I feel bad for how i treated my ex reddit. Just have honest conversations about how you feel.

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I feel bad for how i treated my ex reddit. I don't feel like I have changed to drastically.

I feel bad for how i treated my ex reddit I read something here on Reddit last week that said, she is at war with herself, and I unfortunately am standing in the blast zone. We did everything together. Two kids who preferred to live with their biological father halfway around the country than with her and her last husband. I always tried being perfect for my “ex beloved” and I call them ex beloved because they are my first and they treated me so well, until they lost the spark they had for me. We have been dating for around 7 months now. Thing is, you can't allow someone to treat you as an option and you really can't allow them to treat you as a future possibility. 2 people have to consciously build a new relationship and start from scratch. Mostly anger, lately. I understood what was going on in her head, although that’s no excuse. But the person they really are was unemphatic towards my feelings and wants. And I'd be honest, I still harbour feelings for her but at the same time I know she chose that guy as a better option. You may feel that this is "common sense", and you shouldn't have to state it explicitly, but that isn't the case. If you were a dumper feel free to share yours as well. For example look at Rihanna with one of her exes or Halsee. months later i come to find out her and her new gf (the girl she cheated on me with) have laughed about what i wrote and i feel as if those letters i I feel bad about how I treated my dog Long story short, my family got a golden retriever a few years ago and now they live with my sibling. Just have honest conversations about how you feel. But “coming back” isn’t always what you think it or want it to be. It’s been really jarring. My ex-wife did not have an easy life. I don't feel like I have changed to drastically. We both have different lives and haven't seen each other in years. She’s a shitty person for how she treated me. I'm trying to get over seeing my ex who is a good person and was fair to me suffer bad luck. Reaching back out to them may cause more harm and unjust pain. I do feel bad about it and I'm sure that comes with maturity for anyone who has been this way to people. Jun 19, 2014 · The only reason you want to contact him is to make yourself feel better because you feel bad about how you treated him. No one deserves to be treated bad. Up to a certain point, if you're still accepting their behavior or believing they will change even when they've DONE nothing to prove it, then you're at fault too. I guess in a way you can forgive someone but you don't have to forget how badly they treated you or to allow them to treat you like that again. I have to protect my heart. A crossroads. I treated my ex poorly even though I loved her deeply, and in turn I feel she has grown to resent me yet I’m madly in love with her. Lots of fighting bad fights. During that time my dad wasn't doing very well and i convinced him to allow our dad to move in so we could take care of him. If you notice But reading them I realize now, just how bad I treated you. Ok so with my ex, whenever I asked him more about his life, his history, his exes, his work (when he had a bad day), he’d say things like “Oh it doesn’t matter, it’s in the past” or “haha whatever, feelings are just feelings. It’s actually toxic to think they would stay. He’s had a hard life and it’s still quite hard. I was not perfect. In my case it was my ex gf. I feel so pissed off at Some times. That resonates me because my recent ex gf was just 20, and I treated her the best I ever treated a girl, I learned so much from my previous mistakes, I lead her, support her, it was exciting, passionate but romantic at the same time, I felt she is in love with me, and she pulled away so fast, and dumped me, I didnt even know the reasons for weeks. I'm on my 6th month of the breakup and I still think about my ex every day. You screwed up, and there's nothing you can do to fix it right now. You feel bad and want to fix everything right here and now, but try to recognise that at least part of this feeling is selfish. I didn't know what Redpill was or that he was one till I broke up We where together for nearly 3 years and i admit that i didn't treat her good all the time. In my new relationship I don't feel insecure or jealous at all because I feel so loved by him and know he wants me. Angry over the things he put me through and did to me, frustrated that I tried so hard and seemingly did everything he could’ve asked, but it was never enough. They usually come back when you’ve began to move on, they usually have a hard time flat out admitting they’re wrong and want you back, it’ll never be the same. But at the root of it, he just wasn’t happy. Big hugs!!! However when I got home my ex was all I was thinking about, and it made me realize that I might actually still have feelings for him, and I started to wonder how my bf would react if he saw how me & my ex acted with each other while he wasn't there. A string of bad relationships and at least 3 marriages. ” I feel this way and I don’t feel bad at all. You realized your mistakes. My ex hasn't had done those couple things with me either way so I could enjoy the fun. "How the hell he's so freaking okay" Yeah if you've been together for a long time, he's probably not okay at all. Now, to my knowledge she hasn't done anything or talked to him in at least 2 months. I also have the feeling that my ex's new girlfriend has self-esteem problems and lacks self-confidence. I broke up with my ex gf after almost 5 years of dating and weeks before proposing. At times, I feel bad because I wonder if therapy would have helped them with some of these problems, but then I remember that there was very little effort in getting any help. This message is nothing more, nothing less. I have to be honest, I feel better than myself. Basically, you need to employ your willpower and don't check on her. In the same boat you are with how you feel as well. But my friends noticed it too. I just wish that I could have met him 5 years ago when I was a happy, innocent, and optimistic person. I broke up with my ex, I stand by my decision, and I am devastated. For one I know my ex made the calculated risk that I would stick around. I'm not a bad person. like wait and think about it, run it by friends. The gut feeling that things aren't right is usually coming from some deep incongruity in the relationship. Not just me but other girls should not be treat like that neither. I shared all my secrets and struggles in my marriage with her. 8 billion apparently. Editing to add the other woman was my best friend of 5 years. I’m guilty of it. She was so sweet to me. My first gf however, I did not actually like her much and ended up ending it because I knew I didn’t have the full desire to be the best version of myself for her. Fortunately I understood that it was not me she was fighting with, but herself. He ruined things. As soon as my ex fiancé and I split I blocked her knowing that if I saw anything I’d over analyze it and let it affect my life. And even if it wasn't a lie, it's just rude. i ended things because she treated me poorly. Just don’t turn yourself into someone you’re not, just to get your ex back. your mom died and you’re sad so I should say words or condolence) but they lack emotional empathy. We had so much in common and more. I just want to acknowledge what I did but it’s hard to just stay silent and just keep it moving. What I want to say is you did not deserve to be treated in a bad way whatsoever. A new beginning a new life. Even though I finally dumped him over two years ago. I met my ex over two years ago (he was 30, I was 27) and we had a very tumultuous relationship from the beginning. I cry in public and sob at home and talk to my friends about how bad I'm feeling every day. I deserve better than what she had to offer, which is not much, and she deserves exactly the same treatment that she gave me. kinda. I let her step all over me and now that I’m healing I can’t help but feel so embarrassed for letting all that shit slide. Bad energy will only hold you back in your life and let's say you were still together. I treated my mom so bad and I wanna reach out. Fuck 21 years together I can't imagine the pain from that. Definitely think you’re right. Feeling resentful about that doesn't make you an unreliable person, and really doesn't have to be indicative of how your treated your partner. You need to deal with those feelings of not checking. I would be doing the same things (studying, becoming succesful, becoming happier). i take the full blame on myself for this i was too caught up in my own mental health to really see that. Idk why. She ruined my marriage and broke up my family and hurt my kids. And how I let it happen too. My ex used to send me multiple pictures too at all moments of the day. we were pretty flirty, and I started feeling super guilty to where I actually couldn't even Jun 19, 2014 · Im 23 years old, and a female. It’s not that no one is as good as my ex, it’s that no one makes me feel alive like she did. Of course he never apologized. In my case, the gf's ex husband cheated (as did my wife) so that isn't in either of our dna. When I left, I explaining why I was leaving and I gave him a lengthy, heartfelt g My girlfriend and I recently broke up after a year and a half. My first boyfriend was mentally, emotionally, and physically abusive to me. It was an opportunity. I feel like I did it because I was drunk and angry with our relationship and it was dying out. I slowly started come to the realization that I didnt really see my ex as the one Ok, narcissists lack emotional empathy but they still have emotions (shallow as they usually are). Some days I feel like I come here when I'm sad. Sometimes I tell my girlfriend about how he was with her back then and even she says he was abusive af even if he wasn’t hitting her. Not because I didn’t tell him he could open up, but because he just didn’t feel like I would react well if he did. Feeling resentful is the last feeling I have left towards my ex. I knew that I would feel better. They are still human. I have to stop myself from calling her or driving by her house (which would not be fair). Reaching back out to someone you hurt can seem like you are doing it because you feel bad, and not because you truly feel regretful. And Im currently in a relationship with a guy I met 10 months ago. I'm sorry you had to go through this. I just feel so bad for my part and I’ve been feeling like a victim of how he’s treating me and it’s only truly hitting me how much I contributed to where we are now. Remember that even very beautiful and famous people get treated in a very bad way. time and space away from thinking about my ex was what i desperately needed. i feel like they do it to make themselves feel better. I’ll be honest. But honestly I feel like punching my ex’s friend in the face when I encounter them for all the shit he Said to her about me. it’s been 6 months since he said this… should i apologize and leave it at that, not expecting a response, or let it be? any Some posts suggest dumpers recover easier, don’t feel that bad, and so on. Hi. TL;DR! My ex gf is having miserable life after her marriage and I feel bad for her. A few years ago I looked her up and called her specifically to apologize for my bad behavior. Or I could address it. it sounds like you’re trying to fit into the unrealistic box of what it means to be a “real man”. You need to let them go and not look at their social media anymore or you'll just hurt yourself, trust me. But I think I miss the person that I saw them as. i’m dating someone else now but i know i treated my ex so unfairly, and i feel like i never properly apologized. . I also see similarities in things he would say (wanting space and having to deal with my emotions) and things my current bf says. We loved just as hard, but we both knew it was toxic. Of course I'm gonna feel just a tad bit different. I never laid a hand on her, and I didnt have the intention of controlling her but I'd only be lying to myself if I didnt own the fact that I was manipulative at times and made her feel small, and that my behavior touched on abuse at times and other times couldn't be considered anything but mentally or emotionally I'm sorry ,I feel really bad for what she's going through I understand that my anger of the way she's handling this is blinding me ,this just happened yesterday I'm too emotional and really haven't gotten any sleep after this event I seriously want the best for her I don’t want to be with him anymore but I still care for him. My motivation is to "make amends to those I have wronged" out my own sense of feeling guilty for my behavior, in part "to make amends", to square myself with the world. I feel so bitter and it's effecting my current relationship and my life. Prior to this guy, I was with my ex-boyfriend for 4 years. I have no well wishes for her. a while after we broke up we were friends again, but then he randomly told me not to contact him again. Why feel regret when all the other person is aiming at with reaching out is to absolve themselves of guilt lol I feel bad admitting it, but goddamn I feel like this is karma. I was so insecure and jealous with my ex I had no reason to be, but I didn't feel loved by him. Whenever I have a feeling of messaging her again, or just feel the tears coming I immediately grab my notebook and start writing whatever comes to mind. Feeling guilty and alone about having these feelings, I feel like I should not care. Having somebody to talk to would be nice. i know there is this sort of policing that happens and i know it feels like “men will mock you and women will lose respect for you”, but the Wow, this is eerily similar to my ex’s progression. You are feeling guilty that you hurt him and you want to make sure he is happy to ease your guilt. My relationship with my current wife is 10 times greater than my previous one because I learned a lot about myself, my faults, and how I can improve myself as a person. Other times I feel okay and I know I did the best I could in he situation I was in. In your case, X could mean remembering favorite things, or performing more personal gestures of gratitude. TLDR; blocked ex after trying to be friends, feel free but guilty. I miss him a lot. I think my ex is a person who has been through a hard life filled with trauma and they never fully matured emotionally. Took me about a year to find my ex fiancé and when she got pregnant she left me because of hormones and our break up got really bad. at least that’s been my experience. It was a rocky relationship. I know my most recent ex doesn't give a shit, though. I try my best not to let that pull me down though. He brought this on himself. but so is Honestly I don't feel anything towards my ex as a person lol, I barely know who he is at this point. Im not capable of being his friend. exactly. Sometimes in my mind I think I can save this relationship but I know I killed it 100%. Every relationship before him was unhealthy. I completely get how you feel. He was a secret alcoholic and a narcissist. I'm a 31m and in many ways I was abusive to my ex. really think before you click send. From everything I can tell, my ex treats his new girlfriend amazingly. My ex benefited because she didn't have my shitty ass around, and could find someone to treat her better. Then how he used to be with her even when I was growing up. But I still feel bad for the bad thing I brought upon my first ex despite having had moved on and knowing I had drastically changed. But I worked on my insecurities and tried to be a better partner. I've apologized to an ex of mine 7 years after we broke up. I would never say my ex was more attractive than him etc, because I'd be lying. It honestly felt like how it would feel if I lost my son. I treated my ex badly and I regret it. You feel bad, and probably she has some sort of unresolved trauma from how she was treated. Sometimes I feel like I hurt my ex before this one by breaking up with him…but at the same time I didn’t ghost him or ice him out. And how much was related to my childhood issues. Of course I cannot know what's going on behind closed doors, but they do things for them they never did for me - proudly show them off on social media, go on expensive vacations, move in with them, meet their parents etc. Bottom line: you don't need a reason to break up with someone. It will make you feel bad, but looking her up is making you also feel bad, as you can read in your own post. She was my bestfriend and by far the best thing to ever happen to me. I wanted to share my perspective as a dumper on what being the one to end the relationship feels like and what I went through. Not sure how to process everything and hiding it all from my partner because I feel guilty. My bf is an absolute gem, patient angel of a man, but he’s very introverted and independent and I worry that maybe I haven’t changed all that much and am making my bf just as miserable. I was a terrible boyfriend the last couple months and I feel so shitty about it. I asked him to stop texting me. I feel so stuck and bored. giving me all the affection in the world, withdrawing it, and telling me it was me overthinking. you have to come terms with yourself and realize that you are a multifaceted being with emotions. She said she had moved on and that she was happier without me. I questioned if I still loved her a lot and found myself wanting to spend time alone then be with her. It blows my mind. i (f17) was with my ex gf for just over a year. She even admitted in the breakup we worked well together. I say to myself; we did not fit Maybe, but this is very generalizing to have as rule of thumb. I feel like as part of my own atlas I try to gently prod where some guidance might be needed. I’m going to try to keep this brief. I wouldn’t feel bad if my ex’s wife died in a fiery crash. Even criminals and mass murderers have rights. Well, enough to give me reprieve. I'm still a very socially awkward, shy, quiet, nerdy dude. But I often hope she found happiness. My ex deserves the treatment she gave me. It's a very conflicting feeling knowing that you may have had something special with someone right for you, but you just weren't in the right position to see it, or to let it grow into its full potential. Not trying to strike up a friendship or stay in touch. TDLR: My ex's life got so much better as mine got so much worse. Sometimes we just feel what we feel. I am realizing my Ex didn't really treat me well, he wasn't toxic or abusive in an obvious manner, but he didn't make me feel secured, didn't emote much about how he feels, he showed up very late for a dinner at my place, food cooked by my mom - since he kept playing D&D and "forgot", he didn't allow me to stay over at his place because he didn Which, my bf has asked questions comparing himself to my ex numerous times, and I've been honest and respectful to him and his feelings. Also for me there was not really a difference between working on me for myself or my ex. But I treated my ex like shit. One may not want a murderer living next door to them, but that doesnt mean they'd be happy with a drug dealer either. It's more like he was an "event" if that makes sense. I feel sorry for my ex, but more often than not I feel angry and frustrated. Would you be happier being at risk of a mental breakdown he caused previously? I think you should be grateful he's out of there. They also have cognitive empathy, which means that they know what others might feel and to a certain extent, act accordingly (e. Those 2 are everything to me and I couldn't imagine a life without them. Imo, it's that feeling of "why does your ex even matter anymore?" if that makes sense. You need to do response prevention. I understand you. It may be helpful to say "I feel appreciated when you do X". I wish I could say I was broken over it. I think you feel bad because you know you hurt someone and acted in an unkind way. Though, the first 3 years of our relationship were great. It wasn’t selfish. Talk about it to your friends and family, but if you truly feel bad about hurting someone think of what talking to them again may cause for them. And I regret it every day. a lot of them times, when someone is abused or mistreated in a relationship, the victim sometimes stays in touch with the ex, even if What shocked me was the fact that my ex mother in law had outlived my ex wife. I still miss my ex sometimes. Someone who made me laugh and feel wanted. In spite of your help pulling me out of my depression and getting my education back on track. I used to have to take care of him all day long and I didn’t enjoy it. I know how it feels my ex. He's now treating me right after months of countless arguments. Forget about the pass. It's something I'm trying to learn. Just been learning lot of the stuff he said about her isn’t true and it’s made me feel like shit. My ex didn’t feel like he could open up to me, and he didn’t feel emotionally safe. Basically the title says it. I quit my job so that I could be near her, and to avoid any issues. My ex-boyfriend used to say everything was my fault as well and blamed everything on me. Its just a tought, I Will feel better with time passing. We made it official March 25th. But I still feel bad from time to time none the less. It was a five year relationship and the biggest regret of my life. No, I do not think my ex is a bad person overall. She is always commenting on my social media posts that she is so proud of me and so happy for me, she is supportive in a way that Sophie never is. ) He treated me badly, couldn't communicate, was micro cheating on me, threw me out of things and just generally wasn’t a good boyfriend. but i don't know she never talked with me in the way i would understand, is it really all my fault? am i just a bad boyfriend who didn't deserve her? the break up was 5 months ago and i'm super Depends on the ex. The way my fiancé treats me is how all men should treat their partner. All I can do is distract myself. So yes, i used the new guy's obsession with me to forget the hurt inflicted by my ex and to remember that there are others out there should i want a relationship. Last week my (24f) ex boyfriend (22m) committed suicide. Learning to become aware of and assess unhelpful and untrue beliefs is key to moving forward. Turns out I didn't have to do a thing. My first examples of “love” weren’t love at all. I've felt bad for breaking up with my HS GF, but it truly didn't have a future, we were too different, and it was 20 years ago. Long post ahead: tldr: I was toxic as hell to my first ex did a 360 and became a saint to my latest ex, and basically got karma. I'll get straight to the point. TL;DR : My ex (also my first love) just passed away this last weekend. Honestly, it's never too late. Now I imagine he must be doing that with her. I can see why he felt his voice wasn’t heard. Ex felons biggest problem is feeling their crime "isn't as bad" instead of joining forces for a common cause which ALL of said people are felons and deserve a second chance. I'm sure she will accept the apology and explanation, and it will help both of you feel somewhat better and move on with your lives! I've posted asking this before & I got ex/ Redpillers saying "oh, but it was my ex-girlfriend's fault as well". I know these are all very superficial things. The third list is also still with me. She knows who I am, how I am, loves all of me (not romantically anymore). I guess in a way I'm on a same boat. I like coaching, too. I met him (35m) over hinge, and from the very start, I was led by fear. after dumping her, i found out that she treated me like shit bc her It took a year for my boyfriend to actually treat me like a girlfriend. Her Instagram profile seems that way. Because I loved her. My current girlfriend of 2 months got out of a bad long-distance relationship about a year ago. I wish I could say I feel distraught. Sometimes I feel like it’s rotting me on the inside. And let’s focus on the today. I felt split down the middle and my emotions were just haywire. My man, get some new pussy too and dot get her back as exclusive girl if she dumped you without explanation and then banged with other dudes. Hey everyone, my ex fiancé broke up with me very recently and he instantly cancelled the wedding it was only 4 months away and he also kicked me out of the place we were staying. I can barely eat, sleep, or function without crying. Any advice is welcome. it doesn't have to be a romantic attachment. Our relationship is over, nothing bad happened, we just wanted different things. Me (f22) broke up with my boyfriend (M23. I'm no longer his friend or support and he's no longer mine. My ex was a Redpiller. If you think about her, try to cut yourself off and think of something else. I dislike it, but I try to accept that it's part of life and eventually I'll feel better about the breakup and will eventually accept that my ex and I are not meant to be. Im kinda in that spot too, im constantly wondering if he'll regret it and miss us since we recently went NC. But to you, I must say that younger doesn't always mean more beautiful ;) Our stories are pretty similar, I think. like save it. I stopped cheating for a while. I left my ex because he was abusing me. Just wanted to give you my sincere apology, a little older and a little wiser. The pain I caused her is eating me up inside and has done since the breakup and I don't know what to do. I don't mean that in a bad way. He even made me feel bad for sleeping over. There are dozens of examples. in the process of my breakup i wrote my ex multiple letters pouring my heart out saying how much she hurt me. I’m over my cheating ex but I won’t lie that it hurts to think about how I gave my all to someone that treated me that much like garbage. I don't know what I should do. The majority of the time it’s probably the “blocker” doing what they need to do to heal. Like when you get rear ended by someone who was being irresponsible, and you're really pissed off and hope karma gets them, but eventually you get a new car and get on with your life lol In my experience they almost always come back. If you want to give your ex some encouragement, you have to wait until she is ready for it. I have to distance myself from my ex boyfriend. My ex girlfriend was the same way, told me all this romance stuff about how we have a big future together in her eyes etc etc and it really got to me, but it was all bullshit, eventually she became more distant, and similar to your ex a started gaslighting me too whenever I expressed that she was making me feel bad. I don't know anything about you or your ex so I'm just projecting my own experience, but I ended my long-ass relationship a couple of months ago and it took me a while to start experiencing the full weight of sadness, responsibility, regret, etc. My ex didn't die though she just chose to be with someone else and that hurts even more. I ALWAYS thought he was incapable of doing so. It’s been almost a month now and I feel really bad about the way I treated her. As someone who spent months scrolling through this forum searching for positive reconciliation stories, subscribed to Matthew Hussey's mailing list, even started to believe the tarot readings on my TikTok fyp telling me that my ex was just 'on the wrong path', believe me when I say that I couldn't have wanted him back more. I feel bad about it and I truly would change it if I could. Has absolutely nothing to do with you, and has everything to do with the fact that you two just weren’t right for each other. A reader feels guilty for how he treated his ex. And it’s frustrating because it’s not fair to compare but things with her were so much more natural. Yep, my ex who wanted me first treated me so bad (didn't even do the bare minimum), lied to me about the smallest things, did things behind my back, talked down on me, straight told me that he doesn't appreciate what I do for him because I chose to do them myself, was following girls on instagram that disrespected me, he himself disrespected me Im sorry, I had a feeling my ex wanted a fwb situation too. Feeling surprisingly sad and a bit broken-hearted. I don’t want to use them as a tool to get over my ex, but I have to admit that I feel quite lonely sometimes. Every time I feel lonely I open the shitty list and remind myself that I'm ok by myself. I'm sure as soon as I move on I'll get a note that says "I hope you are taking care of yourself" which is what she has done before. She never truly cared, and since I went NC she can blame it all on me, like she always ended up blaming everything on me eventually. If your situation is anything like mine your life has probably slowed down quite a bit over the last 6 months and it's given you a lot of time to think. I do love him. At least in a healthy way. So when being assertive of these needs make sure you tell him it’s just because you’ve been emotionally neglected in the past and you’re trying to avoid feeling like that again. Last week someone mentioned him to her at work and she got really sad. Some days, I feel like writing - and other days, I like to read. On other days I'll be sent a notification in my e-mail of a popular or toxic post, and I come read. g. But I'm still here suffering praying for that call. we broke up almost 2 years ago when i was 17. I hope karma will come, or something that change him to make him realize how bad it was to treat girls like that. I did NC right away and I know it hurt (and it feels good). i begged her to treat me with consistency, and made sure to have an open line of communication (at least have her know that i was there). This is how it works. and then it’s like the one ex who i feel like i actually had unresolved issues with and would appreciate an apology from has stayed completely ghost. I would get moody a lot, and jump to the worst conclusions. But I’m a coward and I can’t face him or say sorry and the damage is done. You have to love yourself and love yourself enough to say this dude was weak in that way and you really honestly do deserve better. Every time we talked he had to say "Just letting you know I still dont want a relationship" it's a shitty situation. I was over the old and now into the new. this happened to me on two separate occasions and it was too little to late. Lots of people have bad experiences from previous relationships. I could either ignore this triggered response only to have it return later. Something my therapist told me which really hurt me (but opened my eyes) is that we teach people how they can treat us. I literally sacrificed friends, time with my family and opportunities in life and at work also my mental health just to make them happy. But I have moved on with my life and I feel happy about my future with the person I'm with. Advice? I can’t help but feel so embarrassed and ashamed when I’m reminded of how I was treated by my ex. Actually, fuck her. I built them up in my head as better than they were. Nothing more, nothing less. He was losing the ability to use his legs. Recently, she's been comparing me to her ex a lot, but as the title says, in a good way. If you are still attached to her emotionally it will make you feel bad. Once I invited my feelings in, I was surprised to realize how much of my pain was only tangentially related to my the breakdown in my relationship. From the moment I did it, I was filled with reget. This is life. It’s okay to miss them. I write done everything I want to do and I keep on enjoying myself. About 2 months after me and my ex gf broke up she started seeing someone else and got pregnant and married right away. But that would also explain why she kept my ex even though he lied to her. Money was always a problem. We talk for hours and he makes me feel loved. My ex has a big heart and a lot of great qualities and I still love him very much and I love many of our memories and experiences together. I was with my ex since I was 17 and he was 19. Its only been a month, and Im still in love with him. I WANTED to get back at him, you know? I knew details of his life that would have destroyed him. Why would my ex treat me like shit and act like they hate me after the relationship. Doing it for my ex was just a good motivation to start. It hurts even more because he knows abandonment is one of my greatest fears, stemming back to my parents splitting up, and it's like everything he said he wouldn't do, he did anyway. You can check my post history for a more in depth backstory, but basically she still has feelings for her ex, Tom. I'm so grateful for him. I'm a decent and loyal person. I pretend I'm talking to her, explaining everything, asking questions and telling her overall how she hurt me, even also apologizing for the things I did wrong, but didn't realize at the time. But, I am feeling really bad for her and don't know how to accept this reality and deal with these emotions. Even tho I treated them and their family really good. Guys from my past seem to treat their next gfs generally better than they treated me. All my dreams remind me is how much i loved him and gave him my all and in the end i opened my eyes to realize he constantly had no respect for me, constantly cheated on me, lied to my face, gas lighted me, made me feel like i was truly nothing, telling me how ugly i am, telling me how annoying i am, trying to punch me and grab me and both The problem is that I feel terrible for how I treated her, she didn't deserve to feel so useless and unloved for those 3 months, she was always such a great loving and caring girl. Find out what coach Elizabeth Stone says about whether he should reach out and apologize to his ex after the breakup. I just want to get this out of my head and be done with it because every time I think about it I feel sick to my stomach and I just need to get it off my chest. My unfaithful ex ruined my life… he was extremely cruel during our relationship, and I still struggle with my confidence and self-worth because of him. For the first 8 months he did not want to be exclusive, he never took me on a proper date--basically hung out in groups or I would go to his house and we would have sex. But I didn't, and that took a lot of self control. My dad is an asshole but he was still my dad. let's face it, I'm now healthier and in better shape than I have ever been in my life. I just feel like if I could have managed my emotions better he wouldn't have abandoned me like that. Why bother to feel that way? I litterally feel my self confidence soaring each day in NC. For example, my ex was wonderful but I realized after we broke up that deep down, she had very different values regarding careers, family and religion than I did. So I just want to put to rest the lies in your head that your ex has immediately moved on. It was that or he tried to purposefully gaslight me and make me think that it was all my fault to make himself feel better about how he treated me, it was laughable too but looking back on it, I probably needed that to happen so that I could truly see one last time what kind of "man" he was, I thought he cared and was a compassionate person but You may have treated him like gold, and he treated you like shit. But she dumped me the day that I arrived home. if they treated her badly and she is still in contact with them, it doesn't mean she loves them, but maybe her exes did something that would make her attached to them. So we moved him in with us and my ex-husband would take care of him too along with everything else. Aug 27, 2023 · It's common to make some highly faulty conclusions about an ex after a breakup. But it doesn’t excuse how poorly he treated me, and then his poor personal choices has made me hesitant in staying. Back when I had dreams, goals, ambition. He’s been so mean when I’ve tried to speak to him and I just feel like he ruined me emotionally. I told her exactly that. My ex moved on three days after the breakup which is very soon so it's just a rebound to fill the void. My relationship isn't perfect and my SO has Aspergers so there's a lot I have no experience with. I feel really betrayed and I would always compare myself to her. We had multiple in person conversations that led to our break up…at the same time I moved on quite quickly…and at the same time, when I did him a solid AFTER we broke up, he still played tf out of me. When people communicate issues and their communication is ignored over and over and they leave you, it’s not really selfish. Everything feels so pointless. Even to this day, when my ex Alex and I aren’t half as close as we used to be, I feel like she just gets me and always has. Propably the best choice for you is to move on and invest in relatniship with someone who treats you seriously. I feel bad for her. I have so much guilt and shame and regret. I was with my ex for almost 8 years. phbtma xyywkcm yymxv ghy gwnxw rhbktzm xiwd qne ebhmxn bxqh igv wslgu muawsb uptfd csfrsf