Maplestory ignore defense vs boss damage. For example, Lotus has 300% PDR.

Maplestory ignore defense vs boss damage CVell, for example, has 300%. Demon Slayer has two iframe - Bloody Raven and Metamorphosis. 5x the amount of dmg you did at 100%. Boss Damage % IED % Damage The system will take the 50% +50% +30% and will give you 120% boss and ignore the extra 10% and the extra 20% on familiar 3 I have tested a large item drop and large meso drop familiar (1 line) and another large item drop (only) familiar and it seems to stack in the calculation within the new stat window so I am assuming they stack 2. When you are deciding on ied lines vs boss or att, think about which bosses you can handle. %ATK is one of the best potentials you can get on main/sec/emblem. att, if they are the same %, I imagine total damage is the better one? I just got frued's ring and I can't decide betwen Ignore defense or boss damage (or maybe crit rate) I am an evan with 84% boss damage and about 30% ignore defense (65% crit rate). CVell will be harder. If you multiply 2 50% defense ignore together, 50% x 50% = 25%. perfectnighthttp://www. get first one line in Att%, then 2 then aim to get 3 lines on all your equips boss and defense ignore come from skills and other archivable sources. My bucc breezes through both boss fights while my f/p is a bit frustrating having to look at my hp, boss hp, and like 5 skill cooldowns, infinity, and my toggles during test. 646% Attack Power +1: 15: Boss Damage +40%: 2: 0. youtube. The boss would be left with 30% defense. I've made some progress with my familiar card grinding, and I finally roll Against 300% PDR bosses, you would ignore 210% PDR (300*. Dark Knight 5th Job Skills. im going to assume your 356% boss damage includes that total damage then, and your passive hyper skill boost for ur main bossing skill 40% boss is a legendary line, and 12% atk is a legendary line, and 40% ignore defence is a legendary line In my graphs you would see the comparison of 30% Boss Dmg vs 9% Atk and 40% Boss Dmg vs %12 Atk, the more negative (blue) a certain point is the more %Boss Dmg would increase your range against bosses, while the more postive (yellow) a certain point is the more %Atk would increase your range against bosses. (300% PDR for a triple decker, 100% PDR for a single pie). On a level 161 Hayato I have 65% ignore defense but linking Luminous' link skill Light Wash (10%) only increased it by 4% to a total of 69% ignore defense. Are you dying out or timing out? If you're timing out (e. Think of percent damage like boss damage that is added to range only because it works on bosses and non bosses. Ordered by priority. I'm currently training a kinesis, and my goal is to be able to do boss runs at the hardest level with ease. The higher level bosses (Zakum, Pink Bean, Horntail) will actually take the damage that you are supposed to do to them based on your stats, then neutralize up to 70% of it. The only thing you actually manage is the uptime for blue blood (for maximum lines) and DF which neither of them would be an issue once you got the heck of it. (1 - (PDR% * (1 - IED%))) : PDR is monster defense. So you will need a minimum of 67% IED to deal at least 1% of your damage to them. Emblem, Secondary weapon and main weapon needs these: %ATT, Ignore Enemy Defense(IED), Boss damage. Boss damage and ignore defence are needed for doing bosses. Besides that, raw damage, ignore defense, and boss damage. Gam3 isnt about how much boss or how much ied base a class have, if u base ur decision of maining a class just because of that ull never EVER gonna reach end game, cuz ull switch whenever a better class comes out. With 67% ignore defense, you only ignore at most 201% damage reduction (since you are doing 1's, you actually have 66. MathBro's Maplestory Tools. If your class already has 90% Crit Rate, it would be dumb to add 10 points into Hyper Crit Rate, as it can’t go beyond 100%. So you essentially have 300% Boss + %TD (ignoring link skills). so replacing a 12% att line for 40% ied would be better than replacing 40 boss for 40 ied in If you hear someone say pdr (physical damage reduction), they are referring to the same stat as ignore def. For example buccaneers have a chance to ignore 100% of the PDR which definitely doesn't show up on your stats. Condensed - Imagine the enemy boss having a triple decker pizza in your mind. All the damage stats are multiplied against each other (damage+boss) x final damage x (whatever the crit damage formula is). 3% attack/damage VS 15% ignore enemy defense? On a 300% defense boss, that's Boss damage is not only additive with itself, but is also additive with %dmg. You should aim for as much of it as you can on those items. Let's say you're in Reboot and have 200% Boss and are level 200. I feel my ignore defense is pretty good for the time being since fully buffed it's at 89%. Final damage stands out because it stacks with itself multiplicatively so it's returns don't diminish. Also you can go for pdr% and boss damage%. If your multiplicative pdr is 66% or under, you should hit around 1 damage on this boss. So going from no %att to 30% attack would be a 30% increase in output damage (i. g. This is true for stat, damage, ied, or any damage multiplier. For training add bonus experience while bossing add Ignore Enemy Defence (IED) and boss damage. On bosses you have to factor out all percent damage of range and add it to boss damage before factoring it back in. 4%—meaning you'll do 70. Usually I end up around 28k to 29k stat. Most major bosses (Hilla, Magnus, Chaos Root Abyss bosses, Cygnus, ) also have elemental/physical damage resistance (fire, lighting, poison, darkness, holy, fire, ice and physical damage is reduced by 50%, this is reduced by "ignored elemental resistance" effect which most non-mage can have But generally just to help understand it, bosses from lomien and above have 300% pdr (def) and each 1% ied you miss from 100% will be 3% final damage you will miss on. Just like any multiplier, if your range is high already, you gain more flat range. At 100% pdr you always deal 100% damage, and for every 1% you have less than that you deal DEF%/100 less damage. and so on and so forth. Chaos Zakum: 9k- 10k main stat 18. Hey guys! I made a familiar video before, but I don't think it was super detailed. Dec 4, 2024 · A crash course on MapleStory's most important stat: Ignore Enemy Defense. Damage comes in 9/12% lines while boss damage comes in 30/40% lines. If you have no boss dmg then you do reduced damage to the boss, when you have 250% you do 2. Aug 12, 2019 · 本文介绍《冒险岛Online》里无视怪物防御力用途,以及其叠加计算公式。 冒险岛里有一种特殊的属性叫做“无视怪物防御力”(Ignore Monster Defense Ratio,imdR),简称“无视”,这个属性可以让你的攻击无视怪物(通常来说,特指 BOSS)的防御力。 Every mob/boss has a defense% stat. Enemy PDR is given at 50% and 70% as those are the 2 most common PDRs you find for bosses. You then do 97% damage. Your Legion Board can give up to 40% Boss through Grid Bonuses. So the more you have, The less it increases. That means that any critical you do will afterwards get multiplied by that. 30% ied increases your final damage by ~13%. It is recommended that you bring your IED stat to at least 93% to be dealing a reasonable amount of damage to these bosses (79%). But if you have 200% boss + dmg, and 90% ied, then the 30% ied would be more beneficial. If you already had 50% att, it's an 8% gain for %ATT vs a 10% gain for %Boss. However, people say boss damage is better than total damage because total usually comes in 12/9/6% on items depending on its tier, and boss damage is 40/35/30/20% on items. I realize this is probably reg but you get so much more damage from wse lines than stat lines you have no idea. Mar 18, 2013 · Anyways multiplying all the ignore% together doesn't exactly work. I don't think I explained it right, but final damage is a very nice thing to have. The priority is given by how easy and fast is to make and how useful is the link skill and character card in question. If you could bump it up to 94% IED you'd be doing 88%, a 11% damage boost which is nothing to sneeze at. This goes from normal mobs at 10% to late game bosses like CVel/Lotus/Damien etc at 300%. ignore defence. WSE Calculator. It doesn't matter after you hit arcane river generally because none of the bosses at that tier do flat damage, and the mobs do 1 if you have 1. 1 All Stats Flame Score; 14. Specific link skills (when apply) and any utility or damage optionals you might wanna include "push down" the priority list by one, for example classes who benefits from Phantom should do it after Kanna but before Beast Tamer, making Beast Tamer now #4 in So now instead of your damage being reduced by 50%, it's reduced by 45% (50 - 5). For example, Lotus has 300% PDR. Ignores a portion of enemy defense and increases Attack speed while in Bear Mode. com/user/PerfectShan as for Dmg vs boss damage: Dmg in theory is worth more than boss damage, But the way the value per line the game gives it out (13 dmg% vs 40% boss dmg) which in practice makes Boss damage a lot more valuable than dmg% Stat% vs all stat% get to 91~93% ignore defence if you're intending to kill bosses from chaos vellum onwards, if not your damage will be extremely nerfed. PDR/MDR is an enemy stat that reduces your damage, think of it as the opposite of %Final Damage. Hello. boss damage% is not the same as the damage u see in ur chart. For example with 94% pdr vs CVel you deal 100-(6*300/100)=82% damage I need to figure out how to upgrade nodes. It might not be the fastest way to get %boss fams but it is the most cost effective way in the long run if you are eventually going to try for 35-40% boss fams in the Endgame. Two lines separate where Sol Erda Bosses (Hard Bosses) begin, and where Grandis bosses begin. Analysing multiple measures of account progression including level, damage range, dojo floor, main stat, ignore enemy defence %, legion and fifth job skill nodes players can determine their boss stat requirements to avoid failure Jul 23, 2024 · Hyper Stats are a system of obtaining additional stats, starting at Level 140, with points obtained for each level obtained beyond 140. That is why getting high IED is important as if you had 99% IED, you ignore 297% of the defense, leaving him with 3%. Because reboot by default gets a lot of damage %, they're optimized WSE should focus on attack%. If you had 0% att, then yeah go with the %att (12% gain for %ATT vs 10% gain for %Boss). 6% damage increase. The reality is that boss dmg is just extra dmg% that applies only to bossing, and is more coveted than dmg% for 2 reasons: Boss damage and Total damage are the same on bosses. It varies based on the weapon worn and the job. Chaos pink bean: 6k - 7k for struggle, 8k - 10k main stat for 10 min run 17. 15% Defense ignore will "ignore" 15% of the 70% damage ignore that the bosses have. Edit 2: Yes, % magic att is better. 5 - 0. Hard hilla has 100% PDR, meaning if you only have 21% IED, you'll be doing 79% reduced damage (aka if you usually hit 1m lines, you'll only hit 210k). Don't even use Lumi link skill when your IED is this high. Downvote me before doing your own research. This just means final damage % doesnt have diminishing returns while other stats like boss damage% and crit damage% do. Because of the abundance of %Damage given in Reboot, and since BD% is basically Damage% only applied to Bosses, %ATT is much much MUCH better than %Damage. Everything is relative. Obviously. (The weapon can stay at epic until you get absolab, emblem and secondary can be legendary). Optimal damage requires all 3 of these to be in some ratio'd balance due to diminishing returns. Pdr mainly for training and boss % for bossing. Damage Related [edit | edit source] Damage is made up of various components. 5% (3m/24m). 50% damage reduction + 19%~ defense not ignore of 300% = 50% damage reduction from elemental + 57% damage reduction from defense = 78,5% damage reduction You should deal about 21,5 % of your damage on lotus. IED scales multiplicative. You are fighting a boss with high defense, keep in mind that bosses are afected by the level damage pentaly (5% reduction per level difference) so if your ignore defense stat is above 90% and you are still hitting 1s then you're underleveled. However things like Weapon/Secondary potentials will give very high amounts of % Boss Damage (up to 40%) rather than regular % Damage (only up to 12%) There's also various set effects that give +30% Boss Damage while regular % Damage sources are also smaller. In early stage where your legion and link is minor, IED lines take prio. For example, Chaos Pink Bean has 180% Defense. Also ur level 240 something bro fking fix your wse lol. The comparison between crit damage and boss damage comes down to diminishing returns, and crit damage% is usually smaller than total damage% which makes 1% of crit damage better than 1% of boss damage let's try replacing a 40% boss line with 40 ied. The one thing I'm stuck on is how to get extra boss damage. You can compare new att / old att= increase to final damage, with the increase of new (1+ %total dmg / (1+ old %dmg =increase to final damage in other more complicated situations. 146% Attacks ignore If att% could be on all equips, i think people would go for att/matt % on everything since thats the one that gives you the most damage. Especially if you are in reboot. For example, if an enemy has 50% PDR/MDR and you have 0% IED, your %Final Damage is reduced by 50%. If this player did not have true 100% Ignore Defense, we would also have to take account for their Ignore Defense, by multiplying the Straw Dojo Dummy results by the Ignore Defense multiplier too. Depending on your boss, you'll want to stack up your PDR first, in order for the boss % to make more of a difference. Let's say you have 90% ied and 0% boss + dmg. Boss damage and regular damage add together, crit damage multiplies your damage. Total Wind Coins might be slightly higher if you run lower boss difficulties on mules. Not a single cube on anything else until all 3 are 2 lined. This video will simplify and impress the importance of getting sufficient IED on ne If the 10% ignore bumps you up from say 90 to 91% ignore you essentially add ~3% more damage to 300 pdr bosses. eg. Bossing is a huge part of gameplay, if you want gear to grind efficiently you gotta get carried and/or do it yourself. 88) = 100% - 12% = 88% of your actual damage. At 100% boss + dmg, it's still better, at 15%. In genreal, the only time IED isn't better than Boss% is when you have very little boss%+damage% and the source of IED is fairly modest (a single 30% source of IED is better than two 15% IED sources and is much much better than 3 10% sources) Both attack and damage/boss multiply against your damage without them. 066x the damage which is a 6. attack or boss/ignore defense? Boss vs waves BUT generally crit damage will give you the most bang for your buck assuming you are at 100% crit rate as it scales well and applies to all champions (attack does not), then ignore defense if you are mid-late game and the enemies have high defense, if not than probably attack (but only for attack champions) Dec 6, 2024 · 5 Damage and Non Boss Damage or Boss Damage; 6 Final Damage; 7 Critical Damage; 8 Enemy Defense and Ignore Enemy Defense; 9 Ignore Elemental Resistance; 10 Level Advantage Multiplier; 11 Map Multiplier; 12 Skill Multiplier; 13 Mastery; 14 Stat Equivalence for Most Classes. Note that it takes only [Ignore Def], [Boss Dmg] and mob's [Defense Rate] into the calculation. So that's 100% damage. By optimizing your stats for boss encounters, you can significantly increase your chances of success against powerful enemies. Beyond that, it depends on class and preference. This can be viewed as each source reducing the enemy's currently remaining defense by that much. Defense ignore is an excellent line to have on weapons, second only to %Boss Damage. Look up maplestory damage formula. 7), leaving only 90% PDR, meaning you'd be able to do 10% of your actual damage to the boss. Second to that is Boss Damage. Now say you have 50% boss damage now. Most classes at node enhance 40 are given the IED boost. having 94% IED means u ignore 94% of that so if bosses ur doing rn have 200% PDR and u ignore 94% of it u do: 1 - (2 - 2 * 0. 300% bossdmg + 50% damage is a multiplier of 4. Cubing WSE (current) Starforcing Hyper Stat Legion Flaming Stat Equivalence Inner Ability. Max Damage, 2437114704 * 0. Definitely too high since DA also has an IED debuff. A debuff that gives bonus exp and drop rate / and ignore defense doubles as AoE with cooldown. If you have 30% Defense Ignore, you ignore 30% of 180%, which leads to 126%. So visible 90% ied is 70% final damage. Hyper Stat Calculator⁚ Min-Maxing Your Build I would say even in regular servers, you don't need many lines of %boss. Not pants, but an overall in my case. 5x so let's take away a 40% boss line and multiply by the ied damage increase (4. Bruh that +1 att speed is so hard to get. IED is multiplicative. Weapon Multiplier [edit | edit source] It is the hidden multiplier that will affect damage dealt. Question is: Let's say I were to recube away just 1 line of 30% boss in exchange for 1 line of 30% ignore defence, will I see an increase in damage when I'm hitting on boss Post Legendary Secondary and Emblem (100-140% boss, 70%+ Ignore defense) 16. It's just a damage multiplier (calculated together with total damage % increases). No, it is in the case you have 300-370% boss/damage. I settle around 18%-21% main stat on each item. 3x) in damage. In addition to having more HP, most bosses have pretty substantial Defense (PDR). The more boss dmg you have the more damage you do to the boss. Edit: Fine. If you have one more line of ignore defense, you will start doing damage to lotus. Crit damage acts similar to final damage assuming your critical rate is 100%. Cvel requires significantly more practice, has significantly more health and requires you to be much stronger than the previous bosses in order to defeat it in time. That's like saying the more defense ignore lines you have the less defense you ignore. I need antlion medal for extra boss damage and demon slayer link gives some. Jul 24, 2013 · hope someone can come out with an equation . The only stat that has differences would be dmg% and boss dmg%. 2 Attack or Magic Attack Flame Score; 14. Total: 696. Boss% Damage% and Boss% are combined when fighting against a Boss Monster, and because in WSE Potentials, a line of Boss% will always be more than Damage%, Boss% is always the better stat to have. Not affiliated with or restricted by Nexon. IED (ignore enemy defence) is used to reduce a boss' PDR (player damage reduction). The end game bosses Chaos Vellum, Lotus, Damien, Lucid, and Will have a PDR of 300%. %Stat vs %Crit Damage (Gloves) Crit damage is the most important by far for any class. But idk where else to get it Dec 15, 2020 · The 5 most important Hyper Stats are, of course, Crit Rate, Crit Damage, Ignore Defense (IED), Damage, and Boss Damage. 17 = 1. 9) and your damage only be reduced by 30%, meaning you'd do 70% of our damage to the boss. To OP: In terms of damage, OP, you have more than enough right now for 3-doors. It's very rng dependant, i have two 35% boss fams and one even has healing also, but i know people that have had the worst of luck. Most classes have IED built into their passives but you have to e aware if it shows up on your damage stats or not. I don't know what equips other than weapon and secondary weapon give boss dmg and ignore defense, but at my current state where my range, self buffed is 700k, should i aim for m. But if you do, I would aim for 93%+ ignore defense. 3x previous damage), and similarly going from no damage/boss to 30% dmg/boss is also a 30% increase (1. Black Mage is a monthly boss, so is not included. If your Ignore Defense is too low, you can end up dealing only 1s to bosses. Also, some classes are just better at bossing than others. 525 * 0. Let's say you don't have any total damage %. 4/70 = 0. Understand that this is merely a recommendation by some people, and not a rule that you should adhere to at all costs. Sep 30, 2022 · So, what's the deal with ignore defense? To put it simply, it does just that: ignores the defense of a monster. The two are multiplied together to calculate how much your damage is reduced by. Currently having 210% boss and 79% ignore Defence. i believe for anything less than 50%, boss damage is always Given the above, it costs 162. That's your IED (Ignore Enemy Dough). for example, with 400 attack and 150 total dmg% base, say you want to compare a new 30atk line vs a new 10% dmg line. Cubing WSE (current) Ignore Defense: Damage: Boss Damage: Damage To Normal Mobs: Status Resistance: Mar 3, 2022 · Last Updated on by Samuel Franklin This comprehensive MapleStory boss ranges resource helps determine if you are ready to face the next boss on the difficulty list. Not sure about boss damage but I think your ignore defense is more important right now. 25 each boss has its own BA requirement (which is a bit higher for night lords since their 40s burst is best in game) something like hlucid or hwill requires a MINIMUM of 2 trillion damage in 40 seconds, people have higher standards now though and probably expect 3-4T+ [Question] How much of a damage increase is ignore defense? Is it only really for lategame bossing or is it effective throughout the game. If you're a crit heavy class get your crit rate to 100%. Why. If you don't do cvel you probably don't need more than 80-85% ied. Explorer mages arcane aim ignores 20% of DEF, icemage also have a 20% chance to ignore 5% of DEF per freezing stack (up to 100% chance at 5 stacks) Equiping 4 Superior Gollux items gives you 30% Boss and 30% IED. While these are far from end-game weapons, I'm wondering if the ignore def is that significant on mid-game items, and how significant. On average, you're spending only 6. Your weapon can also give up to 14% additional boss damage through Rebirth Flames. The critical damage will probably be better overall unless your near end game funded and are in the process of maximizing ignore for lucid/ will / etc MathBro's Maplestory Tools. I have 50% boss on my weapon main pot and 12% on my secondary bpot along with % boss nebs, and I'm sitting at 270% boss or so without a fafnir set effect (using absolab knuckle). For weapon gear you might also want to look at ignore defense and boss damage . You need Ignore Defense stat (IED) to get past this, otherwise your damage will be heavily reduced. With 100% crit rate, crit damage is like another final damage multiplier. 5 familiar points on average to have one chance at 30%, 35%, or 40% boss damage (first line) and another chance at 20% or 30% (second line). That's their PDR (Pizza Defense Ratio). If you're NOT a crit heavy class like you're generally under 30% naturally then don't worry too much about crit damage. I have 35% chance to reflect 50% of the damage. Should i tot my level 60 weapon to make it attack +3%, or should i just upgrade the IMD +15%? Nov 22, 2024 · Dark Thirst is an active buff skill for your burst setups. Ah thanks. For Hard mode, both of them have a damage check timer issue (Lucid for 40 seconds in Phase 3 ; Will doesn’t but the spider web spawning and moonlight gauge filling rate is a hidden timer itself. Everyone out here with their crit culture like -_-''. For simplicity, we're comparing 40% Boss to 12% ATT. EDIT: And for boss damage. If you have equal 1 % attack = 1% boss or damage if both stats are equal (which they are usually not). Then imagine you wielding a pizza cutter. But know that ATT and boss damage are better. Your pizza cutter cuts through all three layers of pizza - an amount equal to your IED. But from just what you have above, it's not about the damage you can do (you have sufficient) but about learning the boss and the mechanics. The 3 lines you should go for are 1. Probably not worth recubing anything since you want to use a Genesis desperado, ruin force shield, and seren emblem anyway and what you have is good enough just dont spec too many other things into IED. Important to note that boss damage and damage are the exact same thing except damage works against everything. Cvel, for instance, has 300% defense, and you want at LEAST 90% PDR to do any decent damage on him, even if you had all the boss damage in the world. Common misconception. Generally every class needs to have above 90 IED. IED% is Ignore Enemy Defense, and you can view that on your stat screen. Mathematically, the boss damage is better: Using your magnificent magnus as a base, the 72% boss damage gives a extra 27% extra damage (72/266). Ignore defense is pretty crucial as a stat (immensely helpful for bossing, where the real money comes from) and you haven't put any points into it for hyper stats, so getting that as close to 90% as you can would be a great start. 29. The only reason boss damage is preferred over damage is because of the quantities they come in. Chaos Vellum - The Angry Snek. Point: Range is misleading and is not a real indicator of damage compared to stats/ boss/ ignore For bossing you want damage %, boss damage%, ignore enemy defense% and critical damage % Max the mains ones equally basically (there’s times you’d overdo the ignore defense one, but that’s based on how your stats are overall) and if you want put any remaining points where it will gain you any amount of damage (stat/att) IED or Ignore Enemy Defense negates that stat. cube weapon, secondary, emblem (WSE) to leg and roll for a combination of 2L atk/ignore enemy def/boss dmg get a fam or 2 that gives 15% ignore enemy defense your legion board should have crit dmg filled reset your hyper stats and distribute ur points evenly between crit dmg/dmg/ignore enemy def/boss dmg or use this calc Open a battle analysis next time you run a boss and look at how much you actually use PB compared to those other skills because they come with that freelo 100% def ignored. Since CVellum has a defense of 200%, your 88% ignored still means you're only doing ~77% of your normal damage. 4 damage% (dmg%), boss damage% (bd%), non boss damage% (nbd%) 5 final damage% (fd%) 6 critical damage% (cd%) 7 monster defense% (def%), ignore enemy defense% (ied%) 8 ignore elemental resistance% (ier%) 9 level (dis)advantage% (lvl%) 10 map% 11 skill% 12 mastery% 13 combat power; 14 effectiveness of Hoyoung link; 15 stat equivalence for most Calculated damage shows you a %change due to enemy PDR. Also, some bosses have damage reduction which cuts your damage in half no matter what. 94) = 1 - (2 - 1. My job's have 2 sources of ignore Defence skills, hence after calculation it will be approximately ~89% ignore Defence. Most endgame bosses need over 90% Ignore Defense to deal noticeable damage. % boss dmg is still good, since the values are so high it helps make up for % damage's diminishing returns don't go for % damage lines, the stat falls off super hard, especially for reboot. % Boss Damage is additive with all sources that give % Damage, but only applies to bosses obviously. It does not visually show like final damage but output with more critical damage will be noticeable higher % attack scales similarly to %boss summed with % damage. 5 familiar points on average to have one chance at 20% or 30% boss damage when going from rare to epic On the other hand, it costs 337. 6% of your damage to Pink Bean. Mar 15, 2024 · This preset emphasizes stats that boost your critical damage, ignore defense, and boss damage, making it perfect for tackling high-level content. e. Someone correct me if Im wrong. Atk% 2. IED is ignore enemy defense and bosses can have up to 380% physical damage reduction (PDR). It depends on your own personal goals, because this number is a recommended amount of Ignore Defense that you should have for CVellum, Lotus, and Damien, each of whom possesses 300% Defense. Damage% vs. I feel your pain, unfortunately damage% is the lowest tier of damage upgrade u could get. Boss damage % and damage % (they get added together for final calculation) go into the typical WSE ratios of damage % vs attack % vs IED. 1. In regular servers, 50% boss is easily covered by boss nebs. Mar 23, 2022 · I recommend players always prioritise hyper stat points on critical damage, critical rate and damage. 5 * 1. Attack% These stats are actually equally as good when fighting against mobs. Mar 20, 2013 · The new defense ignore formula in Unlimited takes every single source of ignore separately, and uses them multiplicatively. When you reach level 200 you’ll get access to your V Matrix and new 5th job skills. Defense is nice in the pre 200 levels because you actually take damage based on defense (and ranmaru, princess no, along with Damien's touch damage, and Cernium with low sacred force). that Boss dmg % for bossing Total dmg + m. i am not very good at thishttp://www. Level Passive Effect: Enemy DEF Ignored: #ignoreMobpdpR%, Attack Speed: +#q most important is att% in all 3 sources primary weapon, secondary weapon and job emblem. Basing off my own stats (270 merc, no fams, not using gskills, using all links, 8k legion) I have 183+363 damage + boss dmg. 3. Chaos Von Bon: 8k - 10k main stat 19. For most jobs, it is not so important as most jobs only have 1 weapon to choose. Later in the game, because of IED from set effects, links, hyper stats, traits, nebs, Leafre codex, boost nodes and/or Legion, most classes will probably only need 1 line of IED on their equips to hit 92+% (which is good enough for endgame bosses), so in theory it's nice to try to get that line on your emblem, and then save your weapon and [Question] I am a level 101 xenon and i bought a level 80 whip blade that has Ignore Enemy defense +15%, but my level 60 weapon has attack +2%. Imagine if you could do max damage to monster IED only works to ignore defense from bosses, if you are not bossing then it doesn't matter because mobs only have 10% defense. Total 546. Actually the effective end damage is half that since min crit will only hit half the time (the other half the time should be hitting your max crit). 4)/4. However for end game you should aim for around 88-92%. To OP, if you're willing to put in the effort (though in this case you would only need to enter your Damage%, Boss%, Attack%, and Ignore Defense%), you're free to try the MapleStory Calculators here: Damage% vs. Look for attack% and IED on your emblem, attack% and boss on your secondary and weapon. att for training I have a bunch of boogies so I can roll for more of a certain type, would you go for 2 total dmg or 2 m. 8281612 = 1059620014, compared to 1238751779 It used to be the crit damage before final damage changes. While I'm not against a practical study, from what I've read on this board, I'm under the impression that ignore def is on the top tier of potentials for end-game weapons along with boss damage. Boss cell colors starting from Akechi indicate the type of Ring Boxes dropped. An increase in range of 3m is a total damage increase of ~12. 30% boss damage would increase your final damage by 30%. If you can’t dish out damage high and fast enough, you’ll be covered in spider web and just fail the run for good. something ignore defense), and Lotus still have 99% damage reduction. 86% ignore def you should be able to get without potential lines so with max node/hyper you'll need at most 1 line of 30% ignore def. Also, I not quiet sure how this boss damage works, it seems i can hit 40-50m per line on elite boss, but i can only hit 10-20m on hellux, and even lower on CRA bosses. If damage came in 30/40% lines then it'd be highly sought after. Yes, the damage will ignore the 10dmg limit but what ends up happening is that you take almost no damage since your defense is decently high, and since you take almost no damage you hardly reflect any back. This is not unrealistic for most bossing scenarios. Jul 3, 2019 · Lotus has 300% damage reduction. facebook. The points can be used to increase various stats, such as main stats, critical rate, and damage. You can also use the bossing potions made through Alchemy. 14. Atk is the best stat for purely dmg against mobs for mobbing and bossing, but generally boss dmg has higher output on bosses. If your damage is alright and you have The Reddit community for MapleStory. Chaos Queen: 8k - 11k main stat 20. Jan 8, 2018 · You are correct in how ignore enemy defense work. on CVon), are you maintaining your time? From the MapleStory Wiki, a knowledge base about everything MapleStory Defense +5: 60: 17. 5 set Abso gives you 30% Boss and 10% IED, while 4 set CRA only gives 30% Boss. Table of Contents: The table below shows the outcomes of your damage when applying various combination of potential stat on a mob. I don't know offhand how much ignore enemy defense NL innately gets from its skills, but it definitely could be higher. % att is its own damage multiplier separate from attack. So the boss damage is better in this case. Normally you deal 100k damage on Zakum per hit. 42, or 42% of monster defense left, which means you ignore 58% of a mob's defense with a 40% and a 30% ignore defense source, leaving 42% of its defense value left, which in this case is 29. Final damage is, quite literally, a final boost to your damage after everything else; crit damage, boss damage, damage % itself, ignored defense, all of it. . The damage you deal would be lowered to 70% because he had 30% damage reduction. Ignore Enemy Defense (IED) is a stat used to ignore an enemy's PDR/MDR (Physical/Magical Defense Resistance). 5x arcane force Boss damage already means a lot, and Ignore Defense bumps up damage against bosses by a lot if the gap is that huge. So basically on potentials, you get more bang for your buck with boss % damage. Read more here. If you instead increased to an effective 90% IED, you would be able to ignore 270% PDR (300*. If you have 90% IED, you ignore 90% of the 300, or 270%. com/maplestory. I'm going to add in 60% damage for Gskills, and 90% for 3 boss fams. So its att/matt %> stat% and total damage isnt even worth it. Crit damage stands out because it being such a scarce stat makes it more valuable. Gives you Attack and helps you recover HP while attacking. boss damage 3. Chaos Vellum is the wet dream of many unfunded or low funding players. Its just straight up 10% higher numbers in your lines. In late game / end game bossing is where ied matters because these bosses usually have 300% defense, which means you need at least 67% ied to deal damage to them, but eventually you want to have around 95% ied or more, at 95% ied for example, a 300% defense boss is iirc Rebooters don't benefit from % damage-type sources as much as the rest of us, so it's probably best to go for as much % atk as possible. ukh biuyfun budtbc viov jagqebkz zytfx twy armdk ydll zud fosmyz owue tyzws mocvu oyyct