15mm modern civilians. I'll let him explain each part in turn.
15mm modern civilians Product code: MIDCIV2 £ 9. These will also be heading across the seas to the United Kingdom later this week. Find everything you need to build armies and battlefields for a variety of historical and fantasy periods, from ancient Rome to futuristic sci-fi. Sort by: 43 products Modern Civilians; Modern Ukranian Forces. Male Armed Civilians 1 The Dead Walk Among Us! Rebel Minis is proud to present our first lline of 15mm Modern Zombie Civilians. Dressed in western casual dress. His US Special Forces are excellent D-boys. 15mm British Shop at Noble Knight Games for Modern Havok (15mm) Miniatures & Games by Rebel Minis - part of our Miniatures & Games collection. Chronoscope - Modern - Civilians; Chronoscope - Modern - Mercenaries, Military, Street Thugs & Other Gun Wielding Figures; Modern Havok (15mm) Modern Heroes; Modern Micro Armour - Turkey (1/285) Modern Miniatures (1/56) (Sloppy Jalopy) Modern Miniatures (Adventure Foundary) (28mm) Modern Hostage Civilians 4 Minifigures, 15mm 20mm 28mm 32mm 35mm 40mm 54mm Miniatures Post Apocalyptic Zona Alfa Wasteland Spectre Ops RPG dracominiatures 4. The OG PT-76's are the best in 15mm. I was just painting some of our Afghans, and our arab civilians, and did just think last night that some civilian Afghans would be handy. 15mm. Also, there are related 15mm scenery ranges to accompany the figure ranges. All members in good standing are free to post here. Unfortunately you can’t save the cheerleader in this pack, she’s dead. They are certainly the most suitable for the "regular" African armies, but for armed gangs and civilians I have mixed in a few Command decision figures together with Flashpoint miniatures Somali pirates, and Lancashire games guerillas (these 10000+ "28mm modern civilian" printable 3D Models. Natholeon: 19 Nov Saga Terrain Civilians & Livestock; 15mm. 99 $ 8. Returns accepted. Modern US Infantry. 15mm Cold War; 15mm Modern Miniatures; 15mm Sci-Fi; ACCESSORIES. 50 (ex. Sculpted by Modern Civilians; Modern Ukranian Forces. This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 10 months ago by OB. Rebel Minis is proud to present another pack of 15mm Modern Zombie Civilians. Perfect for modern or near future gaming! <p> Great With THW's All Things Zombie Game! <p> Also 15mm Modern Miniatures 15mm Modern Miniatures Conflict Ukraine Conflict Middle East 28mm European Civilians 28mm European Civilians Regular price $45. Latest posts Expand child menu. Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total) Author. / Modern Civilians; AFGCIV2 Afghan Civilians. In these days of wandering measures of sizes into 18mm, 12mm and other sizes close to 15mm; Peter Pig has remained true to the 15mm ideal. 85 Afghan carts Ancient Civilians 28mm > Medieval Feast 28mm >>Whaleboat & Crew 28mm >>Victorian figures 28mm >>Soccer Players 28mm >>Polynesians28mm >>Mid-East Bazaar 28mm >>Jazz Band & Dancers >>Indian Bazaar Sets 28mm >>Harem 28mm >>Hansom Cab & Transport >>Formula One Cars >>Film Camera Crew 28mm >>Cultists 28mm >>Almughavars Looking for makers of 15mm Afghan civilians Home › Forums › Modern › Looking for makers of 15mm Afghan civilians. m. Ger5 Civilians male & female standing . £5. Also check out our Riot Police and Modern Civilians! I've got the Ontos and they are NICE! I should revise my statement about the OG line being bad. Modern Forces, 15mm wargame miniatures for modern conflicts 28mm Victorian Civilians & Characters (14) Weird Wars (71) The Modern Era – 28mm Miniatures (19) Gang Wars – 28mm Miniatures (13) Urban Rioters – 28mm Miniatures (6) Mythic Worlds – 28mm Miniatures (47) World War II civilians, CheckPoint Miniatures 20mm (1/72) World War II miniatures for gaming, painting and collecting. 99 Original Price $9. but I've already committed quite a bit of resourcing into 15mm so change isn't really an option. Continue. 28mm French Decals Shop our extensive collection of 15mm miniatures, terrain, and accessories for tabletop wargaming at GCmini. EXTRA INFO. I'm just after adding a bit of flavour to a WW2 western desert game, and need some figures in traditional arab dress to generally Civilians + Colonials + >> Brits & Rebels In Aden 1964-67 >> Blackwater Mercs 28mm >> Austalians SAS on motorbikes 28mm >> Australians Modern 15mm >> Afghan National Police 28mm >>Afghan & Iraqi Civilian sets 28mm >> Afghans 28mm >> Modern Russians 15mm >> Modern Chechens 15mm >> Indochina War 15mm 15mm Troy; 15mm Barbarians – Dacians; 15mm Barbarians – Germans; 15mm Barbarians – Cavalry; 15mm Byzantium; Home; Shop; Products. These are distilled into 1800 (15mm) packs. 15mm British The mighty HOF (Hordes of the Future) range contains a wide variety of 15mm Science Fiction Miniatures and Vehicles. CUSTOMER GALLERY. 28mm, 20mm, and 15mm. 19 Nov 2011 4:54 a. In stock (43) In stock (43 products) Out of stock (0) Out of stock (0 products) In stock (43) In stock (43 products) Out of stock (0) Out of stock (0 products) Price. Read more. Modern US Sniper Pack. 99 (20% off) Add to Favorites Exosuit Tactical Squad 28mm/32mm Five Minifigures - Modern Wargaming Miniature for Tabletop RPG Modern Civilians; Modern Ukranian Forces. Marines Afghanistan 28mm >>US 1980 MOPP Gear 28mm >> Soviets 28mm >> Somali Gunmen >> SEAL Team Six >>Russians Afghan War 28mm >> Rhodesian War >> Portuguese/Angola 28mm >> Office Furniture 28mm >> NATO 28mm >> Kriegspiel 25mm >> French Foreign Legion 28mm >> Bundeswehr 28mm >>Modern British in . PST: 10 figures, 10 variants. Chronoscope - Modern - Civilians; Chronoscope - Modern - Mercenaries, Military, Street Thugs & Other Gun Wielding Figures; Modern Military Miniatures- Africa (15mm) Modern Miniatures (1/56) (Sloppy Jalopy) Marketing Permissions QRF Models will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing. The only problem is that they don't have a complete line. 26/04/2018 at 02:00 #89437. Showing 1 - 24 of 299 products. 49. Modern + Myths + Napoleonic + Pax World War II 15mm + Civilians > Indian Bazaar Sets 28mm (100CIV019) Indian Rope Trick $10. Also on this page link you will find sets 998X English Civil War civilians and 999X 16th century civilians which, if memory serves, include such characters as peasants in smocks drinking, an innkeeper and serving wenches. add to list Tags Civilian Minivan , , , , , Download: for sale Website: Cults. Remove all. 02/26/2025 . "15mm modern Afghan civilians" Topic. PST: "Let's Start a Riot!" New to Rebel Minis is the 15mm Modern Rioters Pack. / Modern Civilians; MIDCIV2 Middle Eastern Civilians. New Releases: infamous Général and proud Chasseurs à Cheval of the Guard We are pleased to share two new additions to the AB Figures Napoleonic 18mm range:; SALUTE 52, ExCeL London - please pre-order now We are pleased to announce that Eureka Miniatures UK will once again be attending the Afghan carts Ancient Civilians 28mm > Medieval Feast 28mm >>Whaleboat & Crew 28mm >>Victorian figures 28mm >>Soccer Players 28mm >>Polynesians28mm >>Mid-East Bazaar 28mm >>Jazz Band & Dancers >>Indian Bazaar Sets 28mm >>Harem 28mm >>Hansom Cab & Transport >>Formula One Cars >>Film Camera Crew 28mm >>Cultists 28mm >>Almughavars Oppressive dictators in search of civilians to crush can turn to Gladiator Miniatures’ new 15mm modern male and female rioters – we already make a miniature ancient mob that will go Biblical on you! The release of our sets of male and female rioters marks the start of our new Generation 5GZ range – 15mm figures for the modern age. You can see them here: link. Add to Favorites Zone Stalkers Squad by TurnBase Minifigures, 15mm 20mm 28mm 32mm 54mm Modern Miniatures for Post Apocalyptic Zona Alfa Fallout Wasteland RPG Afghan carts Ancient Civilians 28mm > Medieval Feast 28mm >>Whaleboat & Crew 28mm >>Victorian figures 28mm >>Soccer Players 28mm >>Polynesians28mm >>Mid-East Bazaar 28mm >>Jazz Band & Dancers >>Indian Bazaar Sets 28mm >>Harem 28mm >>Hansom Cab & Transport >>Formula One Cars >>Film Camera Crew 28mm >>Cultists 28mm >>Almughavars Modern Civilians; Modern Ukranian Forces. Filter we began printing modern combat minifigures under the license of Albino Raven Miniatures. Click to find the best Results for 28mm modern civilian Models for your 3D Printer. WALL OF HONOR WARFIGHTER 15mm. Modern Hostage Civilians 4 Minifigures, 15mm 20mm 28mm 32mm 35mm 40mm 54mm Miniatures Post Apocalyptic Zona Alfa Wasteland Spectre Ops RPG (977) $ 9. Buildings/Scenery – 2mm; Buildings/Scenery – 3mm; Buildings/Scenery – 3mm Trains; Decals; Dice; Gift Cards; Miniature Eureka Miniatures 15mm Figures. It is the military ones that are going to stick out. Add to cart This item is a recurring or deferred purchase. 15mm African Military. Formerly from the ATZ Line at Two Hour Wargames, each pack contains an assortment of 20, 15mm modern zombies. Each miniature is on its own integral base and made in high quality metal or resin. Home > 15mm Modern Military > 15mm Civilian Contractors. 15mm British Lancashire games 15mm Vendean rebel peasants with farm implements (French Revolution) : link. New to Rebel Minis is the 15mm Modern Civilians pack. FAQ's. Scale Please select an option Quantity You can only make an offer when buying a single item Add to cart "Best 15mm modern Africans?" Topic. Add to cart . The looters may be a bit too modern. Wartime Miniatures. 5 out of 5 stars. 15mm Modern Insurgents. INSTANT INSTA. 5 Posts. Notify Me When In-Stock. I'll let him explain each part in turn. 15mm British 1543 "civilians" printable 3D Models. All products are made on order, and it may take some days to 3D print your order. All figures, buildings, and accessories are sold unpainted unless otherwise noted in description. Credit: Geoff Brown. Sculpted by Faron Betchley, these are highly detailed and a must for any Pulp gamer! Fantasy and Modern; 15mm Sci-Fi Armies and Vehicles; 15mm Zombies, Zombie Hunters, Werewolves and Horror; 15mm Modern Military; 15mm Gangs, Gunmen There are no products to list in this category. I have mixed these and the QRF civilians into my 15mm civilian mobs. Ancient British; Carthaginian; Caesar Republican Roman; Alexander Macedonian; Early Imperial Roman; Mid Republican Roman; Gallic; Battlegroups Fog; 15mm Modern Plastic Soldier – 15mm T55 Soviet Main Battle Tank $ 46. Modern Civilians; Modern Ukranian Forces. Showing all 4 results. Today, Patrick Miniatures curates a wide range of designers and manufactures licensed high-quality 3D printed miniatures, including minifigures, combat vehicles, and exclusive terrain, all made in-house. Taliban; United States Marine Corps; Universal Soldier For Modern 20mm look in the Empress Miniatures Ultra Moderns room. These 15mm figures are great for any urban war, zombie It's taken a while, but the first wave of releases for Gladiator Miniatures' 15mm modern civilians and zombies is at last complete. 49 $ 8. 99 $ 7. 15mm African Militia(Well Armed) $11. A 15mm (1:100) Oppressive dictators in search of civilians to crush can turn to Gladiator Miniatures’ new 15mm modern male and female rioters – we already make a miniature ancient mob that will go Biblical on you! The release of our sets of male and female rioters marks the start of our new Generation 5GZ range – 15mm figures for the modern age. 6mm. Well done Model of the M-19A1 AA tank. There are some civilians under the Peter Pig Sudanese range that also work. Experience the intensity of ultramodern warfare with Warfighter 15mm Miniatures. 15mm American Civil War. Russian Federation. 49 $ 9. Midget submarine conning towers, as if the remainder of the sub is under the water! 15mm Renaissance Spanish 15mm Conquest of Siberia 15mm Sedgemoor 15mm Napoelonics 15mm World War 1 15mm WW2 & Modern 15mm Modern US and Rebels 15mm Accessories 15mm Sci Fi Kremlin The zombies are part of Gladiator Miniatures’ Generation 5GZ range of figures – 15mm modern civilians, government forces, zombies and zombie hunters. 15mm Modern Hostage Civilians 4 Minifigures, 15mm 20mm 28mm 32mm 35mm 40mm 54mm Miniatures Post Apocalyptic Zona Alfa Wasteland Spectre Ops RPG (513) Sale Price $7. Designed by Ian Kay . Whether it be the doomed business man or the happless skateboarder, all are doomed! Each pack contains 22 Zombies (11 unique sculpts) and are perfect for modern or near future gaming! We offer civilians in 15mm for Dark Ages/Medieval periods; US West and in N scale (12mm) WWII/Modern European Civilians and Arab Civilians. Showing 14 of 14 results Buy 28mm Civilians and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Great Savings & Free Delivery / Collection on many items Panic Civilians - Modern Wargaming Miniatures For Tabletop RPG - 28mm / 32mm Sca. 15mm Modern Forces (13) Sci-fi – 15mm Miniatures (31) 20mm Ranges (393) CheckPoint Miniatures World War II (112) WWII German Forces (50) The Fall of Berlin (4) Victorian civilians and characters. Add to Want List. Nice detail and good castings. 00 Reset $ From $ To. All Rights Midget submarine conning towers, as if the remainder of the sub is under the water! Freedom Fighters. Figures suitable for the late Victorian period and early 20th century. About Us; Shipping Information; Privacy Policy Modern Civilians; Modern Ukranian Forces. These 15mm figures are great for any urban war or unrest scenario! Each pack contains 21 Minis (Four unique sculpts) and they are incredibly detailed! Sculpted by Adam Gayford. 15mm British Army; 15mm French Artillery; 15mm French Light Infantry; 15mm French Line Infantry; 15mm Spanish Napoleonic; View more. Warfighter Taliban Insurgent Cell, Taliban Support Cell, and Afghan Civilians are now up for direct order on the Flytrap Factory Webstore. Ger6 Special police, agents, Gestapo . Product Description "Fortune and Glory, baby!" These 15mm figures are great for any urban war or modern warfare scenario! Each pack contains 21 Minis (Four unique sculpts and 1 Special VIP) and they are 15mm Catalogue. $3. Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us: Email Direct Mail Customized online advertising You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us, or by Modern Civilians; Modern Ukranian Forces. 20mm. 15mm Civilian Contractors. 54 (100CIV021) Indian Yogi $10. 99 (15% off) Add to Favorites Water Buffalo W/ Vietcong Civilian- Other Nations - Vietnamese Army - 28mm - Eskice Miniature Saga Terrain Civilians & Livestock; 15mm. 15mm Civilian Contractors w/ VIP. 20mm Modern. $11. 10mm. Plus he does have civilians, police, swat, and various special forces troops. The Infantry line is BAD, the OG armour is GREAT! I have most of the OG 15mm Modern Armour line and they are GREAT. © 2025 PicoArmor. 20mm Modern Civilians; 20mm Modern Civilians. Item# RMCC01. Napoleonic. Modern Hostage Civilians 4 Minifigures, 15mm 20mm 28mm 32mm 35mm 40mm 54mm Miniatures Post Apocalyptic Zona Alfa Wasteland Spectre Ops RPG (926) Sale Price $8. Greek Hoplites (Macedonian and Punic Wars Range) Belisarian Boukellarioi Lancer (Dark Ages range V15). PicoArmor is dedicated to wargaming using 3mm miniatures. Sell Us Yours. 1:100 (15mm) modern miniatures including: Multinational Special Forces; Navy Seals; Opfor and Vehicles. 67 15mm Modern Miniatures Conflict Ukraine Conflict Middle East Quantity Decrease quantity for 28mm European Civilians Increase quantity for 28mm European Civilians. 15mm Modern Plastic Soldier 15mm M60A3 Tanks $ 45 This ever-growing collection of 3D printed wargaming terrain is available in three different scales. We, too, feel that civilians should play more of a part in our games. Every Day new 3D Models from all over the World. 54 (100CIV020) Indian Bed o'Nails $10. S. Today, Patrick Miniatures curates a wide range of designers and manufactures licensed 15MM MINIATURES. 15mm British 10 figures set, 10 variants Rebel Minis has some 15mm modern figs and I recommend them highly. Taliban; United States Marine Corps; Universal Soldier; US Army; 15mm British Army; 15mm British Army Showing 31 of 31 results Sort by: NBG1 British Generals / Colonels. 15mm Ancients. Modern. 70 (300WWT251a) NEW Italian Askari in fez LMG -advancing $0. New, used, and Out-of-Print. Larger orders could take up to a couple of days. 00. 15mm British (AB-ACW030) Officer , cap, frockcoat and sword (new variant coming soon) $0. We therefore think its a sensible thing to have packs of these poor people who find Oppressive dictators in search of civilians to crush can turn to Gladiator Miniatures’ new 15mm modern male and female rioters – we already make a miniature ancient mob that will go Biblical on you! Modern civilians in a variety of casual poses. Based on Near East, Iraq and Somalia conflicts but Rebel Minis is proud to announce two new packs for your modern/near future games. Every range has an associated set of rules. For UK/Europe customers be sure to hit up Steve at Battle Studios. Tom Dye GFI 15mm Modern Forces (13) Sci-fi – 15mm Miniatures (31) 20mm Ranges (393) 28mm Victorian Civilians & Characters (14) Weird Wars (71) The Modern Era – 28mm Miniatures (19) Gang Wars – 28mm Miniatures (13) Urban Rioters – 28mm Miniatures (6) 15mm ranges. 00 First up, we have the Modern Civilians Pack. 00 USD Regular price Sale price $45. They've been in the paper list of codes for over a year, but the last moulding and Please note: Miniatures are cast as each order is processed - we do not keep inventory on hand. CIV01 – Afghan Civilians – Females in Burqa (8) 9,00 € Add to basket; CIV02 – Afghan Civilians Rebel Minis is proud to present our 15mm Pulp Civilians pack! These 15mm figures come with one of each pose. 99 $ 9. Taliban; United States Marine Corps; Universal Soldier; 15mm American Civil War. These 15mm figures are great for any urban war, zombie outbreak or modern warfare scenario! Each pack contains 21 Minis (Seven Although the modern battlefield is called the empty battlefield it can and often does contain civilians. New Releases: infamous Général and proud Chasseurs à Cheval of the Guard We are pleased to share two new additions to the AB Figures Napoleonic 18mm range:; SALUTE 52, ExCeL London - please pre-order now We are pleased to announce that Eureka Miniatures UK will once again be attending the hugely popular; New Release: Civilians (29) Cyberpunk (136) Fantasy (320) Grimdark (90) Legion (68) Medieval (42) Scale - 15mm (1/100) 299 products. 15mm Ranges (232) 15mm Fantasy Figure Ranges (121) Crom's Anvil – 15mm MDF Kits (4) 15mm Modern Forces (13) Sci-fi – 15mm Miniatures (31) 20mm Ranges (393) CheckPoint Miniatures World War II (112) WWII German Forces Tags 15mm Scale Modern Zombies - Anvil Digital Forge S , , , , Download: for sale Website: MyMiniFactory. The highest price is $60. After obtaining our first 3D resin printer, we began printing modern combat minifigures under the license of Albino Raven Miniatures. $10. Please click on the category listings to the left or the images below to Fran is building on his contemporary theme and sends in this very varied batch of miniatures. 00 USD Unit price / per . 10 Posts. Product Line: Modern Havok (15mm) 21 figures. link. Det Well done Model of As long as you stick to civilians vehicles it should be just fine. Collection: 15mm Modern Miniatures. Stock #: RMS7008. Posts. 00 £ Modern Civilians; Modern Ukranian Forces. But it is not like all civilian vehicles are the same size anyway, and we dont expect them to be. 99. paulkit: 16 Jun 2006 9:55 a. Modern US Infantry Command Pack. PST: Good point. 99 (10% off) Add to Favorites Modern African Militia Rebels Insurgents 4 Minifigures, 15mm 20mm 28mm 32mm 35mm 40mm 54mm Miniatures Post Apocalyptic Afghan carts Ancient Civilians 28mm > Medieval Feast 28mm >>Whaleboat & Crew 28mm >>Victorian figures 28mm >>Soccer Players 28mm >>Polynesians28mm >>Mid-East Bazaar 28mm >>Jazz Band & Dancers >>Indian Bazaar Sets 28mm >>Harem 28mm >>Hansom Cab & Transport >>Formula One Cars >>Film Camera Crew 28mm >>Cultists 28mm >>Almughavars Civilians + Colonials + >> Brits & Rebels In Aden 1964-67 >> Blackwater Mercs 28mm >> Austalians SAS on motorbikes 28mm >> Australians Modern 15mm >> Afghan National Police 28mm >>Afghan & Iraqi Civilian sets 28mm >> Afghans 28mm >> Modern Russians 15mm >> Modern Chechens 15mm >> Indochina War 15mm Casual Civilians - Modern Wargaming M Roll over image to zoom in Click on image to zoom / Casual Civilians - Modern Wargaming Miniatures for Tabletop RPG - 28mm / 32mm Scale Minifigures 3D Printed Miniature Tabletop Wargaming Combat Vehicle 28mm / 15mm Scale . Humans, Aliens, Battlesuits, Robots, Vehicles, GNATS Mecha and much more besides in two hundred codes of some four hu FMS02 Torn Modern Tents We make 6000 different figures and models. These 15mm figures are great for any urban war, zombie outbreak or modern warfare scenario! Each pack contains 21 minis (seven unique sculpts), and they are incredibly detailed. NEWS. Civilians. 00 £ 7. 0 selected Reset Availability. Dismounted Knight (Medievals range HR54), Norman Infantry Shop all products in our Miniatures - Modern - 25/28mm genre. They join our existing male and female rioters and riot police. Home / Ultra Moderns. 54 (100CIV022) Indian Snake Charmer Modern Civilians; Modern Ukranian Forces. First up, we have the Modern Civilians Pack. Modern Civilians. . We offer Oddzial Osmy (O8) miniatures and our 3mm buildings as leading products. Medieval. On to Essex also do an 18th Century coach (as does Hallmark, but it's very small by modern 15mm standards) and Hovels do a good range of roadside stuff, but no animals, vehicles or civilians (unlike their 25mm range). We also have the following nationalities Afghans, Africans, Americans, Bosnians, British, Egyptians, French, Germans, Iraqis, Israelis, Mercenaries, Russians, Syrians and Terrorists. 15mm British Army; 15mm French Artillery; ALSO CHECK OUR MODERN VEHICLE RANGE AS MOST WILL BE USABLE FOR THE CONFLICT. Filter: Availability. Click to find the best Results for civilians Models for your 3D Printer. 15mm Modern Plastic Soldier 15mm M60A3 Tanks $ 45 15mm Modern Military Forces from around the World! 15mm Chinese PLA Heavy Weapons. 95. Looking for fresh and detailed 28mm and 32mm figures for your modern or Sci-fi RPG wargames on your tabletop, look no further! 3d printed with the latest generation of resin printers to assure the highest possible quality. Civilians + Colonials + Modern + Myths + Napoleonic + Pax Italian Askari 15mm (300WWT250) NEW Italian Askari in fez w/rifle $0. 25mm. Information. Our 20mm Modern Civilians miniatures ranges are suitable as Terrorists or Freedom Fighters for either 20mm Modern or 20mm Post-Apocalyptic periods. World War II. Taliban; United States Marine Corps; Universal Soldier; US Army; US Rangers; Vehicles; 20mm Xan Moderns; Shop All Ultra Moderns. 15mm British Empress Miniatures is the main stockist for Xan Miniatures from Spain in Europe and the US Xan currently produce 15mm Napoleonic figures and 20mm WW2 Modern Civilians; Modern Ukranian Forces. Combat Colours: 13 Sep 2015 4:31 p. Product code: AFGCIV2 £ 7. VAT Shop at Noble Knight Games for Chronoscope - Modern - Civilians Miniatures & Games by Reaper Miniatures - part of our Miniatures & Games collection. The new Skirmish Sangin Mission Roster. add to list Tags MODERN - Civilian containers - 1/35 Most popular modern civilians 3D Models Modern Civilians; Modern Ukranian Forces. 15mm Chinese PLA Infantry. 15mm British Army; 15mm French Artillery; Empress Miniatures own range of African Casual Civilians Minifigures 15mm 20mm 28mm 32mm 35mm 40mm 54mm Modern Miniatures Post Apocalyptic Zona Alfa Fallout Wasteland RPG (981) Sale Price $ Casual Civilians - Modern Wargaming Miniatures for 15mm American Civil War. >> Viet Nam 25-28mm >> U. 28mm Scale is compatible with games like Zona Alfa or Spectre Operations from Spectre Miniatures. Ancients. By: Rebel Minis. 70 (300WWT251)NEW Italian Askari in fez LMG -2 figure set $1. i still have a number of my old Roco Minitanks around and they are definately to big to go with 15mm. These hopeless victims represent folks from all walks to life(and now death). I'd have to say when it comes to Modern Soviet, American or British armour OG's is the BEST in 15mm.