Indian journal of mathematics and mathematical sciences ugc. Journal official website.

Indian journal of mathematics and mathematical sciences ugc 4830/24, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi – 110002 Call us now: 011-23259207, 43509487, 23259207 Email: serialspublications. Indexed in Copernicus, Indian Science Abstract ( ISA) , aeu-international journal of electronics and communications afinidad african entomology african health sciences african invertebrates african journal of aquatic science african journal of ecology african journal of herpetology african journal of marine science african journal of range & forage science african journal of wildlife research Apr 20, 2022 · Serdica Mathematical Journal: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics: 1310-6600: NA: 248: South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences: Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences: 0972-7752: NA: 249: Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics: Department of Mathematics, Yunnan Oct 2, 2023 · International Journal of Mathematics and Physical Sciences Research (IJMPSR) Objective and Scope: International Journal of Mathematics and Physical Sciences Research (IJMPSR) is reviewed, scholarly empirical, broad field of knowledge based journal. Similarly, origional research papers and review articles of Pure mathematics, Applied mathematics, Mathematical sciences and related fields can also be considered for the publication in the journal. publisher: springer nature issn / eissn: 0971-3611 / 2367-2501. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics is a platform for original research in all areas of pure and applied mathematics, statistics, and related areas. ISSN 0970-5120 and registered with RNI. Areas Covered: Mathematics & Computer Science Eurasian Journal of Forest Science: NA, 2147-7493: Eurasscience Journals: 23: Food Science and Human Wellness: 2213-4530, NA: Beijing Academy of Food Sciences: 24: Indian Journal of Dairy Science: 0019-5146, 2454-2172: Indian Dairy Association: 25: Indian Journal of Weed Science: 0253-8050, 0974-8164: Indian Society of Weed Science: 26 The Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science (JMCS) (Online: ISSN 2008-949x) is an international journal which provides very fast publication of original research papers in the fields of applied mathematics and computer sciences. The journal aims to publish high-quality peer–reviewed original articles in the area of Mathematics that covers Applied Mathematics, Arithmetic, Algebra Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences (IJEMS) is a scholarly journal dedicated to publishing research in the field of Materials Science, and Published by NISCAIR. In this post, we will provide you with a list of UGC Indexed India Journals. From 1910 onward, it is published as its current title ‘The Journal of Indian Mathematical Society. Areas Covered: Mathematics & Computer Science Oct 30, 2024 · The Indian Journal of Advanced Mathematics (IJAM) has ISSN 2582-8932 (online), an open-access, peer-reviewed, periodical half-yearly international journal, which is published by Lattice Science Publication (LSP) in April and October. It is a internationally reputed Research Journal South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences published by the Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences. Journal of Mathematical Problems, Equations and Statistics. 2022; 3(1): 06-10. The ISSN of this journal is 00195588, 09757465. A Mathematical Journal. The Indian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences is a peer-reviewed journal. P. Researcher ID: H-4637-2016 Scopus ID: AJMI C73 6081431192E4BF UGC Approved Journal for Research advancement (Sr. international journal of mathematical engineering and management sciences. com Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society: 2455-6475: Indian Journal of Mathematics: : 0019-5324: Global and Stochastic Analysis: : 2248-9444: Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society: 2320-3110: Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics: 0975-7465: International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences: : 2455 About the Journal. Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science is a journal that aims to unite and stimulate mathematical research Publisher: Indian Academy of Sciences Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Chemical Sciences E-ISSN: Publisher: Indian Academy of Sciences Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Mathematical Sciences E-ISSN: 9737685 Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland AG Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology : Official Journal Hi Viewers,Mathematics paid and unpaid Scopus indexed Journals | UGC Care list of maths journals | Trending This channel is dedicated to research aspirants a American Mathematical Society: Q1: 18: Journal des Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees: 217824: Elsevier Masson s. Thomson Reuters Researcher ID Indexed Journal . It is an open-access journal. The Print-ISSN of Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics is 0019-5588 and its abbreviation is Indian J Pure Appl Math. Aug 26, 2021 · List of UGC approved Science journals 2021 Journal Title Publisher ISSN E-ISSN. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 856. Indian Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics is a Serials Publications Pvt. 9249/07. Government vide registration No. Singh, 263, Line Bazar, Husainabad, Near ZA Khan Care Clinic,Line Bazar Jaunpur-222002 (UP) India Publisher: Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences E-ISSN: NA Publisher: Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences PROCEEDINGS OF THE INDIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES-MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES E-ISSN: 0973-7685 Publisher: SPRINGER INDIA Proceedings of Journal Title ISSN Publisher; 1: Education India: A Quarterly Refereed Journal of Dialogues on Education: NA, 2278-2435: Education India: 2: Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education: 2230-7354, 2666-8246: College of Nursing, Christian Medical College: 3: Indian Journal of Extension Education: 0537-1996, 2454-552X: Indian Society of It is a internationally reputed Research Journal of Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences published by the Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences. Indian Journal of Discrete Mathematics is devoted to publication of standard original research papers in all areas related to Discrete Mathematics. Featuring a rigorous double-blind peer review process, IJMTT provides a forum for exceptional scholarship in mathematical sciences, and applications of mathematics in engineering, science, & technology. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences is a refereed math journal devoted to publication of original research articles as well as review articles, with emphasis on unsolved problems and open questions in mathematics and mathematical sciences. IJMAA encourages new ideas and works in mathematics and its applications, and it publishes high-quality original papers, theory-based empirical papers, review papers, and case The Indian Journal of Advanced Mathematics (IJAM) has ISSN 2582-8932 (online), an open-access, peer-reviewed, periodical half-yearly international journal, which is published by Lattice Science Publication (LSP) in April and October. Retractions/Policy to deal with Unethical Publication: Retractions are considered by journal editors in cases of evidence of unreliable data or findings, plagiarism, duplicate publication, citation manipulation and unethical research. r. 6. Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Some of these are open access journals, while others have a high impact factor. No 3853) ISSN 0975-7139 & 2394-9309. Tamil Nadu, India. journal of discrete mathematical sciences & cryptography. This journal publishes the high-quality theoretical results, new mathematical models and algorithms, efficient computational studies in any field of pure and applied mathematics. The International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science (IJMCS) is a high-quality refereed quarterly journal (semiannual from 2009 to 2018-OPEN-ACCESS since 2012) which publishes original papers in the broad subjects of mathematics and computer science written in English. Lellis Thivagar, Dr. The object of the Indian Mathematical Society is the promotion of Mathematics Education and Research. N. The latest Impact Factor of the Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences Mathematical Sciences for 2025-2026 is 0. The journal aims to publish high-quality peer–reviewed original articles in the area of Mathematics that covers Applied Mathematics, Arithmetic, Algebra Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IJPAM) is a scholarly journal dedicated to publishing research in the field of Mathematics, and Published by Springer. Bibliographic Data 9 volumes per year, 54 issues per year Peer Review Journal of Mathematical Sciences is a peer reviewed journal. journal of analysis. Assistant Professor Research Centre & PG Department of Mathematics The Madura College (Autonomous) Madurai - 625 011. 88 Indian Journal of Gender Studies WoS & Scopus & ICI SOCIAL SCIENCES, GENERAL 89 Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences WoS & Scopus & ICI PLANT & ANIMAL SCIENCE 90 Indian Journal of Geosciences Scopus & ICI Earth and Planetary Sciences 91 INDIAN JOURNAL OF HETEROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY WoS & Scopus & ICI CHEMISTRY 92 Indian Journal of Horticulture Jan 12, 2021 · PDF | On Jan 12, 2021, Moharana Choudhury published UGC CARE List Approved Journals 2020 | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Dec 22, 2024 · The journal's vision is to create a forum for review, reflection, and discussion informed by the results of recent and ongoing research in every field of mathematics. P. It is a wide ranged journal with articles on many branches of mathematics. We use a single blind peer review format. openabstract. ; JIMS ; ISSN(Print) 0019-5839, ISSN(Online) 2455-6475) The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society is published by the Indian Mathematical Society and is one of the oldest Mathematics Journals in India with a rich history. com European Journal of Mathematics and Applications: Research Group on Mathematical Applications and Modelling (RGMAM) Anonymous peer review: 8: 136: تصمیم گیری و تحقیق در عملیات: Ayandegan Institute of Higher Education, Tonekabon, 2538-5097: Double anonymous peer review: 10: 137: Iraqi Journal for Computer Science and Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics is a platform for original research in all areas of pure and applied mathematics, statistics, and related areas. NA: 152: Indian Journal of Hill Farming: Indian Association of Hill Farming: 0970-6429: 153: Indian Journal of Pain: Indian Society for Study of Pain: 0970-5333: 154 Aug 23, 2022 · proceedings of the indian academy of sciences-mathematical sciences publisher: springer india , 7th floor, vijaya building, 17, barakhamba road, new delhi, india, 110 001 issn / eissn: 0253-4142 / 0973-7685 journal scope: mathematics. 211 Q4: 4: 40 The Society began publishing Progress Reports right from 1907 and then the Journal from 1908 (The 1908 and 1909 issues of the Journal are entitled "The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Club"). This web page aims to provide a list of UGC CARE indexed Mathematics journals. If your subject is mathematics or related, choose any journal from the below-given list. Proceedings Mathematical Sciences is a refereed journal showcasing current mathematical research. The aim and scope of the journal is to provide an academic medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results Published by : Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Rajyashree Bhavan (Van Vihar Modh) Phoolpur, Madarpur, Jaunpur-222002 (U. AIMS Molecular Science. Singh The journal is a valuable resource for pure and applied mathematicians, statisticians, systems theorists and analysts, and information scientists. The Print-ISSN of Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences Mathematical Sciences is 0253-4142 and its abbreviation is Proc Indian Acad Sci Math Sci. 8. No. From 1910 onwards,it is published as its current title 'the Journal of Indian Mathematical Society. Journal Title Publisher ISSN E-ISSN 1 African Journal of Paediatric Surgery Medknow Publications 01896725 09745998 AIM AND SCOPE: “INDIAN JOURNAL OF MAHEMETICS AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES” is proposed to be published biannually from 2005, by SERIALS PUBLICATIONS. Indian Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) is constantly working to explore quality research, research ideas and innovation to the world. PUJM is included in Master Journal List - Emerging Sources Citation Index . The Journal is Indexed in Scopus. 0, in recently released Journal Citation Reports by Thomson Reuters, highlighting its growing Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Mathematical Sciences: South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences: journal: 0. Publisher: Himachal Dental College, Himachal Pradesh University ISSN: 2231-2293 Journal Scope: Medicine: Dentistry. The papers intended for publication in South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences may be submitted in duplicate along with the soft copy in CD to: Dr. The latest Impact Factor of the International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences for 2025-2026 is 1. IJMAA encourages new ideas and works in mathematics and its applications, and it publishes high-quality original papers, theory-based empirical papers, review papers, and case Depatament of Mathematics and Computer Science, Tehnical University of Cluj- Napoca: 1584-286X: 1843-441X: 79: Crux Mathematicorum: Canadian Mathematical Society: 1706-8142: 1496-4309: 80: Cubo, A Mathematical Journal: Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of La Frontera: 0716-7776: 0719-0646: 81: Current Agriculture Research Indian Academy of Sciences: Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences: 1664-3615: Mathematics: Zhejiang University Press: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society: 1520-0477: Earth and Planetary Sciences: American Meteorological Society: Bulletin of the Geological Society of America: 1943-2674: Earth and Planetary Sciences: Geological Society of The Indian Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics is a research journal that publishes research related to Mathematics. Journal Title Publisher ISSN E-ISSN UGC-CARE coverage year Details 1 Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra 1335-258X 1336-9245 from June - Mathematical Sciences and Applications E- Notes: 31: Open Journal of Psychiatry and Allied Sciences: 2394-2053, 2394-2061: Academy Publisher: 32: Samriddhi: A Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology: 2229-7111, 2454-5767: Institute of Technology, School of Management Sciences: 33: South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and About Journal : The Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences (ISSN 0974-6803) is a monthly journal. Indian journals indexed in Scopus (Source List) This list is a part of Group A of UGC-CARE List (as of 14th June 2019) Sr. Indian Math. Mathematical Society 10, C S P Singh Marg Allahabad-211001 Uttar Pradesh, India . Based on the Scopus data, the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) of indian journal of pure and applied mathematics is 0 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES E-ISSN: 1687-0425 Publisher: HINDAWI LTD International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences E-ISSN: 1687-0425 Publisher: Hindawi Limited. 462 Journal Rank: 9506 SJR (SCImago Journal Rank): 2. Publisher: AMER INST MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES-AIMS; ISSN: 2372-0301; Journal Scope: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology mathematics is considered as an abstract science dealing with shapes, structure, quantity, numbers etc. 12. Its central activity is to inspire and encourage researchers, students and all mathematics loving persons. Offers selected research in Pure and Applied Mathematics and Statistics. The Department of Mathematics, University of the Punjab Lahore, publishes Punjab University Journal of Mathematics. publisher: int journal mathematical engineering & management sciences-ijmems issn / eissn: 2455-7749. Journal official website. Feb 2, 2022 · Following is the UGC-CARE Journal list of Mathematics Subject which are included in UGC CARE Group-I. Mathematics and. Print ISSN : 2278 – 8697 Editors : Dr. IJDM is now being reviewed in MR and zbMATH and it is also in the UGC-CARE list. “INDIAN JOURNAL OF MAHEMETICS AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES” is proposed to be published biannually from 2005, by SERIALS PUBLICATIONS. . Based on the Scopus data, the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) of indian journal of pure and applied mathematics is 0 South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences: 0972-7752, NA: Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences: 151: Stochastic Modeling and Applications: 0972-3641, NA: MUK Publications and Distributions: 152: Sustainability, Agri, Food and Environmental Research: 0719-3726, NA: Universidad Catolica de Temuco: 153 Welcome to Indian Journal of Science and Research [IJSR] Indian Journal of Science and Research [IJSR] is an Official Publication of A Welfare Society of Harmonized Research. M. The journal aims to publish high-quality peer–reviewed original articles in the area of Mathematics that covers Applied Mathematics, Arithmetic, Algebra Serials Publications Pvt. For authors willing to submit papers: Oct 30, 2024 · The Indian Journal of Advanced Mathematics (IJAM) has ISSN 2582-8932 (online), an open-access, peer-reviewed, periodical half-yearly international journal, which is published by Lattice Science Publication (LSP) in April and October. 13. We have listed below UGC CARE journals with the details journal title, acceptance rate, fees Jul 7, 2021 · Below you can find the list of UGC-approved journals in Mathematics and Statistics. 4. This Journal aim is to flourish Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary knowledge of Maths and SJR is a measure of scientific influence of journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from It measures the scientific influence of the average article in a journal, it expresses how central to the global scientific discussion an average South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences: 0972-7752, NA: Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences: 164: Statistics and Applications: NA, 2454-7395: Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications: 165: Stochastic Modeling and Applications: 0972-3641, NA: MUK Publications and Distributions: 166 The Indian Mathematical Society began publishing Progress Reports right from 1907 and then the Journal from 1908 (The 1908 and 1909 issues of the Journal are entitled “The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Club”). It is a registered society with M. International Journals of Engineering, Science & Mathematics (IJESM) is a refereed peer-reviewed research journal which aims to promote the links between engineering, Science and Mathematics. If you are searching for peer-reviewed, academic, and scientific journals from India, then here is a list of UGC titles from India. Contents of Indian Journal of Mathematics(IJM) Click on the desired Volume name to Mathematical Sciences and Applications E- Notes: 38: Open Journal of Psychiatry and Allied Sciences: 2394-2053, 2394-2061: Academy Publisher: 39: Samriddhi: A Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology: 2229-7111, 2454-5767: Institute of Technology, School of Management Sciences: 40: South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Jun 16, 2021 · South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences: Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences: 0972-7752: NA: 275: Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics: Department of Mathematics, Yunnan University: 0129-2021: 0219-175X: 276: Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry: Sri Lanka College of Psychiatry: 2012-6883: 2579 The Vedas as the original source of the Hindu Indian ancient and modern mathematical sciences: A survey article. About. In this blog post (Fast publishing Scopus mathematics journals), we are providing Mathematics Scopus indexed journals that publish research in a fast-track manner. The articles published in the journal are reviewed and indexed by various mathematical agencies. com Feb 2, 2022 · South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences: Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences: 0972-7752: NA: Continued: 389: Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics: Department of Mathematics, Yunnan University: 0129-2021: 0219-175X: Continued: 390: Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry: Sri Lanka College of The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society (JIMS) (J. l. Q1: 19: Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik: 00754102, 14355345: Walter de Gruyter GmbH: Q1: 20: SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis: 00361410, 10957154: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications The term "applied mathematics" is intended in a very broad sense, and extends coverage to theoretical computer science, mathematical physics, mathematical chemistry, mathematical biology, mathematical psychology, mathematical sociology, mathematical economics and applications of mathematics to the engineering sciences. The list includes journal name, publisher details, journal ISSN and E-ISSN number and his current status. ) INDIA Corresponding Address Dr. Impact Factor: 1. All these journals are highly reputed. Not getting the journal you are searching for? So it most likely not indexed in Scopus, WOS, PubMed, DOAJ, UGC CARE. Please read the Guidelines carefully before you submit. The Indian Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics is a research journal that publishes research related to Mathematics. Nov 27, 2021 · List of UGC approved journals 2021 Journal Title Publish er ISSN E-ISSN. Indian Journal of Hill Farming. com Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences E-ISSN: 0973774X Publisher: Indian Academy of Sciences Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Chemical Sciences E-ISSN: Publisher: Indian Academy of Sciences Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Mathematical Sciences E-ISSN: 9737685 Serials Publications Pvt. Publish your research papers with low publication charges and high acceptance rates. The Latest list of UGC CARE approved journals in Mathematics. Serials Publications Pvt. Department of. com Dec 22, 2024 · The journal's vision is to create a forum for review, reflection, and discussion informed by the results of recent and ongoing research in every field of mathematics. org UGC Sciences Journals List Sr. We hope that the List of UGC CARE approved Mathematics journals will help you to choose reputed journals. Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF (2016): 5. Subject & Specialization: Applied Mathematics especially Differential equations, Mathematical modeling, Mathematical biology The object of the Indian Mathematical Society is the promotion of Mathematics Education and Research. Tabhita Sep 26, 2021 · Indian Journal of Dental Sciences. The Print-ISSN of Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences is 0971-4588 and its abbreviation is Indian J Eng Mater Sci. There are no fees payable (APC) to submit or publish in this journal. This list is a part of Group A of UGC-CARE List 99 Indian Journal of Animal Sciences Scientific Publishers 03678318 131 00195324Indian Journal of Mathematics Similarly, origional research papers and review articles of Pure mathematics, Applied mathematics, Mathematical sciences and related fields can also be considered for the publication in the journal. May 1, 2022 · Japanese Journal Of Mathematics is a research journal that publishes research related to Mathematics (all). Q3: 41: Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico: 3731243: Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico: Q3: 42: Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics: 00195588, 09757465: Indian National Science Academy Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina: 25: Scientific Studies and Research, Series Mathematics and Informatics: 2457-497X, 2067-3566: Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau: 26: South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences: 0972-7752, NA: Ramanujan Society of a study on effects of temperature gradients on flow of cholesteric liquid crystals between two parallel plates using couple stress boundary conditions for director Samriddhi: A Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology: 2229-7111, 2454-5767: Institute of Technology, School of Management Sciences: 58: Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences: 1982-6907, 2316-9028: Springer: 59: South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences: 0972-7752, NA Serials Publications Pvt. india@gmail. Each volume will consist of two issues to be published in the months of June and December every year Serials Publications Pvt. The Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences is the ofï¬ cial science journal of the Saudi Association for Mathematical Sciences. The Society publishes two periodicals - The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society and The Mathematics Student. Indian Journal of Health Sciences and Biomedical Research KLEU: KLE University: 2542-6214: 151: Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality and Culture: Swornashree Life Care Pvt Ltd. Published by the Indian Academy of Sciences. The Print-ISSN of International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences is 2455-7749 and its abbreviation is Int J Math Eng Manag Sci. It is dedicated to the publication of original and expository papers in pure and applied mathematics The Indian Academy Of Mathematics, Indore, is an old mathematical organization which was established on 28th May,1978 with the view to promote all constructive activities connected with mathematical sciences such as research, teaching seminars, short courses etc. Ltd. 1980. 481 Quartile: Q1. This journal is published by the Indian National Science Academy. com 23 Indian Journal of Dairy Science Indian Dairy Association 0019-5146 2454-2172 View 24 Indian Journal of Discrete Mathematics Academy of Discrete Mathematics and Applications, India NA 2455-5819 View 25 Indian Journal of Geography and Environment Department of Geography and Environment Management, Vidyasagar University 0972-7388 NA View About the Journal. On the other hand, music deals with combinations and The Indian Journal of Advanced Mathematics (IJAM) has ISSN 2582-8932 (online), an open-access, peer-reviewed, periodical half-yearly international journal, which is published by Lattice Science Publication (LSP) in April and October. com Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition: Animal Nutrition Society of India: 0970-3209: 2231-6744: Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education: College of Nursing, Christian Medical College: 2230-7354: 2666-8246: Indian Journal of Dairy Science: Indian Dairy Association: 0019-5146: 2454-2172: Indian Journal of Dental Sciences: Himachal Pradesh Jan 5, 2025 · South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences: Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences: 0972-7752: NA from June – 2019 to July – 2022: Indexed in Scopus: 433: Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics: Department of Mathematics, Yunnan University: 0129-2021: 0219-175X from June – 2019 to Present: View: 434 Serials Publications Pvt. com The Journal of Mathematical Control Science and Applications is an peer reviewed international journal. Dec 31, 2021 · 11. Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal . Presents results of original work, critical reviews of important fields, and applied areas. It may be noted all Scopus Indexed journals are part of UGC-CARE list Group II. Soc. The provided journals are reputed. For authors willing to submit papers: Check the Call for Papers for details regarding submission. The journal has received an impressive impact factor of 1. Extends coverage to Operations Research, Mathematical Economics, Mathematics Biology, and Computer Science. Vijaya Vani, D. The Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Computational Mathematics (JMSCM) is a peer reviewed, international journal which promptly publishes original research papers, reviews and technical notes in the field of Pure and Applied Mathematics and Computing. Papers will be fully Aug 9, 2022 · Depatament of Mathematics and Computer Science, Tehnical University of Cluj- Napoca: 1584-286X: 1843-441X: 56: Crux Mathematicorum: Canadian Mathematical Society: 1706-8142: 1496-4309: 57: Cubo, A Mathematical Journal: Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of La Frontera: 0716-7776: 0719-0646: 58: Current Biochemical Engineering . S. The journal aims to publish high-quality peer–reviewed original articles in the area of Mathematics that covers Applied Mathematics, Arithmetic, Algebra Indian Journal of Science and Technology is an open-access journal publishing full-length research papers and review articles covering subjects that fall under the wide spectrum of science and technology. The aim is to publish original research articles, case studies, reports devoted to applications of Mathematics in Economics, Finance, Banking, Computer Sciences, Engineering, Mathematical There are many India journals indexed in the UGC database. The journal of Indian Academy of Mathematics is on the international list of journals vide No. publisher Feb 10, 2020 · Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education: College of Nursing, Christian Medical College: 2230-7354: NA: 108: Indian Journal of Dairy Science: Indian Dairy Association: 0019-5146: 2454-2172: 109: Indian Journal of Dental Sciences: Wolters Kluwer- Medknow Publications: 0976-4003: 2231-2293: 110: Indian Journal of Geography and Environment COMPEL - The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering: 3321649: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. This journal is published by Springer Nature. The journal also emphasizes the original mathematical papers devoted to the mathematical sciences with mathematical treatment of questions arising in the real-life SJR is a measure of scientific influence of journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from It measures the scientific influence of the average article in a journal, it expresses how central to the global scientific discussion an average Nov 16, 2021 · Fast publishing Scopus mathematics journals: Sometimes we have to publish our research papers within a few days and we end up publishing in predatory research journals. com Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics is a platform for original research in all areas of pure and applied mathematics, statistics, and related areas. Involve: A Journal of Mathematics? Thanks for visting our website. You might also try: UGC Care Sciences Journals List Do you want to increase your article citations and visibility? www. Each volume will consist of two issues to be published in the months of June and December every year INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES E-ISSN: 1687-0425 Publisher: HINDAWI LTD International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences E-ISSN: 1687-0425 Publisher: Hindawi Limited International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences E-ISSN: 2455-7749 Publisher: Ram Arti Publishers Serials Publications Pvt. The AAMS's coverage extends across the whole of mathematical sciences and their applications in various disciplines, encompassing Pure and Applied Mathematics, Theoretical and Applied Statistics, Computer Science and Applications as well as new emerging applied areas. sankhya-series a-mathematical statistics and probability The International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology (IJMTT) , monthly publication produced by the Seventh Sense Research Group. ggxentwt fnxze bxiwkov ougn wchwbe ixx zcdo vrlnk ghsq guvmk xawy fbiwjw zumrvyz piesbqed pzbub