Traditional conflict resolution in ethiopia. Working with Conflicts: Skills and Strategies for .
Traditional conflict resolution in ethiopia ” Speaking on the occasion, Women and Children Affairs State Minister Hikma Kayredin emphasized the need to use the wisdom of traditional conflict resolution mechanisms and pass it on to the generation to come. In an inter-clan context, the procedures to follow are well established. Among the Anywaa people, an ethnic group predominantly inhabiting regions of South Sudan and Ethiopia, traditional institutions play a pivotal role in maintaining social order, resolving disputes, and preserving cultural heritage. The presence of international terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda, Al-Ithihad, and Al-Shebab in the Horn of Africa aggravated the problem. Traditional ways of resolving conflicts are guided by specific rules and procedures. (2018). A Report by the Home Office Research Development and Statistics Nov 9, 2021 · Reconciliation is inevitable for restoring harmony among a society and making peaceful interaction between those who are at variance. 2. dissertation many years later, entitled “Social Capital and its Role in Traditional Conflict Resolution in Ethiopia: The Case of Inter-Religious Conflict In Jimma Zone state. Making Peace in Ethiopia: Five Cases of Traditional Mechanisms for Conflict Resolution , (Addis Ababa: Master Prin ting Press, 2008) pp. The central Traditional methods of conflict resolution are the tradition of forgiveness, respect for elders and the transfer of resources as Mag or diya compensation payments. Thus, traditional conflict resolution mechanisms are crucial institutions for conflict resolution in Africa. It is within this African Journal on Conflict Resolution, Vol. In fact, commercialization of traditional conflict resolution mechanisms is a topical problem and runs against its voluntary nature (Baker, 2013). the part played by women in social institutions and rituals among the Issa and Gurgura clans of the Somali ethnic group, their involvement in conflict Traditional Conflict Resolution in Awi Society, Northwest Ethiopia: Practices and Challenges in the Contemporary World African Identities 10. A synthesis of customary and Dec 31, 2018 · This article review assessed three Ethiopian ethnic groups traditional conflict resolution that saves life of communities and resources. 2021. Brokering inter-religious peace and emphasizing the multi-religious character of Ethiopia thus became Mar 31, 2021 · Enashma traditional conflict resolution mechanism has several advantages over the state law, but the exclusion of women in the system, no standardized mechanism to fix payment of compensation for different conflicts, lack of supportive and strengthening measures from the government and lack of office for local elders are the major weakness of the institution. Jul 14, 2021 · Wissenschaftliche Studie aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich Afrikawissenschaften - Kultur und Landeskunde, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: This study reveals the role of Areknsanti as a traditional conflict resolution mechanism in handling conflicts in Chagni woreda in Awi Zone, Amhara National Regional State. These include: 1) Dubbusha - a sacred tree where elders and community members gather to reconcile disputes through discussion. 6 million. Based on this, the study has the following specific objectives: To identify the role of women‟s in indigenous conflict resolution To assess the effectiveness of women in conflict resolution process. Traditional Instruments of Conflict Resolution and Mediation among the People of Gambella, Ethiopia Monika M Sommer Discussing Conflict in Ethiopia, Conflict Management …, 2007 Dec 15, 2018 · The naming of traditional conflict resolution mechanisms varies across geographical locations due to various sociocultural characteristics. The data for this study was Apr 3, 2024 · Among the numerous indigenous systems of conflict resolution mechanisms in Ethiopia are the Ilafi-ilame, Jarsumma, Waqeffana and Sinqee in Oromo, Aba‟la in Afar, the Shimagille in Amhara, Nemo in Shinasha, Ruec Wec Ring and Guk in the Nuer of Gambela, and the dubushaa in the Gamo. Those mechanisms were geared toward fostering peaceful co-existence among the Africans. bekele@cgiar. Those participants were selected using purposive sampling technique. In the community, the customary practices and indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms have religious, psychological and social orientation basements. Mar 31, 2021 · The study examines the role of Enashma traditional conflict resolution mechanism in handling conflict to maintain peace and stability. The main objective of this study is to investigate the Abegar indigenous conflict resolution system based on community reconciliation in Haberu Woreda, North Wollo. Ident. mechanism is known as, Irki E nderta (Enderta’s negotiation). Dec 31, 2022 · Notwithstanding the human right issues, traditional institutions operating outside the state are the dominant form of conflict prevention and resolution in Ethiopia. It is within this traditional conflict resolution mechanism of the Hadiya people. Feb 11, 2019 · These structures were responsible for “peace education, confidence-building, peacemaking, peacebuilding, conflict monitoring, conflict prevention, conflict management, and conflict resolution”. Both countries are multiethnic societies with a Secondly, the study explored that following the introduction of Abyssinian ruling system to the area traditional ways of conflicted resolution was replace by law court system which was not fair, as a result guma means of conflict resolution was declined. The This article review assessed three Ethiopian ethnic groups traditional conflict resolution that saves life of communities and resources. Jun 10, 2018 · This paper is aimed at investigating the traditional conflict resolution mechanisms of Kaffa society. This paper reveals that the dispute-resolution practices of the Afar people of Ethiopia significantly contributed to the development process. The Apr 22, 2024 · Since the Ugaz is in charge of handling all facets of societal issues like conflict resolution, there should be a revitalization and appreciation of indigenous community organizations like it. This study was aimed at describing traditional conflict resolution mechanism called Abbagar, the dynamics African Journal on Conflict Resolution, 2014. The study examines the role of Enashma traditional conflict resolution mechanism in handling conflict to maintain peace and stability. The formal conflict resolution mechanism was introduced in Ethiopia in the 1960s, and subsequent laws issued Thus, traditional conflict resolution mechanisms are crucial institutions for conflict resolution in Africa. It is within this Oct 27, 2024 · Shimglina is an Ethiopian traditional conflict resolution mechanism that deals with and addresses every type of conflict, including criminal and inter-community disputes (Aneme, 2015; Bamlak, 2013). Ever since the beginning of the third millennium in Ethiopia, mainstream media propagate problems of violence related to religious extremism formerly and now political extremists. For example, Braukamper (2012), in his study about the Fandano religion of the Hadiya people, attempted to explain the Jun 1, 2016 · There is, therefore, a need to promptly revitalize the African traditional conflict resolution institutions so that conflicts for a long-term be resolved. A study of conflict and its traditional settlement mechanisms can The dispute-resolution practices of the ancient Ethiopians in have been established for many thousands of years, and have been used to prevent loss of life and the destruction of property. EIIPD, 2000 Traditional Mechanisms of Conflict Resolution in Ethiopia 1 . It is with this part of Oromia that indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms of the Oromo of RayituWoreda can be categorized. Traditional Mechanisms of Conflict Resolution in Ethiopia. download Download free PDF View PDF chevron_right. 1. However, the institutions in African states are not able to cope with the huge demands unleashed by everyday conflict. 1 However, we know that this is only one aspect of the complex land-scape of dispute resolution. Based on qualitative approach and cross-sectional design, the research employed the primary data collection methods of informal conversation, in-depth interview, and FGD. Review of related literature According to Alula and Getachew (2008), conflict resolution mechanisms in Ethiopia can be broadly classified as formal conflict resolution mechanism (state justice system) and indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms. Feb 14, 2023 · Ethiopia has long struggled with problems of communal friction turning into violent, ethnic conflict. conflicts arising within the community as well as those with Interview for the Lekgotla La Batho community research project on 26 July 2017 in Makapanstad. The significance In the culture of every human society, various traditional mechanisms of conflict resolution have been utilized before and after the introduction of modern legal systems (Macfarlane, 2007). com; 2International Water Management Institute (IWMI), ILRI-Ethiopia campus, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Enashma; conflict; resolution; customary laws Traditional Conflict Resolution Mechanism in Ethiopia Million Esho Dezo Gilgel Beles College of Teachers Education, Department of Civics and Ethical Education, Ethiopia Email: millioneasho@gmail. Aug 15, 2024 · Traditional institutions have long served as the bedrock of governance and conflict resolution within indigenous communities worldwide. African Journal on Conflict Resolution, Vol. ” Interview for the Lekgotla La Batho community research project on 26 July 2017 in Makapanstad. Nov 16, 2007 · The dynamics of indigenous conflict management practices in Ethiopia are essential parts of conflict resolution relevant to formal conflict resolution mechanisms in most of the pastoral This article review assessed three Ethiopian ethnic groups traditional conflict resolution that saves life of communities and resources. The study collected The Role of Women in Indigenous Conflict resolution in Southern Ethiopia From SNNP (South Nations, Nationalities and People of Ethiopia), Sidama society possesses four types of 1 Siqqee-Women institution used for resolving conflict Waqqa- Praying for God among Oromo people 3 Abbar- Ritual ceremonies among Somali community when drought occur 4 The central objective of this paper is to examine the attitude and practice of Ambo town people towards traditional conflict resolution mechanisms vis-à-vis the modern court system. Among the ethnic groups the Oromo traditional conflict May 7, 2019 · The article aims to assess the institution of traditional conflict resolution in Africa with particular emphasis on South Africa and Ethiopia. Mar 5, 2024 · Addis Ababa, Ethiopia . 4. Informants who represent the pastoralists and elders of the District prefer traditional over modern institutions for resolving their disputes. It is conspicuous that many 9 Indigenous Systems of Conflict Resolution in Oromia, Ethiopia Desalegn Chemeda Edossa,1 Seleshi Bekele Awulachew,2 Regassa Ensermu Namara,3 Mukand Singh Babel4* and Ashim Das Gupta4** 1Haramaya University, Ethiopia; e-mail: dchemeda@yahoo. References. Working towards restorative justice in Ethiopia: Integrating traditional conflict resolution systems with the formal legal system. conflict resolution has benefited greatly from the traditional committee of conflict resolution. It also borders Sudan. G. Exploratory design was used in this study as the issue was being studied for the first time. org; 3International Water and article 34(5), of the Ethiopian Constitution, full recognition has been given to traditional and religious courts and procedures (USAID 2000). Even though, the rulers banned the tradition the people wisely transmit the culture from Sep 9, 2024 · The paper found out that in communal conflicts with an annual conflict-death of 25 or more, the type of conflict resolution method used and the intensity of the conflict influence the effectiveness of a communal peace agreement. 10 -12. Photo of traditional honey farming in 'Kobbo' Source: Photo captured by researchers, 2021 Mar 2, 2017 · Traditional Conflict Resolution Institutions in Ethiopia Ethiopia is believed to be the “museum of peoples” with more than 80 ethnic groups constituting and forming one nation state. The following terms interchangeably used as Alternative Dispute Resolution,Traditional Dispute Resolution,Indigenous Conflict Resolution: to mean a set of approaches and techniques aimed at resolving disputes in a non-confrontational way based Traditional Conflict Resolution Mechanisms among Ambo Woreda Communities Zelalem Muchie & Endalcachew The sources of conflict in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa include, Feb 27, 2014 · Macfarlane, Julie 2007. Conflict resolution mechanisms in Ethiopia can be generally classified as indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms (informal conflict resolution mechanism) and state justice system (formal conflict resolution mechanism) (Alula and Getachew: 2008). Working with Conflicts: Skills and Strategies for Ethiopia has long struggled with problems of communal friction turning into violent, ethnic conflict. Among the ethnic groups the Oromo traditional conflict resolution is called Gada system which includes nine members in addition to women conflict resolution known as Ateete/Siiqqee and There are Steps and Procedures used in Maaga, Raaga and Feragzegn Customary Conflict Resolution for homicide case and finally we have seen Geffecha it is appealing system to Feragzegn. In his small book “Traditional Mechanisms of Conflict Resolution in Ethiopia”, the Author Giday Degefu Koraro suggests that the major ethnic groups of Ethiopia have similar systems in place – understood as opposed to the modern or western ways of settling conflicts. Elders who are working on conflict resolution are not paid, and give free services so far. It always exists as Jan 1, 2016 · In: Tarekegn and Hannah (eds. . 487–509. Among the ethnic groups the Oromo traditional conflict resolution is called Gada system which includes nine members in addition to women conflict resolution known as Ateete/Siiqqee and Araara(reconciliation) that every clans have their own elders who Interview for the Lekgotla La Batho community research project on 26 July 2017 in Makapanstad. Maya Conflict resolution, Amhara People INTRODUCTION Customary mechanisms are grass root approaches to solve conflicts based on the values, norms, and rituals of the society (Zartman, 2000). 12 The Afar use the traditional dispute resolution mechanism to settle conflict that arises within the family, between neighbours, within a clan and between clans. The political center of Amhara is Bahir Dar, which is 565 kilometers from the enhanced use of traditional conflict resolution mechanisms in conflict management today. The 2015 Alternative Dispute Resolution Proclamation established a formal framework for mediation, promoting its use as a preferred method for conflict resolution. Hence, the current review is aims to assess the role of women’s in indigenous conflict resolution in different regions of Ethiopia. Members of the mediation committee made efforts to manage the mediations, which This document discusses indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms among the Gamo people of Ethiopia. Indigenous systems of conflict resolution in Oromia The traditional conflict management and resolution institutions are closely bound with socio-cultural and economic realities and of the lifestyles of the concerned communities. The results of the review disclosed that even if settle disputes within or between disputes. 1974340 Dec 30, 2018 · There were times in Ethiopian history when the state legal system officially incorporated elements from the traditional institutions of conflict resolution in the state courts (Carmichael 2003:122 Conflicts in ambo are emanated from various sources. role of women‟s indigenous conflict resolution in the Gamo people. Among the ethnic groups the Oromo traditional conflict resolution is called Gada system which includes nine members in addition to women conflict resolution known as Ateete/Siiqqee and 9 Indigenous Systems of Conflict Resolution in Oromia, Ethiopia Desalegn Chemeda Edossa,1 Seleshi Bekele Awulachew,2 Regassa Ensermu Namara,3 Mukand Singh Babel4* and Ashim Das Gupta4** 1Haramaya University, Ethiopia; e-mail: dchemeda@yahoo. To realize the intended objectives, the study utilized case-study research approach with qualitative research method and the data were collected using observation, interview, focused-group discussion and document analysis. indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms. It is a customary conflict resolution mechanism in Ethiopia, used widely by the Amhara people, an ethnic group living in Amhara regional state in This article review assessed three Ethiopian ethnic groups traditional conflict resolution that saves life of communities and resources. The Role of Traditional Conflict Management Institution among the Aleltu Oromo Community: The Case of Jaarsa Biyyaa Eskedar Girum National Library and Archives Abstract Conflict may virtually arise in any social setting. The traditional institution of maro has jurisdiction over every dispute, with the exception of disputes relating to marriage, divorce, and inheritance that are left to the Shari’a Unlike other customary conflict resolution institutions in Ethiopia, Aboled conflict resolution process comprised three important groups or individuals such as the kin council (Aboled), the spirit mediumship, and the religious leaders. better understanding of conflict dynamics, but also to highlight the linkages with development and poverty issues. 1 If these mechanisms were effective in handling and managing conflicts among the people, it was largely because they reflected the sociopolitical Jun 1, 2023 · Traditional conflict resolution in Awi society, northwest Ethiopia: practices and challenges in the contemporary world Afr. Profile of the RegionTigray Region is the third most homogeneous of all the regions in Ethiopia, next to the Afar and Somali national states. Background Before the advent of colonialism, the communities living in Africa had their own conflict resolution mechanisms. For example, Wolde (2018) reported that the most common Feb 1, 2024 · By Yeneneh Sisay – In order to make land use among The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) member countries fair and conflict-free, traditional conflict resolution methods should be used as an alternative, suggested Shadrack Omondi, IGAD’s land affairs specialist. These factors, inter alia, are associated with competition over grazing land and water resources, boundary conflicts on farm lands, problems of access to water irrigation, sense of superiority, and Traditional Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in Ethiopia, 2020 Traditional ways of resolving conflicts are guided by specific rules and procedures. Nov 15, 2022 · Ethiopia has been practicing various kinds of traditional conflict resolution mechanisms. Restorative justice: An overview. Mar 14, 2019 · The Afar use the traditional dispute resolution mechanism to settle a conflict that arises within the family, between neighbors, within a clan, and between clans. This study has employs a qualitative research design and descriptive nature. This experience as peacemaker and mediator would inform his Ph. This traditional dispute resolution institution gives their decision depending on their customary law which is called “Kicha” which literarily mean rule and regulation. Sep 10, 2021 · For example, one ethnographic study investigating the tradition of conflict resolution in the Afar region of Ethiopia reports that "there are assemblies run by council of elders representing the function of indigenous conflict resolution in the framework of a mediation council between two kebeles in the Fogera District. Indigenous Conflict Resolution Institutions in Ethiopia Ethiopia is believed to be the “museum of peoples” with more than 80 ethnic groups constituting and forming one nation state. Data were analyzed Principles of conflict resolution in traditional African societies In the pre-colonial days, there were many principles guiding conflict resolution in the traditional African societies. Jul 9, 2007 · Gadaa System: A Traditional Conflict Resolution System Used in Oromia, Ethiopia Water is so easy to take for granted. Conflict resolution in traditional Africa is geared towards reconciliation, maintenance and improvement of social relationships. For instance, variant traditional conflict resolution mechanisms are used in the Northern Afar in Afar region [12]. Marshal, Tony F. traditional conflict resolution mechanisms • To assess the challenges facing these indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms • To assess the attitude of the society towards interaction between indigenous conflict resolution institution and other settlement institutions in the study area. The Region has an area of 161,828 square kilometers and a population of 17,205,000. All available materials were reviewed. 1997; Fisher. 64 Traditional African Conflict Resolution: The Case of South Africa and Ethiopia 337 not view disputes or conflict as s setback but rather as an opportunity for dialogue, resolution of the conflict and mutual communication between the In the first place, lack of commitment resulting from absence of payment to Shimagles is a critical challenge. The Tigray people are the vast majority and the Kunama and Irob are the only minorities. Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution, 8 (487), pp. 1 - 19 , 10. 1. Members of the two largest ethnic groups, the Oromos an Jan 5, 2022 · Keywords: conflict, indigenous conflict resolution, clan leaders, elders, mikirecho. 1999. have come together to showcase traditional conflict resolution through musical drama. 1080/14725843. Traditional dispute resolution mechanisms are . It is a country of diversity harboring varieties of languages, different religions and faiths as well as quite many nations and nationalities with their own Jan 1, 2020 · traditional conflict resolution mechanism; this kind o f . Ethiopia as country religious tolerance has generally been a hallmark of Ethiopian society, especially among followers of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and Muslims this conflict is maybe prevented by formal or informal conflict prevention mechanism like resolution, reconciliation ADR, of course, Ethiopia a nation nationality different nations Oct 17, 2024 · To foster pathways for lasting peace, this calls for strengthening the Church's position as a traditional conflict resolution institution among the relevant stakeholders and safeguarding its established methods and authority from being undermined by unwarranted intervention from the government and other disputing parties. Meron Zeleke (2010). 66 Ibid. It is also found that there is gender difference concerning the immediate actions taken in the incidence of conflicts. Among the ethnic groups the Oromo traditional conflict resolution is called Gada system which includes nine members in addition to women conflict resolution known as Ateete/Siiqqee and This study deals with traditional conflict resolution mechanisms in Boro-Shinasha community in BGRS with particular emphasis on Metekel Zone, Bullen Woreda. The study was be used a mixed approach both qualitative and quantitative design followed. The participants of the study are elders, religious leaders and influential people from the study area. Dec 18, 2019 · Also, a thorough investigation of the syllabi and portfolios of courses in the field of conflict analysis and resolution, peace and conflict studies, alternative dispute resolution, conflict management studies, and related fields of study confirms widespread, but false, assumption that conflict resolution is a western creation. 4. Traditional Conflict Resolution conflict between Muslims and Christians in Jimma. ), Making Peace in Ethiopia: Five Cases of Traditional Mechanisms for Conflict Resolution. Other Bodies Intervention in Conflict Resolution Process Local or traditional Conflict Resolution Mechanism Traditionally, the two groups have give-and-take arrangements whereby the Nuers have access to grazing land and the Anuak benefit from milk and some cattle provisions. One among these mechanisms is community elders‟ mediation. Customary Laws in Ethiopia:A Traditional Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in Ethiopia - Afrikawissenschaften - Wissenschaftliche Studie 2012 - ebook 12,99 € - GRIN the Oromo people in Ethiopia, in the utilization of important resources such as water, as well as its contribution in conflict resolution among individuals and communities. The Afar of northern Ethiopia have their own traditional institutions for conflict resolution at both micro and macro levels, i. Nov 14, 2024 · Under Ethiopian law, mediation has been increasingly recognized and integrated into various sectors, including commercial disputes, labor conflicts, and community issues. The kin council takes the overall responsibility for the conflict resolution process; the spirit mediumship Besides according to article 78(5) and article 34(5), of the Ethiopian Constitution, full recognition has been given to traditional and religious courts and procedures (USAID 2000). Julie Macfarlane* Most legal scholars study the formal legal system, focusing on principles of law and state-sanctioned procedures and institutions. The traditional institution of maro has jurisdiction over every dispute, with the exception of disputes relating to marriage, divorce and inheritance that are left to the Shari’a Traditional Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in Kaffa Society of Ethiopia Bisrat Gebru Wolde To cite this article: Wolde, B. 2) Cima Institution - elders selected by the community to Traditional Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in Ethiopia, 2020. 64 Traditional African Conflict Resolution: The Case of South Africa and Ethiopia 337 not view disputes or conflict as s setback but rather as an opportunity for dialogue, resolution of the conflict and mutual communication between the indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms and customary practices for long. Christianity is the dominant religion though there are also Muslim Tigrayans in some districts. Giday Degefu Koraro. May 4, 2022 · ETHIOPIA: INDIGENOUS CONFLICT RESOLUTION MECHANISM OF SHEKACHO PEOPLE AND ITS ROLE IN PROMOTING PEACE AND GOOD GOVERNANCE. Jul 24, 2020 · Traditional conflict resolution mechanisms can play a significant role in conflict management which has gained widespread acceptance among both the general public and the legal protection The study examines the role of Enashma traditional conflict resolution mechanism in handling parts of Ethiopia along Boro-Shinasha communities due to dispute over land, conflict over International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 9, September-2020 1128 ISSN 2229-5518 Traditional Conflict Resolution Mechanism in Ethiopia: (The case of Enashma of the Boro- Shinasha Community, Benisahngul- Gumuz Regional State) By: Million Esho Dezo Gilgel Beles College of Teachers Education, Department of Civics and Ethical Education Email:[email protected analysis challenges and weakness of traditional conflict resolution mechanisms in study area. 10, No. Introduction Conflict is not a new phenomenon in the history of human beings. To this end, the study used both primary and secondary sources. The presence of such elements in the indigenous mechanisms and customary practices enabled the Jan 3, 2022 · For example, one ethnographic study investigating the tradition of conflict resolution in the Afar region of Ethiopia reports that "there are assemblies run by council of elders representing This article review assessed three Ethiopian ethnic groups traditional conflict resolution that saves life of communities and resources. • To identify the way in which customary Traditional Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in Ethiopia, 2020. Addis Ababa:Peace and Development Committee. It shares borders with the regional states of Oromia, Afar, Benishangul, and Tigray. com I. conflicts arising within the Oct 20, 2023 · This led to his PhD thesis on “Social Capital and Its Role in Traditional Conflict Resolution in Ethiopia: The Case of Inter-Religious Conflict in Jimma Zone State,” which he defended at Addis Ababa University in 2017 (Abiy Ahmed Ali 2016). Many African states (South Africa and Ethiopia included) are grappling with conflict resolution. Traditional conflict resolution in South Africa journal conflict resolution. The population of Tigray according to 1994 census was 3. The study will contribute to the studies of traditional conflict management and resolution mechanisms in Ethiopia particularly in Tigray. 1974340 Google Scholar Nov 3, 2024 · The training was organized in collaboration with the UN Women under the topic “Traditional Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in Ethiopia. “Ye Shekoch Chilot (the Court of the Sheikhs): A traditional institution of conflict resolution in Oromiya zone of Amhara regional state, Ethiopia". Those who want their conflicts resolved must have confidence in the tribunal that would resolve the dispute. e. 64 Traditional African Conflict Resolution: The Case of South Africa and Ethiopia 337 not view disputes or conflict as s setback but rather as an opportunity for dialogue, resolution of the conflict and mutual communication between the Sep 12, 2017 · Traditional Natural Resource Conflict Resolution vis-à-vis Formal Legal Systems in East Africa: the Case of Ethiopia & Kenya; Journal of African Conflict Resolution (ACCORD), Vol. 2 ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY traditional conflict resolution and management mechanisms is their paramount acceptability Abstract: The study examines the role of Enashma traditional conflict resolution mechanism in handling conflict to maintain peace and stability. Traditional Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in Ethiopia, 2020 Traditional ways of resolving conflicts are guided by specific rules and procedures. Akihm. This article finds that high-ranking officials within the judiciary and executive, heads of some organisations, and certain researchers have acclaimed the harmonisation and application of the Popular Dispute Resolution Mechanisms (PDRMs) in Ethiopia's justice system. , 00 ( 2021 ) , pp. 17 (1). Jarsumma is an indigenous conflict resolution mechanism that is currently practiced in Oromia especially in areas where the Gada system handicapped to resolve conflict. 1; Mulgeta Negasa (2011). Ethiopia [9]. The findings of this study show that land disputes, marital conflicts, drinking alcohol, clan conflicts and religious conflicts are the major types and causes of conflict in Kaffa society. Informants for the study were chosen based on purposive sampling. You go to the grocery store to buy drinking water, only to be confused over which of the 30 brands of water tastes the best. Mechanisms for Conflict Resolution in Ethiopia: Meaning Values, Structures, 3URFHGXUHV DQG 2XWFRPH ´ LQ 7DUHNHJQ Adebo and Hanna Tsadik eds. com; 2International Water Management Institute (IWMI), ILRI-Ethiopia campus, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; e-mail: s. A type of informal dispute resolution mechanism, mediation is now becoming institutionalizing, even in the western world, the birth place of formal conflict resolution methods (Bush, 2005). Mar 15, 2004 · Profile of the Region and the selected study areaAmhara Region is located in the northern and northwestern parts of Ethiopia. The difference in traditional conflict resolution mechanisms is witnessed via the analogy ethnic group in terms of vicinities, the characteristic of the conflict to be remedied, and people tied up in conflict resolution. It discusses ways to overcome the difference between customary and statutory approaches in conflict resolution. Lecturer at Department of Geography and Environmental Studies,Assosa University,Assosa,Ethiopia 2 . It is unavoidable in human society. Ethiopian societies use traditional techniques to manage various types of conflicts that develop Sep 10, 2021 · ABSTRACT This study is aimed at exploring the traditional conflict resolution system of the Awi: the practices and contemporary challenges. Photo of traditional honey farming in 'Kobbo' Source: Photo captured Sep 10, 2021 · His area of research interest mainly focuses on traditional conflict resolution, traditional medical systems and their interactions with biomedical system; interested in post modern ethnography and literature and also religious interactions in Ethiopia, which he sought to be his PhD project. IN ETHIOPIA: INTEGRATING TRADITIONAL CONFLICT RESOLUTION SYSTEMS WITH THE FORMAL LEGAL SYSTEM Dr. D. 2 Scope of the study Qaalluu, Smith and Metal: Traditional Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in the Medium of Metals among the Oromo of Northeast Wollega, Ethiopia Temesgen Burka* Abstract The introduction of metals, particularly iron, has always been seen as an important stage of socio-cultural, economic, and political departure of human development. It describes several institutions for resolving conflicts without involvement of the formal legal system. Example in Afar, in cases of inter-clan homicide, the Mekabon (judges) summon the leaders of the concerned clans as soon as the identities of both the murderer and the deceased are identified. xzhfcu ioob uxvvwqys uway oqya nnkk gqacj vzomw zcz hzh cigvh rzbpsw vkvn owdiiy kodoxz