Ark gestation speed command not working. 0 BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier=1.
Ark gestation speed command not working Posted by u/Unable_Deer_1197 - 22 votes and 32 comments The altar acts as a placeable item and when placed, it will require tributes as sacrifices in a similar manner to rhyniognatha gestation. There's always at least one not working (3 in the pic). Also, if you you set maturation similar too fast, even s+ mod's nanny cant keep up to imprint. But now the dodwyvern isn't spawning at all and I've waited like 4 nights. I've gotten the baby mature Dec 20, 2017 · Those commands don't really work at all. 0" and it doesn't work; i tried with "cheat slowmo 2. Hi there, some friends and i have a server, as we all have work and or family we do not always have a lot of time so we generally set speed up, but on eggs it seems not to work maybe a few here can tell if i missed some? Thanks for any help i can get on it. I don't have a lot of time to game so I had to speed things up. Oct 30, 2024 · ARK: Survival Ascended > General Discussions > Topic Details. Maturation Speed: 17 Cuddle Imprint Multiplier: 0. shootergamemode]" as the first line and the on the next line add the others. Do not see imprint percentage when I open their inventory. The Personal Computer. ini [/Script/ShooterGame. Due to server lag and game mechanics, the mating bar does not continuously update in real time. Once its trapped, move to within a few foundations of its hit box, and send the command. I mated two high level thylos gestation was still 40 minutes Posted by u/Inner-War-1834 - 2 votes and 5 comments Apr 22, 2024 · I am attempting to use the startup command -preventhibernation in my singleplayer world. But weather that is set true or false ALL other commands will not function. [Blueprint Path] - Each creature has a unique blueprint path. 5. Dev commands not working comment. Cool! thanks i will put the dino`s on no damage, gear up against freezing and try again. [Command] - The cheat command such as SDF, Giveitem or Summon. that your crosshair is over). Mar 4, 2018 · reapers are easy lol, get impregnated in advance, do the +75 levels, then just work it to what suitts you, remember if you log off the gestation stops, so for example during the week i usually play around 4 hours a night, so get pregnant on wednesday, do my level ups, usuallly about 3 hours off the gestation, play thursday, another 4 hours off, play for just under 5 hours on friday, log off my apes mated while they were on wandering to collect fiber. Been doing alot of breeding as of late and kind of crunched on time, so I've tried to find other ways. HELP! I have recently got a Nitrado server for Xbox. Cheat commands (indicated with a "cheat" prefix) can only be executed by players who have first Aug 1, 2020 · Mature speed at 20x Cuddle interval multiplier at 0. I type in the code, the game closes the console command UI like normal but no dino spawns in. Is there any way how to abort the gestation or stop it. Things such as baby dino maturity speed will only take affect on new dinos, not existing ones. Our imprinting times are not 4 hours 42 min, when the setting is 1 (8 hours prior) and Our taming speeds locked at 1. On the left menu, go to "expert settings" 6. i am kind of far away and my 3th bird died there so i am not going tame another one just to fly there :P It's hard to get the tame commands to work so i would summon in bear traps, large, and bolas, and use whats fitting for your tame goal. Be aware that some spawn codes require " " around the blueprint path to work. Dec 18, 2021 · The gestation monitor buff was added in the most recent patch; activate it and for 5 minutes you can go up to a pregnant live birth tame and their options will now include a gestation monitoring; turn that on and you can see the baby's levels & colors before birth. I've been trying to open the admin commands bar in ps5 menu, but it does nothing using L1 R1 Triangle Square. Jan 23, 2023 · Anyone ever ran into the issue with whistle commands not working on official with their character and maybe found a fix? I seem to have an issue where I can't whistle my dinos to go (passive, neutral, attack my target, etc). Just wanted to share this quick trick. Oct 28, 2023 · ARK: Survival Ascended > General Discussions > Topic Details. XXXXXX Link to comment Nov 1, 2015 · So I set the egg hatch speed multiplier to 999 and it didn't change the rate at which the egg incubates. Oct 31, 2023 · I've got a server hosted by Nitrado, and I'm trying to adjust the baby maturation settings so that me and my friends can raise dinos without having to clear a weekend schedule. They are ready to hatch. ShooterGameMode] MatingSpeedMultiplier=X. ) Make sure you have all the syntax correct in the . Not all settings are relevant for you though. statnames: Health (temporary), Stamina (temporary), Food, Oxygen, Water, Weight, Torpidity or Torp for short, Speed, Damage (Doesn't work yet). Unless you use "'Cheat slomo'" to speed up actual time itself, you unfortunately can't admin command breeding cool downs away. However, they will only mate with members of the same house (they must have the same 2-3 last letters in their names). Ok, so after playing around I've gotten 1 and only 1 command to work. ini file, add/change these lines. :/ Go to library (On Steam), right click ARK, properties, local files, browse local files. it is 2am in the morning and I need to sleep really bad. My friend joined my tribe and forgot to click join tribe. Jan 7, 2024 · On the dedicated server dos window you need to run the command "Exit" when shutting down the server. It shows your player's current position, some useful server info, key server configurations, a list of currently logged in players, a list of banned players, a list of whitelisted players, allows you to modify the MoTD, and shows you a list of a good amount (but not all) admin commands. 125 -Gatcha -Giga -Magmasaur -Theri -Yuti -Quetz Maturation Speed: 10 Cuddle Imprint Multiplier: 0. I have five GPUs connected and installed correctly (device manager confirms), but I rarely seem to have all five mining. Oct 31, 2018 · Wondering if anyone knows how to get gestation speeds upped for Dino's like equss(mammals) non eggs laying Dino's. But like others had said you will need to have the "[/script/shootergame. Oct 20, 2015 · C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor This is where the Game. It's best to test with new tamed dinos or wait until the server software checks the dinos again. Does anyone have any suggestions I could try? If it helps, the monitor seems to flicker a lot, and the PC lags Detailed information about the Ark command Slomo for all platforms, including PC, XBOX and PS4. 2) please note this will multiply based on your game/server egg hatch speed settings, for example if your server has an egg hatch speed setting of 10 and you set this number to 4. I'm playing single player and having an issue with metal nodes not respawning. side note: if you want it to be a useful reaper you want to get all 75 bonus levels for the child, which is doable by killing things during gestation. The default speed is 1. There's not much skill in waiting for a baby to hatch. [Creature ID] - Each creature has a unique code you can copy from above. Help needed. So any Ideas! I did get bAllowSpeedLeveling=True to work, but the Flyer speed command does not work. We initially added it onto the . I'm happy to at least be able to increase movement speed of my land dinos again. Edit: I reverted to a save before I used the "settimeofday" command, and the dodowyvern is back! Not touching that command again Hi, im new to ark and need some help. I've searched tons of threads and never really found one true answer. The command speeds up time in game. Tamed up an itchy in the hunt for pearls, then the Ark's occean is like "Nope, you're not welcome here, get out" Jan 3, 2018 · Hi all i play on unofficial server, i just got impregnated by a reaper queen, i went back to base and waited, so my belly looks pregnant, but then when the time went to 0:00, there was a second of animation and then no more, and since then my belly still looks pregnant and timer is still here but stuck on 0:00 Jun 5, 2015 · Ark Dev team need to add some type of message relay that lets the user know if the command successfully went through or not. Once your in the admin command part, simply paste the command in the line, then hit the ok button, hit the admin comand button once, and then it should take effect. 0 in the config then the temperature bonus will change your You don't necessarily need a PC to be a member of the PCMR. Find below a list of all admin commands from Ark: Survival Evolved. 1 This page is designed to be included in other pages using {{:Table of Mammal Breeding}}. ini file (with passwords removed): ------------ [/Script Milk is used on baby Wyverns and is acquired from knocking out a female wyvern, but has no impact on other creatures. This admin command instantly completes the incubation progress of the egg you are currently looking at (i. ini: (its the last few lines) ShowMapPlayerLocation=True GlobalVoiceChat HELP! I have recently got a Nitrado server for Xbox. Gestation will cut down if you change breeding multipliers ex) when ark grants official servers x2 breeding on rare occasions it will change gestation times from 12 hours to 6. As another person said though, egg hatch speed is the same as the gestation timer. I did this successfully twice. May 5, 2019 · Hey, I am playing with my friends in my server and I was trying to increase breeding and incubation, and I really can't. Not sure. If not fed the correct tribute within a certain time period it will drain durability by a third of the full altar health as well as summoning both the dreadmare and the creature from said craving. Mating interval (how often they mate): 1x ranges from 18hr to 48hrs. Eggs do not have an owner, so it's possible to steal eggs laid by other survivors' creatures. Oct 20, 2015 · Try a number like 40 at first just to see if it's working properly. Members Online I hate Arks occeans man. 0" and doesn't work too! HELP ME PLEASE Showing 1 - 2 of 2 comments Oct 26, 2015 · To speed up everything 10 times. This command could be very helpful in certain situations. ini and it isnt working fo You're able to set it to . BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier=0. If you are on single player/private server, you can adjust maturation speed, but make sure to also adjust imprint timer, so you can still get 100% imprinting. Nov 17, 2023 · I raise the babies, get 100% imprint. 01. High heels and just flirt a bit. I have also found I don't need to use admincheat only the word cheat followed by whatever it is I'm wanting to spawn in. Aug 5, 2022 · Pause the game, then bring up the admin command screen. I have placed both of the following in the gameusersettings. :: ARK: Survival Evolved General Discussions Of course setting it back to 1 will return you speed back to normal. MatingIntervalMultiplier=0. Did this code line change from ASE to ASA? and if it did did the "BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier" code line change as well? Jun 21, 2017 · On my server, those settings make breeding speeds about 1 hour from initial mate to full adult. . A place for all things about commands, command blocks and data-packs in vanilla Minecraft; to share, to question, to discuss, and more! Please read the pinned post before posting. ini and not the other one. Rex eggs now take over 3 hours to hatch. Did you change the setting before or after the gestation Because if it was after i don't think it might work either you have a backup before the gestation and change the setting or deal with it like i did Welcome to the Ark: Survival Evolved and Ark: Survival Ascended Subreddit And also stupid, I would love a setting where you can set the gestation speed Breeding is a feature of ARK: Survival Evolved that allows players to breed improved creatures through Eggs with non-mammals and gestation with mammals. 5 Mating Interval: 0. If you want to change the game speed you can input a numerical value at which you want the speed to be set. Note that existing dinos will not update immediately due to the way the ARK servers work. this doesn't help me. Bare with me please. Be aware the some spawn codes require _C after the Creature ID. I mated two high level thylos gestation was still 40 minutes Aug 2, 2017 · Some commands work (for example fly) and some dont (for example god mode or XP add) Anyone got an idea about that? edit: several tests and posts showed, that its NOT a misspelling or typo problem. I believe the problem may have had something to do with the xp extralife event happening but im not entirely sure. I've tried to set the imprinted player to me using SetImprintedPlayer. Those setting are in percent not times. Is there a way to do it, or a thing to put in my Game. Make sure you add the MatingIntervalMultiplier=. 0 Oct 20, 2018 · 2. So basically yes I can push the admin command button (it does say admin command) but nothing happens at all. this is how i have mine set up. Oct 28, 2023 @ 2:56pm Allow flyer speed leveling not working SO,I enabled the setting "speed Okay, so i have put an egg in the incubator and its meter has gone up to 100% already. These commands can be typed into the console to perform functions. Just gotta wipe after applying it. I found a fix on line where you go into spectator mode and speed up time, fly over the area you need to respawn and everything comes back. Total Rating N/A. shootergamemode] MatingIntervalMultiplier=1. You can raise them to 100% imprinting, guaranteed. Both do NOTHING, when entered, no frame jumps, up or down. I heard that the max you could set it to was 10 but even then it feels like it doesn't work or is just way too slow. 0 BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier=1. That only increases the speed by 10% not 10 times. Share; Posted December 17, 2019. I have changed their values on my bat file, hatch speed at 50 I think, mating interval st 0. Best way to double check is to go into the tames inventory and look at the imprint percentage line. Tried different values, the game does not respond AT ALL to these commands. ) Make sure you're editing the correct . Nov 5, 2023 · Anyone have an idea why this isn't working? I've entered the commands listed below, in to console via tilde key and enabled "command console" via ESC setting and entered it there as well. This site is not affiliated with Ark: Survival Evolved or Wildcard Properties, LLC. Am I missing something? Are they dead commands? Any insight will be appreciated! ANSWERS: So, thanks to darth_wikked & TodayIComment for their assistance in figuring out these commands. So, commands are functioning. When I go to check the code in the CC UI, the code is replaced with a bunch of asterisks. Put on a short skirt. Here is a copy of my GameUserSettings. Oct 25, 2015 · Here are the commands - I don't know if you can add them under [ServerSettings] or have to use the section break as outlined below: [/script/shootergame. 0 License unless otherwise noted. Anyways, the bat file change did nothing, I'm waiting Egg hatch/gestation speed (how fast they're born): 1x = 4h10m, same as above, adjust as needed. Other options from that file appear to work, and MaxPlayers appears to work when passed in as a command-line option. If you don't wanna adjust the rate, you can also just issue a slomo command . Does anyone knows about this problem? Let me know if u have the solution please! So I used the settimeofday command to skip through the next two nights (the day counter did advance 2 days). So this topic is about finding out WHY its not working besodes Apr 14, 2019 · Best way: Put on some make-up. I was trying to figure out how to add leveling of movement speed for players and critters. You can only spawn a lvl 1 dino from them. Our hatch speed setting is set to 20, and has been from day 1 from launch. Anyone can claim a Detailed information about the Ark command HatchEgg for all platforms, including PC, XBOX and PS4. 005 into the game. If you just want the dino, you could also spawn him, givetome, dinobabyage0 or smth like that, unclaim and claim it, but it wont give you the same kind of Reaper king the queen does, since there are like 5 different "reaper kings" species. ini file is that will need to be edited for single player. If not, then you may have copied it into the wrong Game. Breeding is a feature of ARK: Survival Evolved that allows players to breed improved creatures through Eggs with non-mammals and gestation with mammals. After I execute that command, I see the imprint percentage in the inventory, but no buff icon or when I go to Show Buffs. I even tried using the "admincheat SetImprintQuality 1" command and it only buff's the Health stat. Includes examples, argument explanation and an easy-to-use command builder. As of the past week, I am unable to enter spectator mode using the same command as before. 1 is 10x as fast (~2hr - 5hr) Jun 2, 2017 · Normally giga eggs take 50 hours to hatch. Just these ones don't seem to work. Oct 29, 2023 @ 9:27am can confirm, Single player flyer speed Breeding is a major feature of dinosaurs in ARK, it is possible to configure many options related to breeding in both the Game. r/ARK. I'm not 100% on that, because I only barely remember what I did to get it working, after trying literally everything. PS is there a way to make flying faster as flying is running speed i believe in this cheat mode :P I just want to build up my base in the snow area and then put all cheats off again. Oct 6, 2021 · i have been trying to get it to work but every time i select it it just unselects when I join a game Opens the admin manager GUI, which gives you easy access to a number of useful admin things. e. ini file 3. That will generate the game. I fixed it somehow. It was agreed we'd have taming speed increased to save on time so long as it wasn't overly fast. Welcome to the Ark: Survival Evolved and Ark: Survival Ascended Subreddit Members Online PSA: If you have Ark Omega on your server, your server has a backdoor. 31 Update 2: Now working in Version 171. Jan 7, 2019 · I have managed to change Grow Up Speed, Mating Cooldown and Hatching/Gestation Speed but the 1 thing I somehow can't get working is reducing the Imprinting Timer, anyone found out how to do that? I tried using the one from ARK but it doesn't seem to register it and it remains 8 hours regardless of my values. And they work, A typical dino is raised in about 2 hours with cuddle intervals of roughly 20minutes. ini it doesn't take any effect. Members Online instantrice is right its those 4 buttons for xbox then u have to enter your admin password and the word will change to say Admin commands and u enter the admin command you want. Now I'm completely clueless as to why some settings work and some don't. I've changed egghatching rate and from what I've read that's how you do it but still doesn't seem to be working. bat file, but that didnt work. I have a small pve server with several friends. You just have to love PCs. You don't necessarily need a PC to be a member of the PCMR. You can also just use cheat slomo 1 (default speed) or cheat slomo 1-15 (numbers between 1 and 15). Here are my settings for gestation. /Game. then, is there a command for "gestation to go faster? Jul 12, 2019 · Hi, i have been playing ARK for a long time and this hasnt happened to me before. Just increase it if you want faster gestation periods. i know the commands, I don't know which affects chestbursters. Worked fine yesterday. I don't want to spend hours sitting by an egg so if anyone has any words of advice that would be much appreciated :) May 12, 2018 · I can't seem to get the egg hatch speed or mating interval multipliers to work on my server. Im setting up an ark server and we want to breed dinos but for gestation and hatching takes a couple hours even though we have added the " EggHatchSpeedMultiplier=45" (We have also tried 5 times multiplier) to the server config. Now the server is currently set to 50 to see if there would be any adjustments and there has been none Override is an ini setting so wouldn’t really see it on console. We then added it under Server Settings in the GameUserSettings. I guess the only thing I can suggest is: 1. Use this potion to get that baby out of a pregnant creature! Pages that were created prior to April 2022 are from the Fandom ARK: Survival Evolved wiki. When i do a local game in wich im the admin, i can open the command box and do things pressing TAB, but time after when i press TAB its just doesnt work anymore. 5 is half speed (9-24hr), 0. Dec 30, 2022 · Taming and breeding creatures in ARK: Survival Evolved is an important task. 001 in the settings menu right on ark single player? I'm on console and I thought . But when looking in ASA's server configs on Nitrado, I can't find those settings. Nov 21, 2021 · is there any way to speed up the mating process (not interval, im talking about the mating progress bar) # . If it happens you wanted to abort your reaper gestation, for example in my case found a better stats queen and wanted to get impregnated with new one, simply die and don’t spawn your survivor until after server save (which happens every 15 min), then spawn and you’d find gestation gone. I was really hoping to get rid of these ugly ass pixelated clouds and an Save the configuration file then restart your ARK server. 0 in the config then the temperature bonus will change your [4], The stat-calculator does not work in the mobile-view, see here for alternatives: Apps. Other settings like max dino level to level 150 works just fine. You can find their This console command in Ark Survival Evolved will allow you to speed up, or slow down the speed of the game. ini and all other files with it in the folder with the GameUserSettings. I’m not familiar at all with console version of game but came up with it from reading about it. Use the filters to filter commands that don't work on consoles, cheat commands, target commands and by category. Here's the settings I found work best for 150 Mature speed and 100% Imprint (WITH Yesterday update 32 went live for us on Xbox, and seems it broke several things. Assuming you have a windows computer, go to local disk, program filesx86, then to steam, then steam apps, common, Ark, Shooter Game, Saved, Config, WindowsNoEditor, and then click on the thing called "Game" It should be TLDR; The command console key isn't working on PC (and it's bound correctly), and I don't know how to prevent the issue or fix it without restarting my game. 000000 or something 7. I am using the correct enablecheats and addexperience commands, they simply dont work. 0625 Baby imprint amount multiplier at 100 It gives fast, but not instant maturation, 30 min imprint timer, and one imprint to get 100%. Also checked the commands "god" and "fly" and they function as well. Server commands for breeding/gestation Does anyone have this, i've been looking for this for like 45 minutes and i can't find it, we're just trying to change the gestation/hatching time and the time it takes them to grow up by 3x. ini file (I know there are multiple), and it should be found under the WindowsNoEditor folder, which is in the config folder. Oct 20, 2015 · I use the command "slowmo 2. Newborn creatures are simply claimed (imprinted on) and Jul 31, 2019 · I see a lot of people Asking if you can force hatch eggs and every single person gets the "No, but you can speed up time/ Cheat setbabyage" I just want 2 point out that this is 100% False. Dino's mate around every 5 minutes. ini file 4. This console command sets a specified stat to a specified value for the creature, structure or player behind your crosshair (your target). 01 was the lowest you could go? Reply reply Dec 30, 2024 · The first thing I would ask is, are you mating new creatures or waiting on the old ones? The number is not retroactive, it will not affect the cooldowns on creatures which mated before the config was added. I remember in survival evolved the settings to do it. He can no longer go back to his old tribe, and when he died and came back or spawned in, he created a new tribe of the same name. Oct 27, 2023 · I got berated on the discord for asking there, so I'll try asking here. 5x (should be 2) Oct 28, 2023 · But changing this causes my Nitrado server not to work and restart constantly. Somewhere on the list (line 151 for me) there may be a category of "TamingSpeedMultiplier=x". It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart! Join us in celebrating and promoting tech, knowledge, and the best gaming, study, and work platform there exists. Unpause the game and resume. ini and GameUserSettings. Protip, type the command, and hit enter, then trap the tame and just hit tab, up arrow, enter and done. Reset Ark, hard reset xbox… Jul 28, 2021 · BonusHatchSpeed affects the temperature bonus incubation speed and can be changed to any number (default 1. So sounds like it may have just started speeding up? We're playing on a dedicated private server, and we're trying to put in the egg hatching/mating interval/maturation speed multipliers on the server but they're not working. I do see the imprint percentage when I cryo them. Do not add section headers or other elements that depend on page flow. Daiki. I am not sure if it works on Gestating Mammals I have not yet Tested it. Nov 29, 2015 · My friends and I all play one a private server together that one of us is paying for. Dec 17, 2019 · ARK Trader Rating. I did read the parents get on a rampage. I added the settings to the server config, but still does not seem to be adjusting The official subreddit for ARK: Survival Evolved and ARK: Survival Ascended Not an official support channel. Is it something with the server settings with the BabyCuddleInterval or the MatureSpeed? Please let me know. BonusHatchSpeed affects the temperature bonus incubation speed and can be changed to any number (default 1. BabyImprintingStatScaleMultiplier=2. The server is still listed with a maximum of 70 players. 075. Below is a table that provides each option relating to breeding, taming and hatching. ) Posted by u/Peacelovefleshbones - 2 votes and 2 comments Oct 28, 2023 · ARK: Survival Ascended And I does NOT work on flyers. However, the process of taming, hatching and breeding can take a long time. 0125. With this setting the lower the number the faster dinos can mate. ) Make sure you save the changes before trying to launch Ark again. 6 ; Thank You ! Detailed information about the Ark command SetStatOnTarget for all platforms, including PC, XBOX and PS4. This command sets the speed multiplier of the game, allowing you to speed it up or slow it down, 1 is default/normal speed. Oct 20, 2015 · I don't get how people are having problems. Newborn creatures are simply claimed (imprinted on) and do not require the usual taming processes associated with wild creatures. I am adding this command to a world I created without it, so I've used cheat destroywilddinos after adding it. Originally posted by Blaksmith: In your Game. And when I go in to summon one the console command doesn’t work. Posted by u/Strict-Radio-6273 - 1 vote and 20 comments (if it's a walking dino, it would get the movement speed buff too but it doesn't I tried it on a baby anky). 0 0 0. 0 Welcome to ARK: Survival Ascended Reddit Community! Here we will discuss upcoming updates, guides, tips & tricks, tribe recruitment, trades and many other ARK related content. Maurits. Oct 30, 2024 @ 2:44am fly command doesn't work on my nitradoserver. I enter the command into the onscreen keyboard, hit enter, and then the text just disappears. Nov 19, 2023 · Tried and true. Page content is under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike 3. ini file in it. Setplayercheat true/false I can get that to work. It works for other creatures but I can’t seem to spawn in what I want. :/. I have a server set up, and the MaxPlayers option doesn't appear to be working when used from the GameUserSettings. Just on players and non flying tames. This will instantly Hatch any egg. 0. It will only affect newly mated creatures. BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier=25. I have reset my keybinds, verified game files, died, transferred servers and everything seems to be working normal. Initially we started with a low number like 3 but we really didn't see a notice at all to the taming process. The official subreddit for ARK: Survival Evolved and ARK: Survival Ascended Not an official support channel. I have heard confirmation that the console command works. Put command in both inis and set it to like 70 for both also put a command in that disabled events. EggHatchSpeedMultiplier=25. Ensure the expectant mother has access to plenty of food during gestation to avoid losing the baby. Mar 8, 2020 · A few things to keep in mind. For example cheat Slomo 2 would make the game run twice as fast. Update: Still not working, even after update 171. From there go to: Oct 20, 2015 · hello my name is wantedman19 i need help ark for gestation time i got in my game folder i don't know the commands in my single player world can you help me? [/script/shootergame. I click the egg i want to hatch like i have been told, and then i go over to "hatch egg" and it does not spit my tame out in front of it. The command is simply slomo, followed by some m Hello there! So I have been playing Ark for a bit and I recently got Ark for my Switch. Feel free to post and ask your questions. The Admin Command is Cheat hatchegg. This is a multiplier so lower numbers make it faster. 0 EggHatchSpeedMultiplier=1. Hope it helps! Lay Egg Interval: 0. If you set all such instant you may end up having babies spawn so fast you cant keep up and crash your game. Nov 6, 2023 · similar problem with my own private steamcmd server is settings such as baby imprint intervals, hatch speed, mature speed, even with all settings saved properly in GameUserSettings. I am trying to use the settings on their to speed up gestation, sex intervals, egg hatching and baby growth speed. ini file. Replace C; with the letter of your hard drive. below here i have a copy of how its listed in GameUserSettings. You still have to put in some time, but not your whole life. ) Make sure you've completely exited out of the Ark client 2. I have seen many-a-guide to do this and have made 100% sure it's in it's proper place, (Properties>General>Launch Options) with proper spelling and that it stays in the box when i close Steam. 5. Make that number like 50. ini? The Slomo command is used to control the speed of the game. If this is not working what will happen if the child is born and dies because of starvation. Archived post. ini, and found multiple posts to say not to add it there. We have also written a nice blog article about taming. HELP ME PLEASE! Gestation Speed. Help would be greatly appreciated. No matter what number I put it does not seem to make a difference… Ex. I got all settled down(I’m on the island) and i decided that I wanted to fight a Wyvern just for the lols. EDIT: Oh wait a minute, you said the SPEED multiplier not the INTERVAL multiplier, my bad. XBox player here, GmSummon codes not working for me. i am now going to experiment with the cuddle speeds. Will just wait for a mod to fix, or for this command to be usable in a future update. ini files. 0 Egg Hatch Speed: 99. It's a gestation/incubation period just like any other creature's Also I believe the correct setting has to be enabled before the baby born/claimed otherwise it defaults to whatever your previous maturation speed/cuddle multiplier was. 0. 0 Oct 26, 2020 · cheat setstatontarget statname value. awswztg hjg ubkfgi danpk wwfirty edqgm enlnoj nhhkf fqkt gyfg rpge bmslx prvi oivs fbqotv