Best anointments bl3 GUNS. com] Terror Anointments on the WIki [borderlands. So before we talk about anointments, lets look at Zane’s dmg formula. The best choice for this is 'On Action Skill End, Weapon Damage is increased by 100% for a short time'. Anointed weapons can make your character build very powerful. I have a pretty standard Moze Bloodletter build with a Deathless. Contains: God Roll max-damage Card, best farming Location, Drop Rates, Elements, Variants, and more… The best anoints for Zane are 200 ASE Splash, 100 Element Next 2 Mags, SNTNL Cryo, Urad, and 300/90(on high-damage single-projectile weapons). GO HERE FOR UPDATED LIST: My Gearbox Forums post. So Which one is the best for our Boyo? Zane’s Damage in a Nutshell. For the revolter on moze most of my shock enrages come from depleting my shield - the regular revolter mechanic and not an annointment effect. The pearl can be put on any build and Moze is strong enough she can make 90% of the guns in the game work fine. Contains: max-level Item Card, best farming Location, Drop Rates, Elements, Variants, and more… Welcome to my Ultimate Amara series! Here I'll be taking you through every single thing that you'll need to know about BL3's siren Amara if you want to be ab Anointments on the gun do NOT stack with multiple action skill uses. Look at the skills and weapons you are using and try and double up specific abilities. I like to use the phaseslam variant that has the lowest cooldown aka Fracture. Dk what other anoints to use tho. Contains: God Roll max-damage Card, best farming Location, Drop Rates, Elements, Variants, and more… The place for everything Borderlands 3! News, Speculations, Memes, Artwork. I’m subbed to both but I bookmarked this one when maybe I should have booked the other instead (guess I figured more people would be talking about BL3 specifically here). Contains: God Roll max-damage Card, best farming Location, Drop Rates, Elements, Variants, and more… After way too many runs and a lot of frustration, I started to learn the map and learn what types of gear works best. Probably better on Flak. m and One-Shotter are still great. Exceptions exist. If the skulls splash damage can crit with Hustler. Asking for the "best" one might get you farming for one a lot longer than you actually need to. Eraser Build. So what anointments work inside iron bear? There is the grenade specific 20% on damage taken throw a grenade and I know there is a weapon specific when action skill active you pulse a nova. Scorpion1869 Bl3 legendary drop rate is actually fun upvotes 4 days ago · S-Tier Weapons: These guns are the best of the best and will work on any character. Hellwalker works though because it has such a fast reload speed and using grenades you can keep your damage going too (which I suppose you can do with any gun, hence its one of the best annoints). Similar elemental damage bonus on ASE anointments do NOT stack (e. Elderblast Unique Smg. Feb 26, 2024 · This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 The Butcher Weapon Guide. Added 115% bonus rad damage anoint. ASE anointments are ideal and priority on cannon Zane imo, ASA are good too but definitely not as potent. I myself, have spent hours farming a single boss just to get the perfect combination that is best suited for my build. My Moze has a consecutive hit anointment on her 2 Dictators, 25% more damage on throw for her Piss Grenade, an Airborn damage anointment on her Flakker and ideally I’m looking to Dec 3, 2020 · So today I will walk you through the basics of the 500% elemental crit anoint and how to make it one of the strongest anointments in the entire game. Although, Vanquishers take such along time to reload, I usually just bail and wait for the cool-down. Find enclosed all anointments you can get on equipment, for your build-brewing needs. Jul 10, 2021 · Top 5 BEST ANOINTMENTS FOR ZANE! - BORDERLANDS 3Join my Discord! : https://discord. Seriously if you get one, try it. Yes, Fade Away has pretty good uptime, but part of the reason that Action Skill End anointments are preferred over an Action Skill Active is because you tend to have your greatest damage dealing potential during your Action Skill, and it is the in-between that is rough. Splash anointments of any kind, IBE 160 is better than ase200 though. UPDATE: Added Lucian's Call, The Companion, and Projectile Recursion weapons. Im on Switch, so I cant pause and view whats going on like I see some of the PC players on YT. So this update is truly a blessing. Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot; Guns, Love, and Tentacles; Bounty of Blood; Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck; Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite Posted by u/DougDimmaDaleXDjr - 1 vote and 11 comments For my Iron Bear build: -N2M elemental, since her ammo regen ensures she almost never expends either of the mags. Pistol. Class Mods - depends on which combo of action skills. g. work best with 300/90 annoitment. Other than that I have seen increased loot drops and alot of eridum. Gun based anointments affect only that gun. Dec 7, 2019 · Hitman Zane is a very mobile and fast paced build centered around kill skill activations and Action Skill End Anointments to create a looping sequence of multiple buffs that greatly empower the player, offering a high risk high reward playstyle that excels at mobbing and can be adapted for quick boss killing. Nothing seems to really work. Contains: God Roll max-damage Card, best farming Location, Drop Rates, Elements, Variants, and more… Yeah, I was too, but also not seeing that mentioned, and where it would be different than other gun damage anointments I would have expected it to be called out. tbh anointments and mayhem mode are why i quit playing Jun 26, 2020 · About the Unkempt Harold: The Unkempt Harold is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. Sep 29, 2024 · This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 Backburner Weapon Guide. Best annoint on it by far IMO is 50/150 but I dont think Amara can really make use of 50/150. I haven't seen an actual list of every gun that can do splash damage, so I made one. Just tested both anointments with the same weapon on the Warden and the 150/90 was faster with the kill. For zane, the best is 200% extra damage while the action skill's active. Vault-Hunter Specific Feb 26, 2024 · This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 Phasezerker Class Mod Guide. Jun 24, 2020 · In this video I go over the Best Anointment for All Vault Hunters in Borderlands 3. 4 days ago · Unlock the true power of Borderlands 3 with the best Anointments for your Vault Hunter. Infernal Wish and Mana Well I think are the two best for Bloodletter builds. Farming for a specific god roll is time-consuming but with Crazy Earl’s contraption, you can replace the existing anointment for one that compliments your build. Quit to main menu after getting to the boss room until you get FISH SLAP as one of the underbosses and then kill just the underbosses without killing Joey and then die to reset the fight. Just wondering which anointments and weapons work best for her. BARRIER - barrier Crit on weapons. This Torgue Pistol is an absolute blast literally and figuratively. Nov 29, 2019 · Unfortunately for this build, none of the Fl4k-specific anointments provide damage for this build. "Iron bear weapon" 100% damage anointments Guns relics and shields are more up to you. Normally it's just fine, but when you add the anointment ASS activate any effect when depleted or full, this shield become suitable for any character. Basically title. P. One of those adjustments is to the anointments. Say all my items have anointments that state "on action skill end. Its main projectile will split into 3 projectiles mid-flight. Your time has come. The Lyuda is best used for medium-range combat because there is a sweet spot where the 2 additional projectiles are still close to the main projectile making it easy to score 3 critical hits at once. 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗕𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝟯 ! Cartel event is what I like the most, because there are some OP items, such as the Fishslap grenade, the OPQ system, the Needle gun, the Grease trap (very powerful for Clone Zane), the NoPewPew, the Yellowcake for Boresplosion Zane. As has been proven, bonus elemental damage anointments (50% of element on ASE for 10 sec, etc) are calculated by spawning an additional projectile on contact. Also what are the best anoints? For me seems like 500% Crit Nova. The usual choice is between Next 2 Mag bonus elemental (n2m), Action Skill end 200% splash (ASE Splash), and whatever else. I've thrown away hundreds of Orange tier guns in BL3 because they didn't have an anointment to start with. Instead, you should look for damage boosts usable for all classes. On ASE Next 2 Mags do 100% element x, 100% weapon damage ase, and 200% splash when applicable are great on her. For bosses that don't have a big health pool, I find 150/90 to be better. By sacrificing your clone by blowing him up and having a fast action skill cooldown you can trigger various bonuses like the “on Action Skill End” anointments. Anointments on the Wiki [borderlands. gg/BaHXkPwFollow me on Twitter: https://twitter. 0 and during the cartel event! List of New Anointment. Fracture in the past has been known to know proc Phaseslam anointments but this has been fixed in case you aren't aware. Old God is still good for passive elemental damage boost. Eraser is one of Zane’s most powerful skills. This is a List of ALL legendary and unique WEAPONS in Borderlands 3. . Fire Starter Fires energy balls that deal Fire Splash Damage. The whole process could get super frustrating sometimes. Any other anointments work? Auto Bear is one of Moze’s best skills because it allows Iron Bear to remain active independently for over 15 seconds, after which it chases an enemy and self-destructs into them. " does that mean that the grenade, shield, and all four gun anointments will trigger every time my action skill ends? or does that mean that only the grenade, shield, and currently equipped gun will activate? Sep 23, 2024 · This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 Plasma Coil Weapon Guide. I started looking up builds on YouTube and all the builds show that the anointment I should get for Zane’s guns are the 100% with SNTNL active, but I’ve been confused on why, non of the guides really why and I find that maybe the 200% gun damage with active skills works better. Plus Ultra is great for shield tanking and can roll amp parts. It's definitely not the same as the regular bl3 mode, but it's honestly become my favorite game mode now. I sincerely appreciate you pointing me in a better direction. 50% bonus elemental damage, if you spec in ammo regen skills, mostly green tree (redistribution, forge) and Means of Destruction. com/@kreeyt21?lang=en&is_copy_url=1&is_from_web The best one is the one that gets the job done. These all work multiplicatively with Zane's gun damage, giving you much better dps. Hello! I’ve seen multiple types of Lucian’s & Rowan’s Calls around but are the anointed variants tied to specific elements? I’m trying to find phaseslam x300% damage for cryo, shock, and radiation but haven’t seen those combinations yet. The rest of the shield anointments are 13% dmg reduction ase, 5% health regeneration ase shit like that. I've mostly ran a basic Blue and green tree moze but decided to put some points into purple to try out the Iron cub with the incendiary vladof rifle and wanted to know what are the best annoints to look for Welcome to the Eldar Subreddit, the premier place on Reddit to discuss Eldar, Dark Eldar and Harlequins for Warhammer 40,000! Feel free to share your army lists, strategies, pictures, fluff and fan-fic, or ask questions or for the assistance of your fellow Eldar! 29 votes, 13 comments. Anointments play a significant role in Borderlands 3’s end-game as they can push your character build to the next level. If a gun has next 2 mags fire, and your grenade OR shield has 50% fire for 10 seconds on action skill end, those WILL stack. If you are using Phasegrasp, good choices for gun anointments include +100% elemental damage next 2 mags (since you'll be refreshing it constantly), kills give 12% stacking damage/reload speed (great for mobbing), and +150% damage while phasegrasp is active. Controversial. However, he really shines with single pellet weapons. ANOINTMENT ADJUSTMENTS Gearbox Software added a lot of cool stuff with the June 24, 2021, update. com] 2 days ago · Best Anointed Weapons. Because when the shield is depleted give you a +50% fire rate and +200% shock damage for 15 sec. With BM/GM Consecutive Hits is better so you don't hit diminishing returns on splash. But I cant determine all yhe interacts. Depends on the rest of your build. As the third game in the series, Borderlands 3 stays true to the formula for making a fun game that combines RPG elements and FPS gameplay. There are some exceptions, most notably Maliwan weapons, that can spawn with splash anointments but not actually do splash damage. Personally I recommend using the Phaseslam 200% Bonus Melee Damage. I use mind sweeper and am heavy on splash damage bonuses with my artifact and class mod. Top. For a pure amp build 0. – Always incendiary. We received crossplay, level cap increase, permanent seasonal events, and a lot of tweaks. Who the hell in the brainstorming session thought this dick was on fire with his suggestions. tiktok. Best. Contains: God Roll max-damage Card, best farming Location, Drop Rates, Elements, Variants, and more… If not, then repeating the cartel event and working your way to the Joey fight would be best. com/playlist?list=PLAtRN-w8FMZH5ZsXOduj3dPeE0ycvb05cGuides: https://www. Double Time boosts Moze and Iron Bear’s movement speed by over 12% while her action skill is active, while Short Fuse adds a 20% chance for a shot to do explosive Recently got into this game, and wasn't sure exactly how anointments stack and which ones are best. The famous Unkempt Harold returns in Borderlands 3. And NGL I hated it at first. Sep 23, 2024 · Can toggle between Fire Starter and Hot Grease firing mode:. If the Crit Nova and proc Eraser. Fixed parts. Some folks might want a deep magazine for the benefit of ammo regen skills or anointments. true. Sep 23, 2024 · This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 O. -ASE splash damage for 18 seconds, which is a good amount of time to get boosted damage and enough time for IB to cool down to refresh it. Others may have niche uses useful to only one or two specific builds. at the very least, as you mention, Iron Bear is an awesome utility skill. Hellwalker is a legendary shotgun in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Jakobs. The borderlands series was a pioneer of the term "shooter-looter". Contains: max-level Item Card, best farming Location, Drop Rates, boosted skills, and more… Feb 12, 2024 · This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 Light Show Weapon Guide. Check out the best Anointments for your Character. 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗕𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝟯 ! Posted by u/AnodyneSpirit - 39 votes and 12 comments Hi everyone, I am currently on PC and playing moze (lv72 M10). Could be more that I am not aware of. Contains: God Roll max-damage Card, best farming Location, Drop Rates, Elements, Variants, and more… Feb 26, 2024 · This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 The Monarch Weapon Guide. I do feel one's build and weapon comes into play with these things. I'm playing digi-clone zane and i don't know which anointments is better for those weapons: Light Show Tizzy Flipper OPQ Grease Trap Aug 26, 2021 · Top 5 *BEST* Annointments for Moze in Borderlands 3Whats your Favorite Annointment?TikTok: https://www. The anointments make the weapon an accessory, unless you're rocking it on some op shit like the Backburner or Looking for a mode sniper build and I’m wondering what the best anoints would be. Utilize the list to SORT, FILTER, and FIND the best weapons for your build. For your shield and grenade, use whatever, but if you're using elemental anoints, make sure they have 2 different +50% elemental damage for 10 seconds on action skill end anointments, such as 1 being cryo and 1 being radiation. Driver its just 300/90. Mntis opened up basically all of the universal anointments. So, my demons. Just started playing a few weeks ago to play them and all of them are awesome. Anointments that don’t require action skills are pretty good for Moze due to how long her action skill takes to cooldown, and with how it disrupts her flow to use. If they're the same, grenade and shield wont actually stack the damage. Shield and Grenade based anointments affect all equipped weapons. 404K subscribers in the borderlands3 community. MNTIS - N2m or ASE splash on weapons, ASS or ASE on shield, ASE on grenades. The Boo+ (on reload) Legendary Pistol Overall better than BL2 I would say. Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the titular Elden Ring. Zane: He can rock any weapon because he is just insanely good. If it works then keep using it. You only lose the stacks if when you shoot and you don’t hit an enemy you don’t deal any other damage in a second around then (this might not be 100% accurate but it’s close) so basically if you have a dot from 17 votes, 26 comments. But at least in m4 you will need the extra elemental dmg ase one Reply reply I don't bother with "nerf rockets". Keep this in mind while farming and looking for what you need. Oct 11, 2020 · Is it viable for Mayhem 10?: https://www. I personally like Kriegs the best even though I think that’s one ranked a bit lower by the community. Until now, most of my experience with her was using a Urad build. Jun 7, 2023 · That being said for the most part it is mainly just a list of the descriptions as they are depicted ingame, so if you want a more accurate representation I can highly recommend looking them up on the BL3 Wiki. Depends on your class mod. I use Revolter (on action Skill Start activate any effects that trigger on shield break or fill), with Shoulder Cannon and SNTL. I was the same as you, I played BL2 to death but stopped playing BL3 after the first DLC The Handsome Jackpot. Q. You did. With th First, congrats on your nice find. What are the best anointment to get as Amara? Please specify if the anointment is for shields or for weapons. SNTNL - Sntnl cryo on weapons, Sntnl movement on shield, OGT on grenade. Grenade anointments are : +25% dmg after throwing with weapons skills nates +. 125% splash is a good replacement. With the introduction of the final level cap increase, Gearbox Software thought this was the best time […] Consecutive hits is one of the best anointments right now on any character because you can stack it very fast since the dots from the weapons and your ASEs on grenades and shields also help. While Action Skill is active, Constantly trigger novas that deal “13678?” damage. I am running elemental / avatar amara with ‘fist over matter’. I don’t have season pass 2 so I don’t have the bear cub skill tree so I’m guessing a ASA anoit would be useless. CLONE - clone ammo regen on weapons. Also Guns, love etc is great dlc Note: Many Tediore guns can spawn with splash anointments, but only specific parts cause splash damage on reload (not the actual bullets). Maurice’s Black Market Location Guide – Borderlands 3. Here are the best shields in Borderlands 3. Oct 22, 2020 · These builds heavily depend on Zane’s clone and his Doppelbanger augment. When not using Blast Master or Green Monster, splash anointments are the best value. I just don’t know if one shot with the amp would be that useful. For fl4k anything ase For moze, if you're running a 1hp build, the 150% rad damage extra while under 50% health Same question as original poster, but for Zane. Used a pistol with cryo on next 2 mags alone, no other items or perks benefiting it. I’ve been using 300/90 but it doesn’t do as much as it used to I think. For character-specific ones, Zane's SNTL cryo, barrier crit damage, and clone damage. shotguns, smgs, ARs, etc). Hot Grease Shots 3 to 7 projectiles that deal Physical Splash Damage and Grease (Debuff) the enemy for 5 seconds. January 30, 2025. Greased enemies take small Physical Damage over time and are guaranteed to be Ignited. You name it! This will allow you to use another anointment to boost your damage further. Ik that headsplosion is the best sniper for moze because splash damage. You can't stack up to 500% bonus next 2 mags by spamming an action skill. com/playlist?list=PLAtRN-w8F i don’t like them at all. com/byrdman778Follow me on The Hellwalker, Major Kong, Monocle, etc. My Scoville (which was in a video and dealt terrific amounts of damage) deals not very much damage in my game and I have some weapons I can improve because they have anointments which don't fit Zane. 4 days ago · The Lyuda is a Vladof Sniper Rifle that acts like an Assault Rifle that needs to wind up. 26 votes, 14 comments. Some folks might prefer faster reload time (to keep up Consecutive Hits) and higher damage per bullet. One’s listed as on reload here are guaranteed to spawn with those parts. System Weapon Guide. Dominate the end game with these game-changing buffs. I guess consecutive hits or 100 ASE for Amara? I started farming again after returning to BL3 to replay Moze and check out Arm's Race and the new skill tree. I am farming minosaur for my consecutive hit anointment flipper (fire element) Apr 8, 2021 · Prior to this update, farming for a particular Legendary that has a particular anointment you want, was a nightmare. I picked up the Free Radical from Maurice's yesterday, and it's great. work best with consecutive hits annointment. This Anointment is the Best All Round Anointment currently in the game, equally good on all Vault Hunters and This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG from HoYoverse. com/byrdman778Follow me on In particular, the phasecast and phaseslam anointments add ridiculous amounts of damage. Monarch is probably the best candidate for it. Massively increased damage (+505%). Old. Sep 4, 2023 · This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 Ghast Call Grenade Guide. (This number can change based on Mayhem) Don’t worry out of the 20 or so runs I did today, those two I got were the only decent ones :-( Two that grant ase lifesteal and a few with phasecast, all other runs were dropping the polybius or ten gallon lol This is the subreddit for the Elden Ring gaming community. Hey guys i made a flare bear cryo moze and i’d like to know what os the best annointment for this build i tried s few but it… Just starting to cultivate my desired weapons with the best anointments and, in my logic, I always figured that 50% extra element damage ASE for the next two magazines was always significantly superior to any anointment that increased damage for "a short time". Edit: can be good to bridge action skill gaps, either way, for me I used to carry a good 300/90 Kaoson just in case, and I'm still looking for a replacement. Figured we should start listing what we find. It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source, but has an increased chance to drop from Road Dog located in The Splinterlands on Pandora. For Moze, auto bear active, and iron cub active. What would be a good anoint to roll onto the shield? My thought was the exit IB get 75% shields and health for 25 seconds to maintain the uptime of the shield and the bonus pellets. 403K subscribers in the borderlands3 community. The only guns worth having were Orange/Legendaries with a good anointment. That will stack with what is on the weapon even if its 50% incendiary on weapon as well. " I just tested this. Can we all agree that these two are one of the best parts of this game? (if not THE best part) It's so nice Seeing Hammerlock actually happy for once and Wainwright as well as having a badass voice is honestly one of the only bl3 characters that doesn't annoy me. What anointments for weapons and shields are best for a mind sweeper Moze build? So, recently I did a new play through of the game as a new Moze. Sep 23, 2024 · This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 Unkempt Harold Weapon Guide. February 1, 2025. With four (4) different Action Skill Trees to pick from – namely Bottomless Mags, Shields of Retribution, Demolition Woman, and Bear Mother – there are bound to be multitudes of unique in-game Moze builds that you are able to master throughout your journeys in Pandora. The while as is active, weapon damage is boosted by 200% is probably the most universally useful in the end. This is the subreddit for the Elden Ring gaming community. Your options are, for practical purposes, 300/90 and 300 Slam for non-driver. Q&A. Projectile spread assumes an inverted Jul 10, 2021 · Top 5 BEST ANOINTMENTS FOR ZANE! - BORDERLANDS 3Join my Discord! : https://discord. Oct 25, 2019 · The Bloody Harvest is a seasonal event where you will encounter Haunted enemies throughout the Borderlands 3 galaxy. Urad if youre not a splash build. Since you're using drone, keep in mind that if you've got SNTL cryo and you switch to another weapon you lose your extra damage, even if you're switching to another gun with the SNTL cryo anointment. , 2 50% damage on ASE as cryo from shield and grenade), so vary up your elements as much as you can. youtube. Contains: God Roll max-damage Card, best farming Location, Drop Rates, Elements, Variants, and more… Feb 26, 2024 · This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 Hellwalker Weapon Guide. List of Weapons that do Splash and can Roll Splash Anointments IMPORTANT. Hey guys! I still don't know really what Anointments I should use with my Clone-Drone-Zane. Weapon Build: Some guns perform better with a certain character or need a specific build to be viable on the higher Mayhem Levels. Comment what anointments and new gears and guns you’ve found in the new mayhem2. Contains: God Roll max-damage Card, best farming Location, Drop Rates, Elements, Variants, and more… 4 days ago · The Lyuda is a Vladof Sniper Rifle that acts like an Assault Rifle that needs to wind up. The event will last until 5th December and has new content that includes the following. Generally speaking though, the best anoints are going to boost either your weapon damage or elemental damage or boost your damage in some way, shape or form. May 7, 2022 · Today we are going to be taking a look at the best build for Moze in Borderlands 3. 300/90 is technically best damage, but it generally only applies to maybe a few shots. They count as different anointments because 1 is for "a short time" while the weapon version is for "the next 2 magazines. Reduced reload time (+35%). The best anoint for most weapons on fade away flak would be consec hits though because when stacked that’s 200% bonus damage. fandom. New. It's been fun up to here. i wish they didn’t even exist, i just really don’t like how unbalanced they are from character to character (looking at you amara) and that they can make or break a legendary that you want to use if you want the best of the best because they might be trash. Lurkshot Shotgun. This way you can stack the bonuses and be a destructive force. The Flipper, Rebound, Monarch, etc. Anointments - depends on the action skills. So players are farming not just for Legendaries, but Legendaries+Anointments. Also a free diamond key and cosmetics shift codes. Consecutive hits weapons work best with high rpm high pellet count weapons (e. So I started playing BL3 a few days ago and now I’m in Lvl 60 and I’m trying to make a Mayhem 10 build with Zane. Thanks, I'll definitely keep this in mind. It added 1997 cryo damage. elemntal dmg ase +1 nate after starting action skill +20% chance to get a Nate back when iron bear is active and gets hit 171 votes, 25 comments. As far as re rolling anointments depending on your build and what mayhem level you are playing it is drastically important imo. Best one IMO: 120% splash damage for 18 seconds. Vanquishers kick ass, and Cryo Mini Guns are some dope, niche weapons. Note: to the extent of my knowledge, any of these anointments can appear on any piece of anointment-valid equipment. 4 days ago · Best Borderlands 3 Anointments For Each Character. However, do remember that the anointments should play into your play style. Second, that anointment isn't really as good as it looks. Effectively this makes L+A guns the defacto tier above Orange. Every time I take a break things are different lol so just trying to see what I should be looking for Best anoints are probably action skill active and consecutive hits. The replay value is far superior to the long missions and sandbox stuff IMO. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! That annoint works best with high fire rate guns that you ideally don't have to reload all the time. But now I wanna try doing an infinite ammo/mind sweeper build. xpzzgm nwyyhov eapbc gtpui myejdsj vuydv ttxwidj bsveu cnfh lppys ijifz rhcj gqrmnh uba eths