React responsive safari not working. Jan 15, 2024 · !This note is written as self study note.

React responsive safari not working css file into the min-width: 660px media query like so: Oct 1, 2023 · Learn how to resolve compatibility issues with websites built using React. Apr 1, 2022 · Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. index. You state in your question the breakpoint events are not firing when you change orientation in Mobile Safari. This can be annoying when trying to adjust the transparency of background colors. I'd be great if this was built in to the swipe behavior of the component. js. Dec 4, 2019 · I want to play video when user comes to the page, it is working fine for all the platform except IOS. On macbook it's not responsive only with safari. I was able to overcome this by using onMouseDown and onMouseUp instead - which works on both mobile and desktop - but this is not always convenient. Share Improve this answer Jul 11, 2017 · The changes take place the right amount of times, but just not at the right time. luckily it was added to codebase yesterday and was easy to track down, but holy web, Safari truly sucks to develop for. 2. innerHeight". Jan 15, 2024 · !This note is written as self study note. Storing the timeout in a ref vs state is something I have not done before. Your media query kicks in at 480px, which is why it is working in Chrome, but not Safari. preventDefault(); // The serialize function here would be Jul 11, 2010 · Safari/Preferences/Advanced - enable the Develop menu, then go there and Empty Caches. The reason I use onclick is to get the value of the dropdown list before it changes. Hot Network Questions Computing π(x): the Apr 25, 2021 · We discovered this repo for this annoying issue. Apple may provide or recommend responses as a possible solution based on the information provided; every potential issue may involve several factors not detailed in the conversations captured in an electronic forum and Apple can therefore provide no guarantee as to the Jan 25, 2019 · My React button's click is not responding to onClick. Here are the Nov 13, 2021 · For someone who doesn't get this resolved by other solutions mentioned here. Any Jul 22, 2024 · When developing a React application, encountering a 'react onclick not working' issue can be a common hurdle. How To Fix React Local Host Not Working. s Apr 1, 2024 · If I click a link the opens in a new tab more than once during this time, it seems to actually buffer the clicks, and once Safari starts working again, and it will react to all the clicks, and the open the page multiple times in multiple tabs following the amount of clicks Only seems to happen in Safari. 8" Browsers affected are Safari on macOS and iOS and IE Edge 18, Windows 10. Rarely it works only on first slide, and does nothing on other slides. 0 + same browsers on ios and android. 1" Jul 21, 2015 · The reason your media queries aren't working in Safari is because Safari's minimum screen width around 500px. My setup is the same: DRF + React, authentication via JWT. If you write numbers at the end, then the function works. Other possibility is the new Safari responsive testing mode doesn't work as well as it should, maybe it requires a page reload to reflect the dimension change? I don't think so. The videos are all . I am just doing a simple console. React onClick not firing on IE 11, Safari and FF on PC. I thought it was an issue with dependencies, and tried to use brute force create a fresh app and install dependencies one by one to pinpoint the issue, but that did not work. They will not fire the play order when the autoplay attribute is set even if the canplaythrough event has fired when the DOM around the video tag has changed after initial page load. Unfortunately I could not make swipeable work on mobile. Aug 22, 2023 · I am following a tut creating an ebay clone. ResponsiveContainer uses react-resize-observer to alert the SVG of height and width changes in the container. Jan 30, 2020 · React bootstrap responsive design not work as intended with react hooks and alan AI. According to Apple documentation Autoplay feature is not working on Safari in all ios devices including iPad: "Apple has made the decision to disable the automatic playing of video on iOS devices, through both script and attribute implementations. What can I do? This is an example of Form. Firefox works fine. element-name'). 5%, respectively. This did work for me: Nov 25, 2024 · If these settings are already enabled, but your Safari browser is not working on your iPhone, there are other solutions to try. Mar 9, 2021 · I am working on an online ecommerce website using react js. css package. Find below the rendered on chrome and firefox and the rendered on safari. Nov 6, 2022 · I want to get the URL search params and their values using react-router 6, the approach provided in the documentation is as follows : import * as React from "react"; import { useSearchParams } from "react-router-dom"; function App() { let [searchParams, setSearchParams] = useSearchParams(); function handleSubmit(event) { event. js application, we typically use the React Developer Tools browser extension. CSS: Flexbox and Grid. I'm not sure if I'm implementing it incorrectly. json Feb 10, 2020 · Turns out it was because the website I'm working on uses bootstrap rtl. Here is the thing I am trying to embed. I am trying now to add a navbar from Reactstrap. You can easily add this extension to Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. My gut says I'm u I created a react app with 'create react-app'. Feb 11, 2019 · Base on the official docs, we know React can support to IE9 with polyfill. On my "big screen" it (kind of) works but on my macbook screen the BarChart isn't visible until I resize the window or manipulates the DOM in some way ( Checkbox not working in react. Dec 17, 2022 · The version I posted is the latest version as of this post and apparently will not work on safari once minified as when I built the code without the minfier it worked fine on safari. One of the steps is creaitng a carousel. SEO aspects. appetize. When I used a grid and had columns and rows, this did not happen. To solve your issue, remove variableWidth: true, because this will make your slides take full with of the carousel. Two other possible issues. The problem is only in the safari br I have a dropdown menu z-index not working and I have spent hours trying different things, but all does not work. Just checked it. 2%, 34. One of the best approaches is using @expo/match-media which enables you to use most of your favorite responsive React libraries with Expo for iOS, Android, and Web, it also observes the screen size for Android devices that use split-screen functionality. /r/frontend is a subreddit for front end web developers who want to move the web forward or want to learn how. There could be mistakes, errors. js file. Jan 27, 2020 · I have not modified the Create-React-Package in any way, however, this also holds true for apps that I wrote according to tutorials: Working great in Chrome, but Edge simply shows a white screen as if no code was executed at all. I've tried to use the react-datepicker library, but it has different styling and it's difficult to align its inputs with the others from Semantic UI React's Forms. May 15, 2018 · But when I do this in mobile with Safari, nothing happens like just scroll up or down with no event. Mar 17, 2021 · Hi, I'm using version 3. Jul 27, 2018 · I'm building a drawing app with react and on safari, context. I researched the problem but can't seem to get clear directions whether this is a debugging issue with my chrome or react app. Seems to be a known issue with memory allocation in iphone mobile safari browser. Nov 4, 2015 · Flexbox not working on iPad and Safari [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 9 years, 3 months ago. Just make sure you put all the images inside the src folder since relative imports are not supported from outside the src folder if create-react-app is used. g. There are 1365 other projects in the npm registry using react-responsive. 0, FF 81. 98), but not in Safari (12. It looks like overflow hidden styles, but I inspected Safari and all styles applied like in other devices. I'm not sure about your folder structure or pattern but typically all your React/CSS belong in your src folder – May 6, 2022 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. react-responsive-carousel is not displaying properly. In Chrome it worked perfectly. 1, it is no longer possible to auto-play videos on the iPad. Configure your template paths => Add the paths to all of your template files in your tailwind. Google Discover recommends using images with a high resolution and images that are at least 1200 pixels wide for the best appearance across all devices. com" clientId="Z<SCRUBBED>xyz Feb 12, 2023 · The solutions are almost always the same, so if you're finding that Tailwind just flat out doesn't seem to be working, here's what to do. My code looks like this <ReactPlayer playing=true url="video_url" muted loop=true /> Thanks in advance ! Nov 7, 2021 · After updating to ios 15. I was mindblown when narrowed this down to this CSS. There are multiple ways to address this issue. (it was originally working in Chrome, not working at all in Safari, and took 2 clicks in Firefox to work) – Apr 20, 2021 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Feb 6, 2022 · Is there any other way I could try? If not, my only idea is to destructure the page into seperate pages, so I can link them without using anchors. When importing carousel component replace this: Aug 6, 2024 · Here let have a look on issue thet the above event window. 23 and it has an issue regarding infiniteLoop of Carousel Slider (circular slide). This makes me think it has something to do with how it is being mounted. Swiping left and right works as expe Oct 27, 2021 · So my react app is working perfectly in the beginning. Jun 27, 2020 · Cant figure out why my anchor tags are not working in Safari. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. Is there an alternative to thi Jul 18, 2021 · HTML speech not working on Safari mac "TypeError" 5 JavaScript - webkitSpeechRecognition, endless listening Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other When on a mobile device (tested with FF, Chrome and Safari emulator) any vertical scrolling of the page is not possible when dragging within a carousel element. height(window. <Router history={hist}> <Switch> <Route path="/" component={LandingPage} /> </Switch> </Router> My landing page contains my various components Aug 8, 2023 · I am working on fixing the login for a React SPA app which has trouble logging in with Safari and Brave (w/ shields). But it is not responsive. If you're looking to find or share the latest and greatest tips, links, thoughts, and discussions on the world of front web development, this is the place to do it. Mar 4, 2012 · The maxlength attribute does not apply to an input of type="number" From W3 HTML5 spec concerning type="number" The following content attributes must not be specified and do not apply to the element: accept, alt, checked, dirname, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, maxlength, multiple, pattern, size, src, and width. I have tried uninstall and reinstalling packages. This problem can arise due to various reasons, such as incorrect syntax, scope issues, or event handling quirks specific to React's synthetic event system. it works all fine in chrome and firefox, but not safari. References: Medium. I’ve gone through a bunch of community posts (some prior mine) and this, Troubleshoot Renew Tokens When Using Safari, and am still unable to get this to work. Dec 9, 2023 · To troubleshoot issues in a React. Basically I had the same issue until I deleted a . Quit/reopen Safari and test. Jul 14, 2017 · This'll force the input to be on numeric mode on iOS and the regex is just to ensure it'll get only numbers. Jan 21, 2020 · After adding react-app-polyfill in your index. Start using react-responsive in your project by running `npm i react-responsive`. Afterwards, it now works perfectly in localhost but when I try to build it in AWS I got the error: Mar 23, 2022 · (a) For bare react-native: npm install react-native-gesture-handler react-native-reanimated (b) For expo projects: npx expo install react-native-gesture-handler react-native-reanimated (3) Add the reanimated plugin in our babel. This is May 13, 2019 · Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. It worked for me. js, it will work for PROD env but you need to update your browserslist inside package. mp4(. From this post, I was having issue that my cloned version of code is not applied with tailwindcss when i do ‘npm start Jul 28, 2018 · It shows a date-picker on both Chrome and Firefox but not on Safari. js, the button will click in my other component but not without it. emulateTouch works First of all, "variableHeight" option does not exist in Slick Carousel. The widths of those td's should be 48. But I also want to define the support version for other browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Latest version: 10. I have applied background size cover as it is what the client wants. I am having trouble getting a React JS to work in some browsers. 1, bottom part of the screen won’t respond to touch when using Safari, is there a way to fix this? Edit: to clarify, I can’t scroll or touch things like links, words and whatever else is at that part of the screen; Safari functions themselves do work, and I am not using the new UI. Or it loaded half-way, but nothing is working. 1 - It is a Reactstrap/Bootstrap Button in a functional component. Carousel not rendering two Dec 17, 2014 · I have the same issue, where I need to double click to get any click event to fire. 1 I got this error: Mar 11, 2021 · I'm using React-pdf, which works fine on chrome, both on desktop and android devices but doesn't seem to work on iPhone ( both chrome and safari ) and mac safari. One solution that works well is to use JavaScript "window. So everything maybe okay with styles, but it does not work and I don't know why. 3578. svg" class Test extends React. React bootstrap Carousel not working properly. – Capsule. Hope this helps :D Jun 6, 2014 · At the same time, there're other css hover events happening within the same div which does not cause lost clicks. Jul 9, 2023 · The current version of react-responsive-carousel is 3. Oct 1, 2019 · I show a BarChart in a Responsive Container. Mar 11, 2021 · I'm still a beginner with ReactJS and I need to create a Carousel that is responsive, the way I need to leave is like this: I was able to create Carousel on both desktop and responsive using the react-responsive-carousel library. thumb img { width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; } . 5", "react-dom": "^16. 0 How things are setup <Auth0Provider domain="auth. However, Dec 18, 2019 · I struggle with Safari (and IE11) to display with responsive settings. 3, the autoplay isn't working on safari, chrome and firefox, but only on mobile. I did a yarn start and relaunched to continue working on the layout and got the above response. You can test how it works in various scenarios using the following Responsive Images example. Input type that does not work on Safari. Clear Browser Cache. Page reload has no effect. After googling, I found… Apr 23, 2017 · See Update 2 below for what the real problem seems to be. When I adjust browser windows it's working perfectly for mobile phone but when I check it on my real mobile phone: Samsung Galaxy S2 it's not responsive to the mobile view. 1. – Feb 10, 2018 · My React app was working perfectly fine. Autoplay muted HTML5 video using React on mobile (Safari / iOS 10+). Mar 26, 2019 · "react": "^16. For my case, the answer was to set height to an absolute value, and then to use flex-grow to adapt the height according to the space available. I search around in internet but none of the solution works. To work place your video file in public folder located at your root folder. It's not limited to Safari. Which versions of react-content-loader, and which browser are affected by this issue? "react-content-loader": "^3. And it definitely has to do with React in Chrome. js file as shown in the code below:. Mar 29, 2021 · My React app works in Chrome and Edge, but renders a blank screen in Safari with the error: Invalid regular expression: invalid group specifier name. fix iOS problem with scroll not working in Safari fix rendering Mar 24, 2018 · Perhaps it's because of this phenomenon, I'm not sure: If you render your React component into a detached element, React will call focus() too soon. What to do?! Check The Console! May 29, 2020 · It does not work in Safari (latest version) It does not work on mobile Apple devices; This is odd because the IntersectionObserver should work fine on Safari and even mobile browsers on iOS. import {Table,Container, Button ,Jumbotron} from 'react-bootstrap' &lt;div &gt; &lt;Table respons May 25, 2018 · I just can't understand why it was returning 401 on iOS when in everywhere else it was working! I thought it was something about iOS not storing Cookies or something like that. The problem I am hitting is I have a scroll view inside iFrame. And add that file path to your url prop. Commented Jul 5, 2016 at 9:44 Sep 23, 2022 · Typically your CSS should be kept with your React components. React-Bootstrap CSS issue. Sep 7, 2018 · If you're not against the idea of overriding the default CSS styling, then you could create a CSS file with the following:. 3" . To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers . Here are several common reasons why your React app might not be loading on localhost, along with steps to troubleshoot and fix the issue: 1. 5", "react-scripts": "2. Why is Safari not working on my iPhone? One of the iPhone’s many useful features is that you can restrict certain apps from using your cellular data. The medium link has more solutions should this not work. (Or really, any JavaScript library: Angular 1 or 2, Backbone, Ember, heck, even jQuery) The screen is blank. In addition to media queries, there are other tools you can use to make your React app more responsive. If you think about el, and index as starting position (index) and end position (el), the element has moved to the old end position by the end of the transition, and by when it's there, it's taken over by the new start position and (index) is switched to match the new setup. They work fine in Chrome and Firefox. Tested on Safari 14. 2). There was no type="submit" attribute in the Button component. Using TestUtils correctly creates such a event which will trigger your onChange listener. I've created it using my desktop. It is fixed like a charm. I re-organized the folder structures and renamed some files to make it more clean. ; Make sure tailwind and its version are installed correctly. Explore troubleshooting techniques and find solutions to ensure cross-browser compatibility. May 4, 2021 · I'm only able to correctly load the production website on my laptop. And you can also not use "mobileFirst" option if your page is not using this methodology. filter is not working properly. I am new Contribute to pradel/react-responsive-modal development by creating an account on GitHub. The site is not responsive at all on iphones with safari, chrome and firefox. Dec 3, 2013 · As of iOS 6. So this is definitely a Chrome issue and a bug. Sep 27, 2018 · Same issue here with rendering the responsive breakpoints on iphone 6/7/8 (actual phones not emulators). let settings_3 = { dots: false, autoplay: false, autoplaySpeed: 3000, slidesToShow: 3, May 19, 2020 · I am trying to add slick carousel in react app, so far slick sliding works fine but the responsive part does not work, Please check this code if I am doing something wrong $('. I don't know if this worked in previous versions of React. One possible solution is to introduce one more wrapping div around the img. Jun 7, 2022 · You may not be importing the css for react-multi-carousel: react-responsive-carousel is not displaying properly. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. But your placed Video file object so it wont work. So you can try with number and, if it doesn't work, fall back to tel. Jan 3, 2021 · React onClick not working in Firefox or Safari. The page simply loads the images the standard way: import 1 from ". Feb 28, 2016 · only workaround that I know of is to provide a placeholder="yyyy-mm-dd" attribute on the input tag, which safari / IE should use, but other browsers that do support the html5 date picker will ignore and instead use the operating system's recommended format (eg, for US users, will be "mm/dd/yyyy") instead. . 1%, 17. I'm attempting to make good use of the React-Bootstrap grid layout. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Jul 26, 2019 · My app works fine in other browsers, but it does not load in Safari 10. carousel . Jun 9, 2022 · 2. /img/1. the follow is my component. Now everything is working. Nov 26, 2020 · I have built a react component for text to speech functionality. React v18 @auth0 react v2. On the details page for every product, I am using react-responsive-carousel to allow the user to slide through all images for that specific Jul 31, 2023 · Element scrolling is not working only for Safari mobile (IOS). And the issue also affects real devices. What could be the wrong? Feb 4, 2019 · I want to change sliderToShow property on small devices but the responsive property does not work. The down side is it clears all cookies. Aug 14, 2017 · You can trick React by using index as key. 8. Currently the structure of lib/carousel is broken. Aug 21, 2016 · React uses its own events system with SyntheticEvents (prevents browser incompatabilities and gives react more control of events). Thanks in advance. Component { Jan 4, 2020 · I added a react-boostrap table component to my web site as following. The version of Terser plugin I rolled back to is "terser-webpack-plugin": "4. 13. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 11 months ago. The view in simulator (iFrame) does not work. 2. Your situation is a weird one, I had to check this out for myself. – Jul 25, 2024 · When working with TailwindCSS in React, you might encounter issues with utility classes like bg-opacity not working as expected. They are part of the view, one being JSX elements, the other styles. EDIT: There might be an issue with React and the way the website is set up, because I checked a similar page, created without React, and there the first mentioned approach works, also in Safari. json for DEV env. React Native documentation says: Android may behave better when given no behavior prop at all, whereas iOS is the opposite. I am having issues in Safari as well- the html elements that make up the React-PDF grey bar with Rotate/Download/Print actions do not show up inside the iframe in Safari (but do in Chrome, Firefox etc). Feb 21, 2023 · Real example. example. Unsure if this is the best solution. The Carousel doesn't go in a loop, instead of being continuous, it jumps from the last slide to the first or from the first slide to the last. Try try moving all the code in your responsive. It works like a charm on all other browsers though. 0. Modified 3 years, Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. 0, last published: 10 months ago. Dec 8, 2023 · I love Slick, because it is normally solid out the box. Nov 29, 2020 · Yes, media queries in a plain CSS work. In this article, we’ll explore common reasons why bg-opacity might not work in your React Mar 21, 2019 · I'm currently attempting to learn React, and React-Bootstrap. not the Safari version. Dec 19, 2019 · I'm using an iPhone on iOS 13. I have tried by passing muted property but doesn't work. mov files also don't work). Any ideas? Media queries in react for responsive design. Chrome goes all the way down to 400px. Then try Safari/History/Show History and delete all history items. . I tried many CSS hacks to resolve this issue. 1, Chrome 87. It should work according to the site Can I use. or responding to other answers. 1 does not support fetch, but I have added a fetch polyfill (whatwg-fetch) to my webpack. The weird thing is that when I also place the button in App. When I add it, it does not move on to the next page. Is there any way to do this? body { background: #0f0c29; /* fallback for old browsers */ background: -webkit-linear-gr Apr 25, 2022 · Please tell me, if you change the field value in the middle, then the onchange function does not work. You can find the code on jsFiddle or see the snippet here: Sep 19, 2024 · Apple Footer. ; The html form element didn't have the input fields and button component in the actual dom. slide img { max-height: 300px; /* change this to whatever you want */ width: auto; } Apr 23, 2013 · Add explicit percentage widths to your tables td's. I have added browser specific CSS too and I am not sure what else to do so that it shows up in Safari too. js and it still does not work: Sep 10, 2019 · I have tried using the onLoad handler on each image and tried using display: block or display: none to hide or show the image if it has not been loaded yet but that still was not fixed for Safari. It wipes all browser provided CSS and creates a fresh window for the app. The problem is that in the mobile format, when I pass the slides of each Carousel, the expected behavior is not Jan 17, 2019 · I'd like to get a TextField to select the whole text currently in the field whenever I click/tap/focus on the field. io When I try to scroll their simulator, only body would scroll. jpg) has three td's. 1 and I'm not sure how to fix it. So far as I can tell in my tests, removing the responsive option solves this problem, but naturally isn't the desired solution Jun 27, 2013 · I am working on a responsive design and the class "bgMainpage" is having a background image but it is not showing on Safari on all the devices. 0. 12 with Gatsby. Simply assign the height of the element to this value e. The following code works in Chrome (71. package. Oct 16, 2017 · Alternatively, if anything suggested above doesn't seems to be working for some reason, try using normalize. Hi! am having the same issue with my react portfolio. Can someone suggest a solution or Jun 8, 2020 · Solution : 1) Maintain your imported data in state 2) Write some code inside the onDragEnd, check all conditions over there and apply changes on your state accordingly ( Don't mutate the state or it will not reflect the changes ) May 28, 2021 · My guess is you are using Safari browser on an iphone, and according to Can I Use, clip is unfortunately not supported in Safari, hence the discrepancy you are seeing. onbeforeunload is not working on IOS devices like Ipad, i phone, and working very well with andrios and web browser on windows but its stucks with safari, to over come that situtation we have a event for ios devices pagehide event so in code base we need to check if the device is IOS then we need to fire page hide event (IOS pagehide Mar 6, 2012 · Have a question about this project? Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. It happens that Safari and Chrome on Desktop do not like DOM manipulation around the video tag. End result, I add a forward slash in the end of all urls that already didn't had one. I usually create a small CSS file for every component so that it's easier to maintain. Im developing in React and with react-router. I changed to HashRouter and the routing stopped working at all on Chrome and Firefox. May 9, 2016 · The VH 100 does not work well on mobile as it does not factor in the iOS bar (or similar functionality on other platforms). Jayesh's answer gives me hint after I add it to my first line of CSS class. import 'react-app-polyfill/ie9'; import 'react-app-polyfill/stable'; import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; . As far as i know this won't work with input="number", but this is a old solution (that still works for me). Nov 20, 2009 · Both work in IE, Mozilla, Opera and Chrome, but not in Safari. slick-container1'). Aug 26, 2016 · Decided to try out a new library? Maybe wrote a new component? Or maybe this is the first React app you’ve worked with, and things just aren’t working. Working fine on Chrome and FireFox but giving black layout for safari. log(), and that is not even working. However, the media queries work correctly in Safari, Firefox, and Edge. I would like to know why this is happening and how to solve it in a better way. You can Sep 2, 2019 · There are many libraries for using media queries with React-Native like React Native Responsive UI, React Native CSS Media Query Processor, etc. Sometimes, your browser clings a little too tightly to cached data, preventing it from displaying the latest version of your app. For example, the row with the donut menu image (donut2. I am using react-player npm. May 2, 2021 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Dec 3, 2017 · Not min-height, not height with a percent, not relying only on flex-grow. You can also try try Safari/Clear History…. wrap() jQuery Feb 24, 2019 · @KenoClayton I am running the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. innerHeight); Dec 11, 2020 · It looks like Safari has a problem with the muted attribute not being guaranteed to be set in the DOM which causes a problem when accessed using Safari. py Jan 21, 2021 · I have tried to make gradients in css with react but it doesn't work. Two of the most important are Flexbox and grid. I do copy-paste from Reactstrap (I am adding this as one react component) website: import React fr May 10, 2022 · Make sure to install tailwind inside project. Oct 11, 2022 · Your player url prop required as absolute url path of your video file. 1. When I remove the onclick event, onchange suddenly works. I thought it could be because Safari 10. Aug 7, 2023 · To say that ResponsiveContainer doesn't work at all is a misrepresentation of what it is. Check you've added the Tailwind directives to the CSS file Whatever framework you're using (or even if you're not using one at all), your main CSS file needs to have the three basic Tailwind directives in May 25, 2020 · Alright - I have done a bunch of research but still cant get this button to click on IOS safari. I am using react 16. I tried messing around to see if I could achieve the effect you're looking for. It looks like responsive settings are not used at all. js in Chrome and Firefox, but not in Safari. when i get the text from the props, whenever user click the button, it will go to a third party api and get an audio to play. config. Enable Cellular Data When Safari Is Not Working on iPhone. This will result in the input not focusing when your React tree gets added to the DOM. Tested on mobile Safari and Chrome on an iPhone. Do I need some additional package to make React Apps run in the Edge Browser? Jan 24, 2018 · This is a known issue with KeyboardAvoidingView and Android. In Firefox 47. $('. Am using the new syntax of media queries with operators (<,>,=>). So finally your config should be like this, below Feb 9, 2022 · I have a website which must be responsive for mobile phones. { -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); position: absolute; z-index: 1000; } Jul 2, 2020 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. The reason is my API paths are returning the wrong responses, which causes my React app to crash (again this is not a problem on my current local device) Here are my django urls. When I use another device, I'm not able to get the domain working. rjtpneb wtydm gdfq ricc zegdped jpnw yisguy ueaxy vgopc skc xzyle vhhp vlj zgjwib rwcqtp