Do you remember people from high school answer. ), and vocalize whatever it is you need to remember.

Do you remember people from high school answer I was at the same high school from 11 to 18. true. Same. The first Top Gun movie explains what happens to pilots if they go more than 14 days without flying, yes they loose there edge. High school wasn’t the easiest or the best time of my life, but BY FAR it was the most simple. Surely, I remember that day partially as the first meeting with new classmates and wandering around the school, but I do not have a certain picture of my first day of high school. Apr 7, 2022 · You certainly remember well your school days and remembered how to think in order to answer these questions. My parents were rich and I had a BMW. And I don’t really trust my recollections anymore—there has been several examples of my believing one thing happened 50 years ago, and discovered it didn’t happen that way. The problem with security questions is that these days the Internet makes it too easy to research a lot of their answers. I was just wondering how much you guys remember from classes you took a couple years ago or longer, e. Then the "hello" is a bit awkward. 1 Funny Replies To “Do You Remember Me?” 1. That extra second or so translates really badly to the person I am sometimes dead-faced staring at, lol. High school and secondary school students can attend on their own. High school, in and of itself, is not killing you. It was only 4 km away. Lots. It sounds like you have just booked your life to a little past completely full. There was a post yesterday about field trips in school and I realized that I could only remember one I did my junior year of high school. Not much pot, but maybe that was just my experience because I wasn't much of a partier in high school. Question 9:- Do you still keep in touch with your friends from high school?’Do you miss your life in high school? Jan 24, 2022 · Question 8:- Do you still remember what happened on your first day of high school? Answer 1:- I can not remember my first day at school, but it could surely be an amazing day for me as I had made friends the first day and I still am in contact with them. I’m actually surprised I remember so many people, and they remember me back. Or would only straight A students be capable of it? Most people who continue with maths do get the highest grade in school maths. I still remember a good bit of high school, but it doesn’t live at the forefront of my thoughts. Only the people who enjoyed high school actually attend. One, the first paragraph. It will pay off. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. In IELTS Speaking Part 1 there are a wide range of topics: habits, family, work, transport, food, superheroes, and so on. So do you have a teacher from your past that you still remember? Of course. I’m 4’8” tall and still have a baby face. Dec 15, 2024 · At some point in time when you were in high school, you had to take one or more history classes. 3 How To Answer To “Do You Remember Me”? 1. Just people who saw me everyday. How do you feel when people can’t remember your name? (Answer 1). Yes, it will expect that from you. I get annoyed when my husband talks about how great high school was because it makes me think about how awful high school was for me. So I did. Because she’s so great at teaching, and, uh, she’s so kind. To do that, you read the definition, You say the word out loud. Usually the memories will be triggered by something or running into a random person from high school. Let’s hope that’s not the case. beginning undergrad classes and such. You can prepare yourself during the interview so that you will do well and be able to get in. I don't see that changing anytime soon as we all keep in touch and see each other very often. While some individuals may retain a significant amount of information from high school, others may only remember general concepts or key Mar 6, 2022 · Question 8:- Do you still remember what happened on your first day of high school? Answer- yes, of course. Surely I had some in elementary or middle school…but my memory is quite poor. There was a lot of drinking. Find valuable tips, resources, relatable moments, and unforgettable high school moments in this vibrant hub of students all over the world. I remember my high school friend group, some people who were just tangentially outside of it, the main crushes, and that's pretty much it. It's not really fair to the question to list a ton of things you choose to take on that are completely optional and say that high school is hard. I live in a small town, so if you still live here after high school you will more than likely see each other often. And also, I loved the teacher of English. " The language is appropriate for the topic and the student demonstrates a good understanding of the nuances of the vocabulary used. Hope this helps. If nothing else, remember that every time they stabbed me in the back, I bled Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like When you remember how to tie your shoes, what type of memory is this? factual procedural episodic state dependent, You cannot remember the geography you learned in junior high school. My high school was very close to my house. Body Language We had all known each other in school. I know I attended a community college during that time, but I don't remember which years I went to school. 30 years ago for me was still high school, but I could drive and hold down a job, so I'll go ahead and answer. Personally, I don't recognize very many people from high school, even though I still live in the same area. " Oct 21, 2024 · What do people remember from high school? Answer: Many people remember their high school years as a time of exploration and self-discovery. 0 range also remember that top 5% could be top 5% for an elite high school, what college has taught me is just how much better the education is at other high schools in America. . One of my high school teachers once said that if I ever meet her again, I should identify myself by name because otherwise she will probably not remember me (there are simply too many students every year to remember all of them). Why do you want to attend this high school? How to Answer: Show that you’ve researched the school and have genuine reasons for wanting to attend. The student uses a good range of vocabulary, including words like "idol" and "influence. I was always a pretty decent student - graduated with a 4. You use it in a sentence. Nov 30, 2023 · Here are some interview questions that are common for high school admissions interviews, as well as advice on how to answer them and sample answers. I wouldn't call any of my high school romantic interests "loves" in hindsight. Suckssss. Age doesn't change that. When you compliment the person, they may not find it awkward when you ask them if they remembered you. A lot of kids have to hide who they actually are to “fit in” where people think they should. Be sincere and specific. People may use that question and have a completely bogus answer. , free recall and more. Which type of memory test is this? savings recognition free Once you can answer all of these questions with ease, you can move on. I won't remember specifics, but enough to provide a basis and context for the specifics which I do remember. Listen for this in Aubrey’s sample answer. Now think about something you haven't thought about in so long, you don't even remember the last time you thought about it. It is easy to forget things that you don’t find obvious, and you don’t use, and you don’t like. When I started learning at a new high school, I was thrilled to have my own mobile phone and felt a sense of independence. Yeah. I have really clear memories of places/people I paid a lot of attention to (the band pictures I taped to my bedroom wall, what it looked like at work, the college DJs I used to listen to). I too am doing much better than I was as a teen. Yes. School maths is easy. Sophomore year in high school. If you can do that, you understand it. Connect the school’s curriculum, extracurricular activities, or culture to your academic and personal goals. Each one certainly felt like love at the time, but I had no clue how to talk to girls - much less ask one out. I taught in a high school for a number of years. Said I would be lucky to get my high school diploma and I should consider this now and start looking for a job doing manual labor. I have to meet people at least like 5 times before I remember their face. Take this quiz and see what you do remember by taking this high school history quiz! Normally, when you listen carefully to someone’s introduction, there’s no reason why you can’t remember their name. For example, the amount of time that elapses between the first and second tests would surely be crucial—you’ll remember more of the history you took in high school when you’re 20 years old than when you’re 40. The question is, how much of your high school subjects do you remember? Jul 24, 2024 · That's why eye witness testimony is so unreliable. Along with the study, I participated in various competitions and won prizes, And I learned valuable things. Knowing how to look for that answer and be able to interpret that answer when you find it is what you truly learn. 4 Why Do People Say “Do You Remember Me?” 1. 4K votes, 124 comments. The grammar is mostly accurate, but there are a few minor errors. 5 What To Say When Someone Asks If You Remember Them? I always found it kinda weird that we refer to our high school days as our high school "career" (at least during high school. Outside of math, which I've always struggled with, I can remember quite a I went to high school with a girl who went by the name "Misty". We invite users to post interesting questions about the UK that create informative, good to read, insightful, helpful, or light-hearted discussions. Saying stuff out loud helped me to both hear it, and make my brain process it by saying it. If, however, you're obliquely asking, "Will it always hurt this much?" About 9 years ago I suffered a TBI and my memories of the years 2010-2013ish are not gone, but they are really fuzzy and hard to recall. While it’s tempting to call this a degree, the term “degree” is typically reserved for college-level achievements. (Answer 2) Yes, there’s one teacher that I can never forget and Especially remember Rule 1: Be polite and civil. I went to my high school reunion and honestly recognized almost no one. Only one. I remember it was back in 2014. So, the correct answer is 3) Lack of interest. Overall high school was still high school and was tough for most of us. At the end of the school year, or when your students graduate - how do you want them to remember you? As a High School teacher you have an excellent opportunity to be a positive influence on a younger generation. -sS Apr 20, 2024 · If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer to your question: To effectively respond to ‘Why do you want to attend this high school? ‘, you should highlight the school’s academic programs, extracurricular activities, values, and environment that align with your interests, aspirations, and learning style. Right now I'm a senior in high school but already I'm forgetting things from geometry, trig, and even some of the smaller details from calc. If you understand, you will do well. Oct 30, 2024 · Nahhhh, never done that but a couple of my classmates have and when the person who they gave it to answers, they give the person back the paper to show their response and when the person sees it the person wets the paper and shreds it but knows the other person's response and talks to the person about it. If you literally don't remember any of the math, science, and history you learned in high school, you're going to be fucked in college when they're expecting you to take what you know in high school and expand it and apply it in meaningful ways. If it was important to me, it was written about somewhere, or in a photo, or on a cassette tape. Question 6. Participated in a few clubs. Question 10 May 1, 2024 · How do you respond to a guy you remember fondly from high school that you had a fling with who reports he doesn't remember you at all? Bring up certain things that you remember that he might remember, if you try all that and he still seems confused, suggest that he has had brain damage because "he said" that you were the best he had ever had. 7-4. 2 Question 2:- What was your favourite subject in high school? 1. , People might or might not remember something, depending on how we test them. It was a school iPhone 10, which my father gave to me. I’m 23 and in my last year of university. Do you still keep in touch with your friends from high school? Answer:-Yes, I do, although just a few of them. For example my Junior year of high school we had to read All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque over the summer for a history class. I went to an all-boys school, so it may have been more violent than other schools, but it was fun and I survived. My point is yes I remember elementary school. It's not prom 10-20 years later. Like when you're put on the spot to answer a question but due to the stress of not knowing the answer, your mind starts getting into flight-or-fight and this can (at least temporarily) cause you to forget things to prioritize that sensation to "survive" whatever stresses you out. And even with people I do remember, it takes me longer than most people to realize who I am looking at. In our study, only memories of high school were more socially and less educationally oriented. Someone tests whether you can relearn it faster than you learned it the first time. You just have to make sure you remember the answer. I still remember it. All of this helps learning. Is there any specific reason why we say high school "career", or is it just something we say for no particular reason? Simple every day task that you might do absent mindedly, but clapping your hands and forcing your mind to recognize why you are clapping is because you locked your door helps to remember it. Do you think television and films can make people want to get new possessions? Why do they have this effect? Answer: Yes, I do think that televisions and films can “push” people to want to get new possessions in their lives, even if they don’t need them most of the times, primarily because these electronic media present things in a very “glamorous Maybe you have a learning disability if you can’t spell a but if you don’t think so then I can give you my tips. And honestly, that’s being taught in Values education (a subject in which students are taught about the ideals that society deems important) in school. In high school I was good looking, popular, athletic, and a decent student. But I'm not sure this is the right place because the main topic here was about do you remember and did you remember . People change. Well turns out I can't find either of them anywhere on the internet, and at my high school reunion, no one remembered them. Nov 22, 2024 · Do you remember your first day in High School? How about the lessons you learned both inside and outside the classrooms? Statistics show that the majority of people had most fun during their high school days than their elementary or university days. OK this took a weird turn. Why do many people today keep buying things which they do not need? Answer: Well, people like to attribute different reasons to the culture of consumerism, but the major ones could be summarized like these: we think that possessing more and more things will make us feel more secured and happy in life. You can watch some Khan academy stuff, it's a pretty good summary for all these topics. Remember that the interviewer is not only interested in the content of your answers, but also in your ability to be confident, clear and engaging. Depends on what you consider childhood; before ten, it’s just brief snippets of small things, but junior high and high school a bit more. A week before graduation, my grade 8 teacher in elementary school pull me aside and told me I had little to no change in high school. Lots of it. You write it down many times. Also, my online gaming buddies mostly went to my high school but I didn't hang out with them in High school, they are all 3-4 years younger than me. Actually, the first digital device allowed me to do a lot of things that I couldn't experience before. May 25, 2019 · The goal of the study was to replicate previous studies while addressing some of their limitations. So you need to redo some of that phase of your life--not by going to high school, but by talking through your adolescence with a psychotherapist familiar with the growth issues of emerging from childhood into young adulthood, including major changes like developing your own identity different from what your mother and/or father imagine you to The #1 subreddit for Brits and non-Brits to ask questions about life and culture in the United Kingdom. Honest answer: you don't actually have to put what is genuinely true. 5 Question 5:- Do you miss your life in high school? After seeing it many times it will stick. He held the school record for most points scored in a game, somewhere in the 30s. ), and vocalize whatever it is you need to remember. I doubt I was ever that interesting, though. 2 Sarcastic Replies To “Do You Remember Me?” 1. I remember she always had different color hair and she dated a guy I played basketball with named Ryan. What you are experiencing is normal, once you get a job in your field of study then you know where to look up the information. The people who hated high school have moved on and don't care to revisit. Oh 100%, I totally miss the simplicity of it. I, also believe that high school students should do community service compulsorily from high school. The main way that I use to memorize things is quizlet. High school can be a cruel and unforgiving place. Q. Keep your answer brief, and positive. I understand wanting to be real but telling people you do not remember them is unkind, it plays a power game where they are the losers, and it makes you look like a self important a-hole. Question 5. People did a lot of "cruising" for fun, or we'd go out to "the desert" to party. You slowly build up context for the definition of the word you're trying to remember What you remember is that for a given problem, someone has come up with a way to solve that before, and if you look hard enough into references or ask enough questions, you will find the answer. I went to my graduation and the day I left, I forgot all of their names. It's about "understanding" what you are learning. And since i know you’re looking for a HACK…read your script OUT LOUD. The curse of genetics I tell you 😂😅. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Until recently, High-school was the peak of my life. It's filled with engaging discussions on academics, extracurriculars, college prep, and social life. They’re surprised when I say I’m in university. As long as you remember the things you know you care about and need for a future dream job, you’re fine. 3 Question 3:- Do you still remember what happened on your first day of high school? 1. Mar 31, 2024 · Keto, here are all your toys, do you remember? CARL: So, what do you remember? Danu, before you and your sisters were taken, how much do you remember? On that hill we saw through your window, do you remember? And you said - do you remember? She convinced us Binky was a witch, do you remember? Now, what do you remember? I didn't have friends in high school. OP, it's important to remember that the top 20% get the 3. If you feel this way in your early 30’s, I don’t know what to tell you. g. Answers: What do most students in your nation do after school ends? It’s a big country so I can’t really answer for everyone but the school I used to go to – most kids would play sport after school. 15. Oct 16, 2016 · Just curious. Sweet words have a way of making us open to people who may be strangers. For example I could tell you comparatively little about, say, statistics or geometry. By the time you get to my age, if you still remember high school vividly, it means you haven’t made more important memories. Ive been mistaken for 12 years old, and 15 years old before. I only recently graduated so I don't know how common it is to say that after you graduate). Quizlet is very annoying but if you take the time to go through the sets (u can make your own) in Flashcards and write (these are modes on quizlet), you’ll memorize at May 11, 2023 · 1. There are some of us who do remember Which is bat shit crazy if you think about it. I don’t remember that much because it was a long time ago, but I think that I can remember some moments where I was gathering with my friends and we were at the yard, the school yard waiting to go up to classes and I think that we didn’t actually take any serious lessons on the first day, we were just having fun with our teachers and getting to know them. My memory is vivid that I still remember each of their names, the subjects that they taught when I was studying with them, and their fashion. The main reason why high school students should do community service is that it helps them to become good human beings. May 4, 2023 · Discussion topics:Possessions Q. Remember me as the girl who always tried to do the right thing. I played varsity soccer all 4 years at a school of 2500 kids and was recruited by division 1 schools all over the country. 3GPA in high school with a few college credits under my belt. I wasn't sad tha high school was ending, I was glad that the next chapter of my life would finally begin. Like. It happens. What was your favorite subject ( = class) in secondary school? (= high school) I forget pretty much all the math I took in high school, and even the two math classes I took for my Gen Ed requirements. Parents should either drop them off or arrange for a van or bus. And three, because yours answers the question and is buried beneath the next post "I only remember the ones I slept with" and an inane discussion on sentence structure. We discuss the further implications of these effects. Then people assume I’m either in middle school or high school. I was glad I went, but I don't know if I would have wanted to attend a 10 year one. It was almost a decade ago, but I could still remember the that day because it was quite impressive. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. Hell, I still remember the names of all of my elementary school teachers, my phone numbers from childhood, and the first dog I ever had, so I remember plenty about that first love. I became best friends with Edna and Joy from high school, and we are still best of friends even though we currently live in different cities. Most people struggle with math because somewhere on the path, they have lost the plot and since math is like a tower - once your base is shaky, everything above it shakes as well. When you're in high school, you gravitate toward people you can get along with casually, but rarely do you make lifelong friendships. In the words of the legendary band Bayside: “You never really knew The things you learned would matter, The things you did and didn't do would someday define you, The things you hate the most, The lessons on piano, The books you read in Sunday school, I swear I'd trade in anything to be young again. You've shown great knowledge and great memory! Congratulations for acing our quiz! The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. Two, my hopes that ANY of my teachers remember me. Most people when they finish school, they’re done with school and they’re moving on to do something fun/funny after school. I’m not old yet to forget each of them. I don’t remember any people! I don’t remember what I ate! These details are also related! When you grow up you have so many more ways to escape the frustration you get from your workplace and such, but when you’re in high school all your life is based around the school itself: you can’t divide your social life/reputation from your “workplace”, so you cannot escape it if there is something that troubles you. Like, she. I remember seeing him for the first time. Plus, I attended 1st-12th grade in a small town where I was mainly in school with the same group of ~70 people all the way through, and it was sorta like having a ton of siblings who I’d grown up with my whole life, with all the positives and But even when I’m performing the scene, I remember that the SCRIPT doesn’t matter. When you HEAR things, you remember them faster. Best advice I can give you is to summarize every course in its entirety on no more than three sheets of paper. I don’t remember what I did. In my school, I was into school, um, was a teacher of, like, Tata teacher. Nov 7, 2021 · Question 9. In high school, your peers are your entire world and its impossible to conceive of a life in which you're not surrounded by them 24/7. From all the reunions I've seen on social media, it's NOTHING like the movies portray. Feb 13, 2024 · 1 Replies When Someone Asks “Do You Remember Me?” 1. Oct 16, 2021 · My high school and primary school were the same. Earned a 30 on the ACT on my first and only attempt. It’s about my PERFORMANCE, and do i deliver the intent of my character in the scene. iMO, she was probably always, hiding under everything, the girl you met the second time. If you can't, you've got too much extraneous and minor information cluttering up I see! Maybe a lot more people disliked high school than I thought. I’m a person who doesn’t easily forget. It was easy. It's usually a meetup at a bar with maybe 100 people at most. You may not remember the details of a specific topic, but if you need it one day, you’ll know what you’re looking for and will be able to relearn it quickly. When you learn new vocabulary in school, you just need to remember the meaning of a word. My high school was in an upper middle class town, so we were the ones on the wrong path. You got hit with so many facts and dates that you probably don't even remember a fraction of them. Jul 4, 2013 · I'd love to further understand what the difference is between do you know and did you know when the speaker knows the answer. Um, so the high school. I remember being three and feeling my brother kick in my mom's stomach. Dec 1, 2021 · Question 9:- What part of your secondary school education did you enjoy most? OR Did (do) you like your secondary school life? Answer:-Yes, I like secondary school life. Assuming you dated for more than a month ? do you remember all the people you've dated even if it was for 3 months 6 months 1 year etc? Archived post. I remember being 2 and helping my mom pick up my cousin from school. No one claimed to have ever met them. Most students take classes in biology, chemistry and physics before they graduate from high school. Do not be mean, insulting or disrespectful to any other user on this subreddit. It is believed by some people unpaid community service should be mandatory in high school programs. ;) If something is important to you, you remember it. And I think she’s like, mye. Glad you are looking for a way to be kinder. The way I figure it is that I retain the majority of the information generally. my school's top 5% vs. I also lived with 2 of them in college, so we obviously stayed in touch. Sep 10, 2024 · Do You Get a Degree When You Graduate High School? When you graduate from high school, you receive either a high school diploma or a high school certificate. Senior Year. We had a few suicides during my high school years. I would like to tell you about the first day, my first day at high school. Almost as fast as you’ve read this post it seems you went from walking in the doors for the first time as a freshman to walking out one last time as a high school graduate. 1 Question 1:- Who was your favourite teacher in high school? 1. It does make you appreciate the friends you do make out of high school, because the time you spend with them is valuable - you've taken time out of your schedule to be with them, rather than Dec 8, 2023 · Question: Do you think students should be taken to school by their parents or go by themselves? Answer: Children in primary school should not walk alone to school. 1. Data on average levels of retention don’t reflect information about the conditions under which people were trying to remember. Jun 15, 2024 · Complimenting them is going to set the stage for reminding them about yourself. Have confidence in your brain and the hard-work. See full list on ieltsfever. One of the most common topics is school. Last year, at a wedding reception I ran into a guy who played basketball at our high school ten years ago. Do you think you can pass a 12th-grade science quiz today? Prove it! Those are things that you choose to do with your time. I was a record keeper from a very young age. I enjoyed it a lot, and I always remember those days. Try not to think at that just as letters and numbers but more like "the most common is C that in position 282 of the protein chain becomes Y" and know that those aminoacids have pathologic effects on HFE that cause clinical relevant problems to patients. Jul 24, 2024 · 2. 17 year old does the same type of work but gets paid less because "what's a 17 year old supposed to do with all that money?" But when people are asking to raise the minimum wage because nobody can live off of it anymore then "the work you do isn't worth that much money. When they start […] Mar 9, 2022 · Strategy: Say what you don’t remember! If you are asked about something from a long time ago, say what you don’t remember. For example, you may do well on your SAT or ACT test and score well in the high school courses but an interviewer may question whether you have what it takes to succeed in college – so, you have to show them. With my first crush, I remember her first name (Rachael) and the debacle that was my attempt to break the ice so I could ask her out. They might meet new friends, try out new sports or hobbies, and start figuring out who they are and what they want to do with the rest of their lives. It was a fish out of water moment for me. That's high school math for you. 4 Question 4:- Do you still keep in touch with your friends from high school? 1. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like He was the first to do experiments to measure memory. Jun 14, 2023 · These are ideas and band-9 sample answers (audio included) for the Cambridge IELTS 18 Academic Speaking Part 1 Question 2 Test 2 question: "What do you remember about your science teachers at school?" This guide provides unique insights and sample answers, helping you eloquently talk about a memory you have from school. Share ideas, ask for advice and interact with your demographic here at r/highschool. You know, English is the most commonly spoken language in the world, so this language will give me a big advantage over others. There’s a reason most majors don’t have cumulative tests to graduate/enter the workforce. That's how hypnotists and magicians and other stage performers can influence how people remember something. I remember being a teenager, hearing older people talk about how you lose touch with your high school friends and acquaintances and it kinda made me sad. What do you remember about learning languages at school? [Why/Why not?] English was the only foreign language I learnt at high school and sadly, at that time, I was not a big fan of the subject in any case. Still not quite as happy as I was as a kid (late 90s-early 2000s) though. Elevate your IELTS preparation with strategies that resonate with real-life experiences, ensuring you articulate your thoughts clearly and confidently. If you don't, not so much. May 4, 2023 · Discussion topic: "The culture of consumerism". Sounds like you still think that high school was the best time of your life. 29 male. The room was completely silent, and a girl in my history class dropped her pencil. org Of the 10 or so people that I consider to be true friends, about six of them are people I knew from high school. Be polite and courteous to each other. Apr 1, 2024 · The most likely reason for your failure to remember the last name of your homeroom teacher at your high school reunion is lack of interest. I don't talk to a lot of people from high school. TJs top 5% aren't even in the same league. Like, I want to become a teacher. When we think back to high school, senior year tends to dominate the image. Just to let you know, I upvoted this for three reasons. Probably more than most people, who aren't weird lunatics who obsessively absorb insignificant details about their surroundings, to be remembered forever, at the expense of not being able to remember where they left their keys today. It's kinda funny; I'll be hanging out around town with friends and they'll point to a stranger across the street and say "Hey it's [insert random name here]! You remember them, right?" Apr 26, 2024 · Memory retention varies from person to person. Also, memories of high school were more positive and emotionally intense. But the first day my parents drove me there. I remember being four and having a giant birthday party that involved lots of pink coloured cake and a pink dress my uncle got for me. Maybe that's not called high school in other places, but that's what I remember most, is just playing violent sports with my friends. I know I stopped attending as soon as my presence in class wasn’t needed There’s this period here when those of us who passed all finals and subjects AND have enough absences left for the year (totaling less than 24,5 within said year) can disappear while all the other students stay for remedial classes for the upcoming summer finals for the subjects they didn’t pass in due time Jun 2, 2015 · It’s even funnier to think about all the people who still do. Quite a lot of details. Ideal for IELTS candidates aiming for a high band score. Years ago read that if you remember 5% of what you learned in college then you are doing good. The sentence 'interest in science also developed into me' is grammatically incorrect; it should be 'my interest in science developed' or 'I developed an interest in science'. If we do a 15 I would really have to think about it. May 17, 2018 · Remember me as the girl who made it her life goal to put the chaos of this world in to words, so that other people who were going through the same shit could relate and know that they weren’t alone. Jan 5, 2023 · Question 3:- Do you still remember what happened on your first day of high school? Answer – Unfortunately, no. What subjects did you study in secondary school (= high school)? I studied many subjects in secondary schools like mathematics, Punjabi, Hindi, English, science, and SST. (Answer 1) Well, I do remember all of my teachers. ocgcy xmeoa ywo oebwp hcjztpb fmhq lhgtlae qcbjvtes igm irmdv duol udvptu amtsluox cmhrbh zoapr