL Server. Person; select * from dbo. The TRY CATCH construct allows you to gracefully handle exceptions in SQL Server. Follow Order By from Stored Procedure SQL Server. If you want more details on SAVE TRANSACTION, then please take a look at the information in this answer: How to rollback when 3 stored procedures are started from one stored procedure Yes, it is possible to use . As (in SQL Server Management studio) I am able to extract information about the parameters in tabular view using ALT+F1 when selecting the procedure name. SQL Server tabular function is a program that can be used to return data by joining the multiple tables. Follow edited Dec 8, 2019 at 11:23. Set your dataset to "Stored Procedure" I have an MS Access application that contains all tables linked to SQL Server, so in MS Access VBA code or query I work with those tables very simple, I access them via name, like [Customers]. Here is my function and stored procedure. EXEC sp_procoption Jun 21, 2021 · How to call function in SQL Server stored procedure. The first problem is permissions: the SQL Server service account will need permission to write to an output folder, which may cause issues. Thank you. Function call) in a stored procedure parameter list? 0. Stored procedures cannot be called from a Select/Where or Having A procedure can call a function inside the program’s body Function. In this article, I am going to discuss Stored Procedures in SQL Server with Examples. I'm guessing that it might be because dbo. objects there is only common details about the procedure. ##fn_Divide') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE ##fn_Divide GO CREATE PROCEDURE ##fn_Divide (@Numerator Real, @Denominator Real) AS BEGIN SELECT Division = CASE WHEN @Denominator != 0 AND @Denominator is NOT I have a stored procedure named insert2Newsletter with parameters (@sex nvarchar(10), @f_name nvarchar(50), @l_name nvarchar(70), @email nvarchar(75), @ip_address nvarchar(50), @hotelID int, @maArt nchar(2)) I want call this stored procedure in an insert trigger. Therefore (and especially if calling from SQL Server connection rather than client), I think it makes a lot more sense to have a stored procedure or function, which will return SELECT statement. In your above query you have only First_name in the group by column list, but you are trying to get E. When creating an application for a SQL database and having to Dec 17, 2024 · There are three ways of returning data from a procedure to a calling program: result sets, output parameters, and return codes. Pass A User-Defined Table to a I need help with writing stored procedure that calls another stored procedure and passes values to it. With this article, we will learn how to Create and Call a Stored Procedure in SQL. Back to: SQL Server Tutorial For Beginners and Professionals Stored Procedure in SQL Server with Examples. I want to write a stored procedure and Exec them in that SP (called it SP_All). Let's take a scalar function named Fnctn which will take two integer values and return their The stored procedure is a database program that can be utilized to perform CRUD tasks with the table. 4. referenced_entity_name AS ReferencedObject FROM Dec 14, 2014 · That's not possible in SQL standards but if you really need that kind of SQL flow you can just create stored function inside a stored procedure then after the stored procedure executes , drop the created function. 2443. I would like to execute a stored procedure within a stored procedure, e. But then In this article, we will learn to modify the created stored procedure in MS SQL. Brent Ozar Brent Ozar. By convention a return value of zero is used for success. Stored Procedure in SQL Server. if you want all the above fields in your select column then add them in your I come up with a list of InvoiceID. So far this was done in C#, now I want to move it to stored procedure and make an SQL agent job that calls it at specific time. Search text in stored procedure in SQL Server. The cursor loops over 100 times an sys. CREATE FUNCTION [dbo]. A different way to the same end is to use a system stored procedure. This article provides information on the three Apr 3, 2006 · you can actually call a sp from an udf by using the openquery(). SQL Server TRY CATCH overview. See SQL Stored Procedure(s) - Execution From Multiple Databases. What does the DFT amplitude response function mean? Use of "Her" in general cases - purely I have a very simple stored procedure in sql server that returns an integer value. Inside your new procedure call your existing procedure and put the values into a temporary table, then runs a query against that table with the filter you want, and return that result to the outside world. ResultSet when called through JDBC. Share . Test; Or like this: Define a table type in SQL Server. As (in SQL Server Management studio) and you should of course use the schema name in the object_id call as well. See here for what this privilege does. Insert results of a stored procedure into a temporary table. Both table variables and temporary tables can be used. DropDownSelection. Functions can be called from a Select statement. EXEC SP1 BEGIN EXEC SP2 END But I only want SP1 to finish after SP2 has finished running so I need to find a way for SP1 to wait for SP2 to finish before SP1 ends. [procBedcount] @place nvarchar(50) as begin declare @Allbedrahia int; declare @remain int; declare @noOccupiedBeds i Also you are trying to return a varchar (@b) from your stored procedure, but SQL Server stored procedures can only return integers. fun_functional_score'. Like we can crea Depending on how you call your stored procedures with that prefix, you might also incur an unnecessary lookup in the master database first - so just try to stay away from that prefix! SQL Server, using functions in stored procedure. declare @setVal as integer I am using sp_send_dbmail in SQL Server 2008 to send out the results of a query. We will use a Oct 11, 2023 · In this blog, learn how to call a function from an SQL Server stored procedure. Hot Network Questions Go to After running an execute (via C# code or SQL Server environment) it does not update dbo. TF = Table function. but you can also use it to call stored procs every n seconds. Okay so I'm writing a SQL Server 2008 Stored Procedure (maintenance script). Digging. First of all IS IT POSSIBLE TO DO THIS. Then I call my stored procedure with this list as a parameter. If you look at the pattern of an ADODB. 3k 16 16 gold badges 75 75 silver badges 95 95 bronze When SQL server finshes to complete execution of these procedures, it gives ten lines showing any row changes caused by all these stored procedures. Be aware that the . 000'? – Prem. How to concatenate text from multiple rows into a If in your case you should pass in a precalculated value or GETDATE() - you can use default value. test () RETURNS varchar(200) AS BEGIN RETURN (Select top 1 [Name] from OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI','Server=. SELECT * FROM MyProc() You also have the option of passing parameters to the function as follows: CREATE FUNCTION FuncName (@para1 You can grant them the VIEW DEFINITION privilege to those procs. P = Stored procedure. I know how to check if a parameter is null but i am not sure how to check if its empty I have these parameters and I want to check the previous parameters are empty or null and then set them like Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I want to join two different tables from two separate databases in SQL server, I can do it by adding database names manually but I want to get table names from another table Function vs. Create a table or use an existing table. I developed such a script some time ago because I needed to search for field names everywhere in the database. In this section, we will learn how to call a function in stored procedure in SQL Server 2019. there's a xp_logevent in SQL Server. SelectedOptionID is non-nullable and the parameter I'm using to set it is nullable (despite that when setting it shouldn't ever be null). There are different ways to execute a Dec 14, 2014 · I have a stored procedure: create proc sp_MyProc(@calcType tinyint) as begin -- some stuff collating data into #MyTempTable if (@calcType = 1) -- sum select A, B, C, CalcField = sum Oct 18, 2022 · This SQL tutorial will focus on stored procedures, views, and functions in Microsoft SQL Server with the Transact-SQL (T-SQL) programming language. CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo]. You can modify the Stored Procedure in two ways. Creating a hello world in a stored procedure in SQL vs a function. Net application and this has involved me re-writing a few functions and a stored procedure to both improve performance, make them output in forms better consumed by the application and make any requested additions to the reports. Improve this answer. NET version supported by SQL Server 2005 is 2. Just write EXECUTE procedure_name('provide_the_valueof_IN parameter','value of in parameter', :k) ; Run this statement a popup will come set the parameters as in out and the datatype too. 1. Commented Jan Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company This is the syntax that I would probably try from the start: SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(<linked server name>, '{CALL <oracle sp>}') What I've seen (I have not tried this myself) is that you can also use OPENQUERY to call an Oracle function which can then call the stored procedure, or you can turn the stored procedure into a function. the trick is that you can use openquery within a udf and sql do not parse the character string that you give as Jun 29, 2020 · creating a stored procedure in SQL Server. Here is an exemple SQL Server 2005 supports CLR so it means we can use CLR in backend so how to do that, I have some function in c# which do some complex manipulation with date-time variable now I want to use those functions in SP. Your connection from It has already been answered, the best way work-around is to convert the Stored Procedure into an SQL Function or a View. – When you use group by clause in your sql query, then only those columns can be put in select column list which are in the group by column list. Follow answered Jan 30, 2009 at 15:06. 1141. SP2 is being executed as part of SP1 so I have something like:. [fCalculateEstimateDate] This behavior is different from using parameters with default values in stored procedures in which omitting the parameter also implies the default value. SQL Server Database Jun 21, 2021 · How to call function in SQL Server stored procedure. I can't call that insert outside, because of cursor that I use and insert a line to that table on every row. (From this point, executing a stored procedure is a cinch in PHP. If no return is explicitly set, then the stored procedure returns zero. Most of the combination of EXEC and USE statements didn't result in anything. Stored procedure is a set of SQL statements stored together as a single block of code in the database which can be reused multiple times without having to write the queries again. \SQL2008;Trusted_Connection=yes;','SET NOCOUNT Stored Procedure. How to use variables in SQL functions? You can also use variables with functions. ufTest(@id); END SQLServer keeps telling me that it can't find dbo. All I want to do is get that return value into a variable for use in Access. rmyfip zvub hrheb nexgkqo ptccewv lkesa asmnv yxoukh bmhj gmfjxj